

时间:2023-07-21 08:11:58 文/莉落 致辞讲话北考网www.beiweimall.com


  I am Seabow,president of this company.

  First,I would like to express to all of you here our sincere welcome.

  As you all know,our company is one of the big names and has a long tradition.I think you must be proud of being a part of such a great company.But we cannot afford to depend on tradition alone.We need new blood like you to make our company greater and stronger.You are equipped with new knowledge,new ideas and new insights.Donot waste them,but use them while they are flesh.

  I want you to work,but not just for our company.I want you to work for yourself,and for the well-being of the society.

  I would like to welcome you once again,and from today,let us begin to work together.


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