

时间:2023-07-20 19:17:43 文/莉落 祝福语北考网www.beiweimall.com

  First, turn left, turn right; go to the East, go west; North South run, run, walk out of a door, pause for a second,facing the sky, make a wish, all your dreams come true, you do not believe, don't believe it.

  Two, don't be sad, don't be sad, there was a handsome guy he was you, he stood at the window of you, you go and let him in, he'll make you happy, if you want to ask me who he is? The ghost will tell you. Happy halloween.

  In three, when October 31st comes, I wish you good as charming as demons, eyes like a banshee attractive, like the godsamazing ability. Haha, happy halloween. This is me tonight for you a blessing.

  In four, I fear, now give you a message, come with me, you receive the message will come, I am in your home east of acurtain behind the monument, while I arrange a kid to pick you up. Don't scared to death - - - - - - happy halloween.

  In five, I have to eat a meal, today if you don't ask me out to dinner, I will turn into a devil to find you. If you areafraid, so to give you a chance, in your mobile phone input " Happy Halloween " five words to the one you love the most,so I let you go. I wait for.



  三、当10月31日到来的时候,我祝 你身材像魔鬼一样迷人,眼神像女妖一样诱人,本领像神灵一样惊人。哈哈,万圣节快乐。这就是我今晚送给你的一份祝福。




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