

时间:2023-07-12 20:04:05 文/马振华 主持词北考网www.beiweimall.com

Ladies and Gentlemen:

  welcome to xx china night, i am the hostess for today.here, i’d like to say thank you to all the experts and scholars being present,thank you for joining the activity.as it is known to everyone ,the chinese culture enjoys a long history with chinese kongfu,peking opera and acrobatics glittering and shining in every corner of the world. on the splendid stage tonight ,we will dedicate you a series of excellent performances and sure we will venture together into the mysterious chinese culture.

  red,known as the symbol of happiness and celebration, had brought the charm and strength od chinese culture into all parts of the world .today, we will start our china night with a fantastic chinese traditional dancing.

  wow, the red color silk on the stage just now was really full of the spirit of china.well,when talking about chinese culture ,peking opera is always what we can’t miss. differs greatly from the operas in european countries, and having been developing for more than 200 years,peking opera established itself on the basis of hui troupe opera and han melody, and is now one of the most popular form of performance in the world. it fascinates millions of audience with magnificent costumes and colourful masks. well, right now,we will show you an episode in xiyouji .because the monkey king stole and ate the gold peach and stole the gold_dan of lao jun, jade emperor appointed heaven soldiers to arrest the monkey king .the monkey king defeated them and won in huaguo mountain. let’s welcome the monkey king and enjoy peking opera.

  the monkey king is really fierce, his performances make me feel dizzy. well, i think now everybody can see this bamboo thing on my hand, right, this is the traditional chinese toy, diabolo. in the old times, when the spring festival came, children played with the diabolo ,listening to its melodious sound and celebrating the coming of chinese new year.next, outstanding performance from china acrobatic troupe , who are all golden lion prize winner,will dedicate you a splendid show of diabolos. please welcome performances with your warmest clapes.

  well, i think after enjoying the show ,all our guests in the audience must have the intention to try the diabolo. today, we will offer you an opportunity only comes once a life time ,to learn how to play this mysterious toy from these performances. if you want to challenge yourself ,please put up your hand.

  thank you so much for joining us. we have a gift for you two.well,of course it isn’t the biabolo of our actresses, but a beautiful kite.hope it will bring you a graceful mood, makes you fly up high.

  in chinese culture ,acrobatics is another form of art that attracts people all over the world .it combines the characteristics of superb skills and graceful dancing.in the coming show the actresses who are from china acrobatic troupe will perform kicking bowls on the high unicyle .during the performance, riding on a high wheel barrow,she will kick up a pile of bowls with single foot to accurately fallen on her head, from one kicking with one bowl to one kicking with five bowls ,she can also kick little things such as cup and spoon to fallen in the bowl on her head accurately and inerrably .how can she achieve all this? let’s see.

  i was really nervous while staring at her just now, but she just finished it perfectly! if it was me on the stage , i think cleaners sure will be busy to collect patches of the bowls. only joking. just like the play we watched, peking opera tends to perform famous historic stories that every chinese is familiar with.next we will bring another famous story to you,emperor li hongji and imperial concubine yang made an appointment to drink and enjoy flowers in hundred_flower hall. imperial concubine yang had drunk but the emperor still not came, she was very worried complained, and had to drank and enjoyed flowers by herself to dispel stuffiness.

  it seems the concubine is really gloomy,but tonight we are sinking in happy atmosphere. anyway,let’s invite the performances of chinese acrobatics troupe again to show us the fabulous contortion.

  years before, there’s a hot hollywood movie name face changing, i think you ‘ve all seen that.in sichuan provice ,china , there is a famous folk art form named “face changing”,too, it is the mask illusion .the performer can change clothes and masks at the same time without any stunt .lights on, music start, our make illusion master is coming, please keep your eyes opening and gazing every thing.

  when we were watching the performance of traditional stages, always admire the amazing clothes, from tang suit to han clothes, the evolvement of ancient clothes which testified the movement of chinese history.


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