

时间:2023-07-23 14:31:43 文/王明刚 祝福语北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Good afternoon ladies and gentleman,

  Today is a special day. I’m very excited to stand here to share this moment with you and give my best wishes to this mew couple. It’s too sweet of them to let me be the bridesmaid. As their best friend, I want to say Lucy, you look amazing today. And John, you are a lucky dog. You will marry the best woman in the world. I hope your love last forever!

  I still remember the time we in school. John and I were best friends. One day, he came to tell me that he was attracted by a girl---Lucy. He said he fell in love with her at the first sight and cannot help himself. Then I had a chance to meet Lucy and I dare to say Lucy is the most sunshine girl I have never seen before. So I encouraged John just followed his heart and told Lucy his feeling. After John did, they fell in love with each other and passed through about 9 years. Sometimes they felt confuse and sorrow, but they never give up. Thank you you too show me the pure love in the world and let my life meaningful!

  Another surprise! Today we also get a father and a mother for ready. Lucy is pregnant for 4 months. So today is not two, but is three people become one family! John, I quite sure that you’ll be a good husband and a good father. I hope you can hold Lucy’s hand, love her, protect her. I also believe you’ll have a brilliant, sweet and stable life.

  Once more, let’s give our best wishes to this mew couple! God bless you! Cheers!


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