

时间:2023-06-13 20:12:39 文/王明刚 中考北考网www.beiweimall.com


1. 上家政课____________________________ 2. 在阅读周内看杂志_________________

3. 一周两次上历史课____________________ 4. 在每堂课将近结束时_______________

5. 这个词的含义________________________ 6. 向某人讲述你理想的学校___________

7. 暑假的长度__________________________ 8. 帮我了解新学校的一切_____________

9. 学习怎样做饭和缝纫__________________ 10. 在8年级________________________

1. have Economics lessons 2. read magazines in the reading week

3. have history lessons twice a week 4. near the end of each class

5. the meaning of the word 6. tell sb about the ideal school

7. the length of the summertime 8. help me all about the new school

9. learn how to cook and sew 10. in Year 8



1.处于危险中________________________ 2.照顾___________________________

3.看起来好吃________________________ 4.花时间做某事___________________

5.活着______________________________ 6.拿走、取走_____________________

7.在将来____________________________ 8.独自___________________________

9.无处居住__________________________ 10.为取得皮毛而杀害它____________

1. be in danger 2. look after

3. look delicious 4. spend..doing

5. stay alive 6. take away

7. in the future 8. on ones own/ by oneself

9. have nowhere to live 10. kill it for its fur


1. Do you know the_____________(重要) of English study?

2. The teacher looked at the boy______________(生气地), because he kept talking in class.

3. Inner Mongolia is in the ____________(北) part of china.

4. He wants to save many ____________(濒危的) wild animals.

5. Its____________(不正确) to hunt or fish in zhalong nature reserves.

6. We dont like to make the ____________(不诚实)friends.

7. A lot of____________ (观光者)come to the Great Wall every year.

8.There is going to be a ____________(暴风雪)tonight.

9.The hotel always _____________(提供)good service for all kinds of people.

10.Its_______________(不可能)for them to pass the exam , because they dont work hard.


1. importance 2. angrily 3. northern 4. endangered 5. incorrect

6. dishonest 7. tourists 8. snowstorm 9. provides 10. impossible


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