

时间:2023-07-11 20:40:26 文/孙小飞 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com

英语学习计划作文 篇1

  As the winter vacation is drawing near,I have a plan about my vacation.I am going to do what I want to do.I am going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term.After finishing all my homework.I am going to enjoy myself in the sea of konwledge.Reading must be a good idea.I am going to keep fit at the same time.I will get up early in the morning everyday and play sports.I really love speats.Besides that,Eating a balanced diet is also good for my healthy.

英语学习计划作文 篇2

  The new term is coming, so I think I should make a school schedule for myself. In the morning, I will read English texts to improve my spoken English. In each class, I will listen to the teachers carefully and make notes. After school, I will come back home on time and do my homework at once. After supper, I will go over what I learned in the day time and prepare for the tomorrow‘s classes. This is my school schedule

英语学习计划作文 篇3

  To learn English from listening, speaking, reading and writing four aspects to start, actually only to do some practical application of English, I think anyone would fall in love with it some difficult language, if we imagine, you can communicate with a foreigner is very confident, how cool! I insist on learning English now power comes from the embarrassment, completely in the face of the foreigner to ask the way, but completely don't understand what he said. May be difficult at first, but once you can insist on a week, after almost can become a habit of learning English, English ascension is very natural.

  Listening: listen to a hearing, poor foundation, start from the slow VOA, I can recommend the above website is/are very, very rich resources of hearing. Side listen when must concentrate, cannot listen to the hearing, the in the mind is thinking about other things, that have no effect. And to strive to understand everything, just began to listen to don't understand, first listen to a few times and then look at subtitles, finish see subtitles, to listen to a few times. Why do you repeat? Only when a word, after you listen to a lot of times, you can hear it, in the next to react at once.

  Said, speaking is a also said that difficult difficult, said easily is also very easy. When you listen to the hearing, just follow to read, to imitate its tone. Repeated read, who is li Yang!

  Reading: read, accurately fast is the key to understanding the meaning of the article. A reading is based on the number of words, there are not enough words is painful not to enjoy reading. So you have to force of memorizing words. More than 20 is not every day, we can see six words. But the word back will forget, who is always the same. One study found that: the greater the number of words the faster people memorizing words. So this is a process of accumulation. Encountered in common in the process of listening and speaking, not the words are found out, the next youdao dictionary, is very nice, put no words in the youdao dictionary

  The words of this, he will remind you to review the words in time according to the your memory curve, regardless of how hard words, this a few times to review, you can remember it completely.

  Writing: the first three steps to persist, writing is not difficult, at this time, express their ideas in English has become a very simple thing.

英语学习计划作文 篇4

  Make A Study Plan

  As a middle schoolstudent, my study burden is heavier than before. Therefore, I must make a goodplan for my study to make the effort effective and set sometime aside forplaying. Firstly, I will make a big plan for this term and set a goal for it. Iwant to be the top three of my class in the final exam, so that I must workhard for it. In addition, I will make plans for several short periods, such as monthlyplan and weekly plan. By doing so, I can clearly know what my major task ofdifferent. Finally, daily plan is necessary, too. Write down my tasks for every day and finish them strictly. Remember not put tasks until tomorrow. With thesedifferent plans, I can arrange my time reasonably and get sometime to play.


  作为一名初中生,我的学习负担比以前更重了。因此,我必须给我的学习制定计划从而使努力更有效果,制定学习计划 同时腾出一些时间去玩。首先,我会为这学期制定一个大的计划并设立目标。我想要在期末考试中取得前三名,所以我必须为之努力。其次,我会制定几个短期的计划,比如说月计划和周计划。这样一来,我就能够清楚的知道我主要的不同的任务是什么。最后,每日计划也是必要的。写下我每天的任务并严格完成它们,记住不要把今天的任务留给明天。有了这些不同的计划,我就可以合理的安排时间,并抽出时间来玩。

英语学习计划作文 篇5

  1, Insist every day, make full use of all available time to learn English. No persistence study and will do a lot of security, everything is empty talk.

  Article 2 a day, dictation, this article as the center, to start a day's study.

  3, Five were to practice listening, speaking, reading and writing, and give priority to in order to hear.

  4, QiuZhi not quantity, the dictation of the article thoroughly understand is sufficient, don't lie, big dishonest. Solid, step-by-step, is the only way to learn English well.

  5, The spare time to make full use of to learn English, again and again.

  6, Dictation is a good way to learn English, to continue to strengthen.

  7, Early to bed and early to rise to learn English.

  8, Hold a set of teaching material is enough, don't blindly the replacement of materials.

  9, Study English every day must have a detailed practical plan, must resolutely implement, without any excuse.

  10, Believe in yourself, will be able to learn English well.

英语学习计划作文 篇6

  Dear Linda,

  I’m very glad that you’ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn’t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it’s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What’s more, you’d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day.

  Above all, you should be confident in yourself(有自信) and don’t give up(放弃)whenever you meet with difficulty(遇到困难)。 I’m sure you will succeed through(通过…而成功) your hard work.

  Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China.


  Li Hua


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