

时间:2023-07-23 16:49:46 文/阿林 资料北考网www.beiweimall.com

  An inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch of time. Time is money, time is money... These quotes are from a different Angle, pointed out that the precious of time, the importance of time, we should cherish the time.

  So, cherish the time to do? Is the shop? The Internet? Play? Or... In fact, a wise man will only to cherish my time on study.

  For example, our great chairman MAO, he is a cherish the time, study hard, while when he was in a haircut, a haircut, reading documents, books, etc. He is always not miss a bit of time.

  If we can put all the time like chairman MAO, our study result can certainly to the next level.

  If we don't like chairman MAO, put all the time in learning, then, for the family, you are a white elephant, for society, you are a dangerous goods. Why do you say so? If a student is not the words of my time on study, study result will decline, in the future, when I grow up, the dream of going to college is not achieve them, so as not to become a country of useful talents, in order to be able to live in this world, sometimes even to steal, to rob, go to... In this way, our society will be peaceful?

  So we should cherish the time, study hard!








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