

时间:2023-06-03 06:40:08 文/刘莉莉 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


1.What's your favourite fruit?

2.How heavy is he?

3.What are you going to do tomorrow?

4.What did you do yesterday?

5.Where does your brother work?

6.Which bag do you like?

7.How tall is your father?

8.What are you going to do next weekend?

9.Where were you yesterday evening?

10.Who is your math teacher?

11.How can I get to the zoo?

12.What does your sister do?

13.How tall are you?

14.What's the matter with you?

15.What did you do yesterday?

16.How did you go to the hospital yesterday?

17.What's your favourite season?

18.How heavy are you?

19.What's your hobby?

20.Where did you go last Monday?

21.Where is the zoo?

22.What's the weather like in spring?

23.How tall are you?

24.What's your hobby?

25.What do you usually do on the weekend?

26.What's your favourite fruit?

27.How heavy are you?



We have two new students in our school. They areMike and Sue.


They look the same, but they are not twins.


Sue is American. She is twelve. She is in Class Four.


She has a little sister. She often looks after her sister.


Mike is English. He is twelve, too. He is in Class One.


He likes football very much. Mike and Sue are good friends.



( ) 1. Ray was walking on the beach one summer day.

( ) 2. A boy was drowning, but Ray went away.

( ) 3. Ray jumped into the water and saved the boy.

( ) 4. Crowds of people were watching eagerly.

( ) 5. At last, the boy was saved.

答案 I. 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T

II. Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A. B. C or D.

II.听短文,选择问题的答案A.B. C或D。

( ) l. A. An old man. B. Ray.

C. A little boy. D. No one.

( ) 2. A. When he was walking on the beach.


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