

时间:2023-06-07 15:33:18 文/孙小飞 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



1. Tom likes playing ________ football very much.

A. /     B. an     C. the     D. a



2. — Mum, I'm hungry.

— There ________ some biscuits on the table. Enjoy them, please.

A. is      B. are      C. has     D. have


【解析】本题考查固定句式及主谓一致。there be为固定句型,意为“有……”。根据句中主语biscuits可知,be动词应使用复数形式。故选B。句意:— 妈妈,我饿了。— 桌上有些饼干。请吃些吧。

3. — Where are Lily and Lucy from?

— ________ are from the USA.

A. Ours    B. We    C. Theirs    D. They


【解析】本题考查人称代词辨析。ours意为“我们的”;we意为“我们”;theirs意为“他/她们的”;they意为“他/她们”。根据问句及语境可知,此处应填入代词代指问句中的“Lily and Lucy”,应使用人称单词的第三人称复数形式。故选D。句意:— 莉莉与露西来自哪里?— 她们来自美国。

4. As we all know, the Changjiang River is the ________ river in our country.

A. long     B. longest    C. high    D. highest


【解析】本题考查形容词最高级的用法。根据空前the可知,此处应使用形容词最高级,排除long与high。the longest意为“最长的”;the highest意为“最高的”。此处形容“the Changjiang River”(长江),用“最长的”符合逻辑。故选B。句意:众所周知,长江是我国最长的河流。

5. In the end, Mr Song came up ________ a good method to solve the problem.

A. for     B. at    C. in    D. with


【解析】本题考查固定搭配。come up with为固定搭配,意为“想出,得出”。故选D。句意:最终,宋先生想出了一个解决问题的好方法。

6. — Do you know the boy ________ is talking to Mr Zhang?

— Yes. He is our monitor.

A. which     B. who    C. whose     D. whom


【解析】本题考查定语从句的引导词。句中先行词the boy为人,且该引导词在从句中充当主语。故选B。句意:— 你认识那个正在与张老师谈话的男孩吗?— 认识。他是我们班长。

7. My bike was broken yesterday, so I ________ walk home.

A. might     B. had to     C. must     D. could


【解析】本题考查情态动词辨析。might意为“或许,可能”;have to意为“不得不”,强调因客观条件导致不得不做某事;must意为“必须”,强调出于主观条件必须做某事;could意为“可以,有能力”。根据前半句“My bike was broken yesterday”可知,“我”是因为自行车坏了所以不得不走回家。故选B。句意:昨天我的自行车坏了,所以我不得不走回家。

8. — Excuse me, ________ is Xuefeng Park from the hotel?

— It's about twenty minutes by bus.

A. how much       B. how soon

C. how far          D. how often


【解析】本题考查疑问代词辨析。how much意为“多少(钱)”,用于提问价格或不可数名词的数量;how soon意为“多快”,用于提问速度;how far意为“多远”,用于提问距离或路程;how often意为“多久……次”,用于提问频率。根据答句“It's about twenty minutes by bus.”可知,问句询问的是距离。故选C。句意:— 不好意思,请问从酒店到雪峰公园有多远?— 坐公交大概需要20分钟。

9. Mr Liu is a wise man, and he often gives us a few ________.

A. suggestions       B. advice

C. hobbies             D. knowledge


【解析】本题考查名词辨析。suggestion意为“建议”;advice意为“建议”;hobby意为“爱好”;knowledge意为“知识”。根据空前a few可知,此处应选用可数名词的复数形式,故排除advice与knowledge。根据前文“Mr Liu is a wise man”可推知,此处用“建议”符合逻辑。故选A。句意:刘先生是位智者,他常常给我们提供建议。

10. — Dad, would you please ________ a brighter light in my bedroom?

— Certainly.

A. put in         B. hand out

C. hand in      D. put out


【解析】本题考查动词短语辨析。put in意为“把某物放进……;投放”;hand out意为“派发”;hand in意为“上交;缴纳”;put out意为“扑灭;发行”。根据空后的“a brighter light”可知,此处用“放进……”符合逻辑。故选A。句意:— 爸爸,请问你能在我房间里安一盏更亮的灯吗?— 当然可以。

11. — Do you know Sunshine Town very well, Mr Chen?

— Sure. I ________ here since I was born.

A. has lived          B. lived

C. have lived        D. lives


【解析】本题考查动词时态。根据空前I(我)可知,此处动词应使用第一人称,故排除has lived与lives。由句中since可知,此处动词的时态应为现在完成时。故选C。句意:— 陈先生,您是不是很了解阳光城?— 是的。我自打出生就住在这里。

12. ________ useful dictionary it is! I want to buy one.

A. What     B. What a     C. How    D. How a


【解析】本题考查感叹句式。由What引导的感叹句用于修饰名词或名词短语,其句式为“What+(a/an)+(形容词)+名词+主语+谓语!”,由How引导的感叹句用于修饰形容词、副词或动词,其结构为“How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!”,该句修饰名词dictionary,故选用what引导的感叹句,且该名词为辅音开头的单数名词,故需用冠词a。故选B。句意:真是本有用的字典啊!我想要买一本。

13. — Thank you for showing me how to travel online.

— ________.

A. No problem

B. Of course not

C. It doesn't matter

D. My pleasure


【解析】本题考查交际用语。No problem意为“没问题”;Of course not意为“当然不”;It doesn't matter意为“没关系”;My pleasure意为“我的荣幸”。当对方表示感谢时,常用“My pleasure”作为回应。故选D。句意:— 谢谢你教我如何线上旅行。— 荣幸至极。

14. — Sandy, do you still remember ________ the Palace Museum?

— Yes. About five years ago.

A. when we visit

B. when do we visit

C. when we visited

D. when did we visit


【解析】本题考查宾语从句的语序。宾语从句语序为陈述句语序,且由答句可知该处动作发生于过去。故选C。句意:— 桑迪,你还记得我们什么时候参观了故宫博物院吗?— 记得。大约五年前。

15. Just as the saying goes, "________." If you keep practising speaking English, you'll be better at it.

A. Practice makes perfect

B. Burn the candle at both ends

C. It never rains but it pours

D. Many hands make light work


【解析】本题考查习语。Practice makes perfect意为“熟能生巧”;Burn the candle at both ends意为“劳累过度”;It never rains but it pours意为“祸不单行”;Many hands make light work意为“人多力量大”。根据后半句“If you keep practising speaking English, you'll be better at it.”可推知此处表“熟能生巧”。故选A。句意:常言道:“熟能生巧”。假如你坚持练习英语口语,你会说得更好的。  



When Helen Keller was 19 months old, an illness left her deaf, dump (哑巴) and blind. At the age of five, she began to realize that she was different from other people. Her family members could    16    with their mouths, but she couldn't talk with her mouth. Sometimes she stood between her parents and touched their    17   . She could not understand their words, and she could not make any meaningful sounds    18   . She wanted to talk, but no matter how she tried, her family members could not understand her. This made her very angry. Finally, her parents decided to ask Dr Bell for    19   .

So just before Helen's seventh birthday, with the help of Dr Bell, her parents hired a private    20    — Miss Sullivan for her. Miss Sullivan was careful to teach Helen, especially she taught Helen those subjects that she was    21    in.

One morning, Miss Sullivan carried a cup in her hand and she took Helen to the pump house (水泵房).    22    was pumping water (用泵打水) there. Miss Sullivan led Helen to the pump, put the cup in her hand, and let Helen    23    it under the spout (水泵嘴). Helen's first impulse (冲动) was to throw the cup away. But she liked the feeling when the cool water flowed down over her hand into the    24   . So she held it there, smiling a little.

Then Miss Sullivan held Helen's other hand and began to    25    the word W-A-T-E-R on it. Over and over again.    26    at first, then faster. Suddenly Helen dropped the cup. She stood there quietly, hardly    27   . Inside her mind, a new idea began to spin round and round.

"W-A-T-E-R! W-A-T-E-R! This lovely, cool thing. W-A-T-E-R?" She wildly groped (忙乱地摸索) for Miss Sullivan's hand. Her trembling (颤抖的)    28    began to spell the word on Miss Sullivan's hand, W-A-T-? she didn't finish spelling the word W-A-T-E-R, then she felt that Miss Sullivan agreed with her by patting (轻拍) her on the shoulder. Helen was    29   ! That was "water"! For the first time in Helen's life, she "talked" with another person in this    30    way! Miss Sullivan's eyes were wet as she cried, "Helen, you're right! You've got it!"

16. A. drink          B. talk             C. eat                D. bite

17. A. mouths       B. eyes            C. noses            D. cars

18. A. himself       B. yourself        C. myself           D. herself

19. A. food           B. wealth          C. help               D. trouble

20. A. teacher       B. worker          C. driver            D. writer

21. A. rich             B. interested     C. successful     D. strict

22. A. Someone     B. Everybody    C. Anyone          D. Nobody

23. A. find             B. hold             C. break             D. collect

24. A. bottle          B. plate            C. bowl               D. cup

25. A. spell           B. read             C. say                 D. explain

26. A. Easily         B. Carefully      C. Slowly             D. Heavily

27. A. breathing     B. dancing       C. laughing         D. singing

28. A. arms           B. fingers         C. legs               D. knees

29. A. polite          B. friendly        C. honest            D. right

30. A. special        B. modest        C. tidy                D. common





16. 本题考查动词辨析。drink意为“喝”;talk意为“说”;eat意为“吃”;bite意为“咬”。根据空后“... but she couldn't talk with her mouth.”(她不能用嘴说话)可知,该空同样表示“说话”。故选B。句意:她的家人可以用嘴说话,但她却不能。

17. 本题考查名词辨析。mouth意为“嘴巴”;eye意为“眼睛”;nose意为“鼻子”;car意为“汽车”。根据前句中“... talk with their mouths.”(用嘴说话)可知,此处应选用指触摸父母的嘴。故选A。句意:有时,她站在父母之间并触摸他们的嘴。

18. 本题考查反身代词辨析。himself意为“他自己”;yourself意为“你自己”;myself意为“我自己”;herself意为“她自己”。句中主语为she,其反身代词形式为herself。故选D。句意:她不能明白父母的话,她自己也发不出任何有意义的声音。

19. 本题考查名词辨析。food意为“食物”;wealth意为“财富”;help意为“帮助”;trouble意为“麻烦”。根据第二段首句中“... with the help of Dr Bell.”(在贝尔医生的帮助下)可知,此处表“帮助”。故选C。句意:最终,他的父母决定请求贝尔医生的帮助。

20. 本题考查名词辨析。teacher意为“老师”;worker意为“工人”driver意为“司机”;writer意为“作家”。根据第二段第二句中“to teach”可知,此处表“教师”。故选A。句意:她的父母给她聘请了一位私人教师——索丽雯女士。

21. 本题考查固定搭配。be interested in为固定搭配,意为“对……感兴趣”,符合语境。故选B。句意:索丽雯女士很耐心地教导海伦,尤其是那些海伦感兴趣的科目。

22. 本题考查不定代词辨析。someone意为“有人,某人”;everybody意为“所有人,每人”;anyone意为“任何人”;nobody意为“没有人”。根据语境可知,此处表“有人”。故选A。句意:有人在那里抽水。

23. 本题考查动词辨析。find意为“找到”;hold意为“拿着,持着”;break意为“打破”;collect意为“收集”。根据语境可知,此处表“拿着”。故选B。句意:索丽雯女士把海伦带到水泵处,把杯子交到她手里,并让她拿着水杯在水泵嘴下接水。

24. 本题考查名词辨析。bottle意为“瓶子”;plate意为“盘子”;bowl意为“碗”;cup意为“杯子”。根据第三段第三行中“put the cup in her hand”(把把杯子交到她手里)可知,此处表“杯子”。故选D。句意:但是她喜欢那种凉水从她的手上流到杯子里的感觉。

25. 本题考查动词辨析。spell意为“拼读,拼写”;read意为“阅读”;say意为“说”;explain意为“解释”。根据句中“W-A-T-E-R”可知,此处表“拼读”。故选A。句意:然后,索丽雯女士握住海伦的另一只手,开始在上面拼写单词W-A-T-E-R。

26. 本题考查副词辨析。easily意为“轻易地”;carefully意为“小心地,谨慎地”;slowly意为“缓慢地”;heavily意为“重重地,沉重地”。根据句中“... then faster”(后面更快)可推知,此处表开始是“慢慢地”。故选C。句意:一开始缓慢,而后更快了。

27. 本题考查动词辨析。breath意为“呼吸”;dance意为“跳舞”;laugh意为“笑”;sing意为“唱歌”。根据句中quietly(静静地,一动不动地)可知,此处表“几乎没有呼吸”。故选A。句意:她静静地站在那里,几乎没有呼吸。

28. 本题考查名词辨析。arm意为“胳膊”;finger意为“手指”;leg意为“腿”;knee意为“膝盖”。根据句中“... groped for Miss Sullivan's hand”(忙乱地摸索到索丽雯小姐的手),以及“... spell the word on Miss Sullivan's hand”(在索丽雯小姐的手上拼写出单词。)可知,此处选用“手指”符合逻辑。故选B。句意:她颤抖的手指开始在索丽雯小姐的手上拼写这个单词。

29. 本题考查形容词辨析。polite意为“礼貌的”;friendly意为“友好的”;honest意为“诚实的”;right意为“正确的”。根据文章倒数第二句中“Helen, you're right!”(海伦,你答对了!)可知,此处表“正确的”。故选D。句意:海伦是正确的!

30. 本题考查形容词辨析。special意为“特殊的”;modest意为“谦虚的”;tidy意为“整洁的”;common意为“普通的”。根据句中“For the first time in Helen's life ...”(海伦此生第一次……)以及语境可知,此处用“特殊的”符合逻辑。故选A。句意:这是海伦有生以来第一次用这种特殊的方式和另一个人“说话”!




Here is the 6-day weather report in Suqian, Jiangsu Province.

31. What's the weather like on Wednesday, July 1?

A. Mostly Sunny.         B. Partly Cloudy.

C. A. M. Showers.         D. P. M. Showers.

32. The highest temperature appears on ________.

A. Tuesday    B. Monday    C. Saturday     D. Thursday

33. The humidity on Friday, July 3 is ________.

A. 92%    B. 85%    C. 79%    D. 87%





31. 细节理解题。根据图表第三行可知,7月1日周三的天气为“Partly Cloudy”(部分阴天)。故选B。

32. 细节理解题。根据图表最后一行可知,最高温31℃出现在周六。故选C。

33. 细节理解题。根据图表倒数第二行可知,周五的湿度为87%。故选D。


The Chinese kite is a symbol of the Chinese handicraft (手工艺品). Flying a kite is a very popular activity in China. In spring, large numbers of people gather in the squares or parks and fly beautiful kites there.

A philosopher (哲学家) called Mozi was said to be the inventor of the Chinese kite. His invention had the bird's name of "Yuan", a kind of bird of the hawk (鹰) family with a long tail. He made the kite out of wood. Later, his student Lu Ban improved it and made the kite out of bamboo.

With the development of papermaking, paper was introduced into the kite making. The kite got the name "Zhi Yuan", as "Zhi" in Chinese means paper. And during the Five Dynasties period, people tied the bamboo whistle (哨子) to the kite. When the kite was flying, the airflow (气流) could make the whistle sound like Guzheng playing. So the kite carried the name "Fengzheng".

From then on, making and playing the kite became very popular in Weifang, Shandong Province. Every year in spring, when the weather became warm, almost every family went out to fly the kite and have a picnic on sunny and windy days. It was an exciting folk activity and a good time to display various beautiful kites. At the same time, they also enjoyed the warm weather and fresh air. The tradition has been well kept until today and has become the world-famous Weifang International Kite Festival, which is held from 20th to 25th in April every year.

Flying a kite in spring does people much good. For example, it is a good way to reduce the backache (背痛) . Besides, when people fly a kite, it can help them forget their stressful (压力重的) situations and reconnect (再连接) them to nature.

34. From the second paragraph, we can know that "Yuan" is ________.

A. a bird's name

B. a kind of shape

C. a symbol of stress

D. an inventor's name

35. How long does Weifang International Kite Festival last every year?

A. 5 days.              B. 6 days.

C. 7 days.              D. 8 days.

36. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. A lot of ways of making kites.

B. Some advantages of flying kites.

C. The dynasties of making kites.

D. The good places of flying kites.





34. 细节理解题。根据第二段第二行中“... a kind of bird of the hawk (鹰) family with a long tail.”可知,鸢是一种鸟的名称。故选A。

35. 细节理解题。根据第四段末句“... which is held from 20th to 25th in April every year.”可知,潍坊国际风筝节每年持续6天。故选B。

36. 段落大意题。A项意为“有很多制作风筝的方法”;B项意为“放风筝的一些好处”;C项意为“制作风筝的朝代”;D项意为“放风筝的好地方”。根据末段内容可知,该段主要介绍了放风筝对人的好处。且末段首句(该段中心句)中的“does people much good”(对人有很多好处)也证明了这一点。故选B。


Antarctica (南极洲) is at the southern end of the Earth. It is the coldest, driest and windiest place on our planet. What would it be like to live and work there?

On Oct 15, 50 Chinese researchers took a ship named Xuelong 2 from Shenzhen to Antarctica. Xuelong 2 is the first icebreaker (破冰船) made in China. It took two years to build Xuelong 2. It is reported that Xuelong 2 is one of the world's best research icebreakers.

Chinese researchers have been to Antarctica 35 times. Because of its unusual environment, researchers from around the world have been going there to do study (研究) for many years. Some studies can only be done in Antarctica. For example, there is little air pollution there. This makes it easier for scientists to study the weather, atmosphere (大气) and stars.

The study of Antarctica's geology (地质) is also important. Rocks in Antarctica can tell us what the weather was like long time ago, and help us understand how the Earth has changed over time. There are also many wild animals, such as penguins (企鹅), seals (海豹) and birds. Scientists can learn how animals live in cold places by studying them.

Xie Zhouqing is a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China. He was part of China's 15th research trip to Antarctica. He said, "Life in Antarctica is not easy. It is tiring and sometimes dangerous, but it is still quite fun." He also said, "I studied how penguins walk, what they eat, and why they move from one place to another. I was excited to see the cute animals playing around. I hope my studies can help protect them."

37. What can we know from the first three paragraphs?

A. Antarctica is at the northern end of the Earth.

B. There is plenty of air pollution in Antarctica.

C. Xuelong 2 is the first icebreaker made in China.

D. Chinese scientists have been to Antarctica 45 times.

38. What does the underlined word "it" mean in the fifth paragraph?

A. Life in Antarctica.

B. Rocks in Antarctica.

C. Fun in Antarctica.

D. Danger in Antarctica.

39. What can we infer (推断) from the passage?

A. The weather in Antarctica hasn't changed over time.

B. Xie Zhouqing mainly studied geology in Antarctica.

C. Chinese researchers have done many studies in Antarctica.

D. The study in Antarctica can't help protect penguins and seals.

40. Where does the passage probably come from?

A. A storybook.

B. A cooking guide.

C. A film review.

D. A science magazine.





37. 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“Xuelong 2 is the first icebreaker made in China.”可知,雪龙2号是首艘国产破冰船。故选C。

38. 指代判断题。根据划线词前一句“Life in Antarctica is not easy.”(在南极洲生活并不简单)可知,此处it指代“Life in Antarctica”(南极洲的生活)。故选A。

39. 推理判断题。A项意为“南极洲的天气没有随时间而改变”;B项意为“谢周庆主要研究南极地质”;C项意为“中国研究人员在南极做了很多研究”;D项意为“在南极洲的研究不能帮助保护企鹅和海豹”。根据最后一段谢周庆的话可以推断出他研究的方向是生物在南极是如何生存的,而不是研究南极的地质情况,B项表述错误。根据第三段第一、二句“Chinese researchers have been to Antarctica 35 times. ... researchers from around the world have been going there to do study for many years.”(中国科研人员已前往南极洲35次。……各国的研究人员已在南极洲进行了多年的研究。)可知,中国研究人员在南极做了很多研究,其余两个选项在文中均无提及。故选C。

40. 文章出处题。A项意为“故事书”;B项意为“烹饪书”;C项意为“影评”;D项意为“科学杂志”。根据文章内容可知,该文主要介绍南极洲的科研工作及生活,因此可推知文章出于科学杂志。故选D。


"Well, I'll eat the cake," Alice said. "If I get taller, I can reach the key on the table. And if I get smaller, I can go under the door into the garden." Then she finished the cake very soon.

"I shall be as tall as a house in a minute," she said. She tried to look down at her feet, and could only just see them.

Just then her head hit the ceiling (天花板) of the room. She was now about three meters tall. Quickly, she took the key from the table and hurried to the garden door. But she was too tall to go through the door. She began to cry. The tears (泪水) ran down her face, and soon there was a large pool of salt water all around her on the floor. Suddenly she heard a voice, and she stopped crying to listen.

"Oh, the Duchess (公爵夫人), the Duchess! She'll be very angry! I'm late, and she's waiting for me. Oh dear, oh dear!"

It was the White Rabbit again. He was hurrying down the long room, with a pair of white gloves in one hand and a fan in the other hand.

Alice was afraid, but she needed help. So she said in a low voice,"Oh, please, sir —"

Her voice frightened (使惊恐) the Rabbit. He dropped the gloves and the fan, and ran away quickly.

Alice picked up the gloves and the fan. The room was very hot, so she cooled down with the fan. She said, "Oh dear! How strange everything is today! Shall I get smaller during the night?"

She began to feel very unhappy again, but then she looked down at her hand. She was wearing one of the Rabbit's white gloves. "How did I get it on my hand?" she thought. "Oh, I'm getting smaller again! I'm already less than a meter tall. And getting smaller every second! How can I stop it?" She saw the fan in her other hand. "It must be the fan!" she thought, and quickly she dropped it.

She was now very, very small, and the key was still lying on the table.

"Things are worse than ever," thought poor Alice. She turned away from the door, and fell into salt water, right up to her neck. At first she thought it was the sea, but then she saw it was the pool of her own tears.

"Oh, why did I cry so much?" said Alice. She swam around and looked for a way out, but the pool was very big. Just then she saw an animal in the water near her. It looked like a large animal to Alice, but it was only a mouse.

"Shall I speak to it?" thought Alice. "Everything is very strange here, so perhaps a mouse can speak."

Then she began, "Oh, Mouse, do you know the way out of this pool? I am very tired of swimming."

But the mouse looked at her with its little eyes and said nothing.

"Perhaps it doesn't understand English," thought Alice. "Perhaps it's a French mouse." So she began again, and said in French, "Where is my cat?" (This was the first sentence in her French book.)

The mouse jumped half out of the water and looked at her angrily.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" cried Alice quickly. "Of course, you don't like cats, do you?"

"No. I don't like cats," the mouse replied.

(Adapted from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland)

41. What did the White Rabbit drop when he heard Alice's voice?

A. The cake and the fan.

B. The cake and the key.

C. The gloves and the fan.

D. The gloves and the key.

42. How did Alice feel after the White Rabbit ran away?

A. Bored          B. Excited.

C. Unhappy.     D. Curious.

43. What is the correct order of what happened to Alice in the story?

a. Alice fell into the salt water.

b. Alice ate up the whole cake.

c. Alice met a mouse and spoke to it.

d. Alice took the key and hurried to the door.

A. b-a-d-c      B. c-b-d-a

C. c-d-a-b      D. b-d-a-c

44. What can we learn from the story?

A. The key was taken away by a French cat.

B. The fan made Alice get smaller and smaller.

C. The mouse couldn't speak French or English.

D. The White Rabbit was waiting for the Duchess.

45. Which of the following is the best title for the story?

A. The White Rabbit's house

B. The ceiling of the room

C. A cute mouse and a lazy cat

D. Alice's strange experience





41. 细节理解题。根据第七段第二句“He dropped the gloves and the fan ...”(他的手套和扇子掉了)可知,白兔听到爱丽丝的声音后手里的手套和扇子掉了。故选C。

42. 细节理解题。根据第九段首句“She began to feel very unhappy again ...”(她又开始感到不快起来)可知,白兔跑开后,爱丽丝变得不开心。故选C。

43. 排列顺序题。根据文章内容可知,爱丽丝先是吃掉了蛋糕,再拿了钥匙并跑到门前,然后掉到了自己的泪水(咸水)里,最后碰到了老鼠并跟他对话。因此正确顺序为b-d-a-c。故选D。

44. 推理判断题。A项意为“钥匙被一只法国猫拿走了”;B项意为“扇子使爱丽丝变得越来越小”;C项意为“这只老鼠既不会说法语也不会说英语”;D项意为“白兔正等着公爵夫人”。根据第七段第七句至第十句“And getting smaller every second! How can I stop it?" She saw the fan in her other hand. 'It must be the fan!'”(我每一秒钟都在缩小!我怎么停止缩小呢?她看到了另一只手里的扇子,心想“肯定是因为扇子!”)可推断,扇子让爱丽丝身体缩小了。故选B。

45. 文章主旨题。A项意为“白兔的家”;B项意为“房间的天花板”;C项意为“可爱的老鼠和懒猫”;D项意为“爱丽丝的奇幻经历”。根据文章内容可知,该文主角为爱丽丝,主要介绍了她的一次奇幻经历。故选D。



46. People all over the world hope for        (和平).


47. The little boy is        (害羞的), so he seldom speaks in public.


48. The couple are having a quiet life in a        (村庄) far away from the city.


49.        (百) of books are sold in this bookstore every month.


50. Students should        (归还) these magazines to the library before this term is over.


51. Beijing Daxing International Airport is one of the        (奇迹) of the modern world.


52. Daniel wishes to d       up as a Superman at Halloween next year.


53. To our s      , the two-year-old boy can find his way home alone.


54. Gulliver saw many       (very small) people in front of him.


55. The old man is so        (not strong) that he can't look after himself well.



56. I would like        (invite) Betty to my birthday party.

【答案】to invite

【解析】本题考查固定搭配。would like to do为固定搭配,意为“想要做某事”。故填to invite。句意:我想要邀请贝蒂来我的生日派对。

57. My cousin will go to university for        (far) study.



58. Linda        (sleep) on the bed when the doorbell rang.

【答案】was sleeping

【解析】本题考查动词的时态。本句为时间状语从句,遵从“主过从过”原则。故主句中动词也应使用过去时。根据引导词when(在……时)及语境可知,本处表示当从句的动作发生时主句正在进行的动作,主句动词应使用过去进行时。故填was sleeping。句意:门铃响起时,琳达正在床上睡觉。

59. The flight        (cancel) because of the bad weather last week.

【答案】was cancelled

【扩展】was canceled

【解析】本题考查被动语态的用法。flight(航班)与动词cancel(取消)间存在被动关系,故此处应使用被动语态。根据句中时间状语last week(上周)可知,此处应使用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was cancelled或was canceled。句意:上周由于糟糕的天气,航班被取消了。

60. Karl Marx began to learn another foreign language in his        (fifty).


【解析】本题考查固定用法。“in one's+基数词复数形式”为固定用法,意为“在某人……多岁时”。故填fifties。句意:卡尔·马克思在他五十岁时开始学习一门新的外语。

61. At weekends, I'd rather        (stay) at home, surfing the Internet.


【解析】本题考查固定用法。would rather后接动词原形,意为“宁愿做某事”。故填stay。句意:周末的时候,我宁愿待在家上网。

62. Wu Jing is a well-known        (direct). He is popular among film lovers.



63. Most young people get used to        (pay) with Wechat or Alipay.


【解析】本题考查固定搭配。be/get used to doing为固定搭配,意为“习惯做某事”。故填paying。句意:大多年轻人习惯用微信或支付宝付款。

64. At present, smart mobile phones are        (wide) used in our daily lives.



65. Please remember that nothing is        (possible) if we put our heart into it.




66. 为了保持健康,我们最好一周运动至少三次。

To keep healthy, we had better exercise        three times a week.

【答案】at least

67. 后天我爸爸要去南京出差。

My father will go to Nanjing        the day after tomorrow.

【答案】on business

68. 中国历史悠久,有许多名胜古迹。

China has a long history, and it has many       .

【答案】places of interest

69. 课堂上Mr Black对Justin的回答满意,表扬了他。

Mr Black        Justin's answer and praised him in class.

【答案】was satisfied with

【扩展】was pleased with/was happy with

70. 我的笔友Bob一到我的家乡就爱上了这个地方。

My penfriend Bob fell in love with my hometown       he came here.

【答案】as soon as



What good language learners do

There's no such thing as being born "good at languages". However, some people can learn languages well. It only has something to do with their attitude (态度) and the way they learn languages.

Good language learners aren't afraid to take risks.

A friend of mine can speak English, French and some other languages. I asked her what was the most important thing in learning a language. She answered at once, "Courage."

Good language learners face the fear of making mistakes, but they are not afraid.

Good language learners are actively involved (投入) in learning process (过程).

Good language learners take responsiblity (负责) for their own learning. They create chances to use the language. They know practice is very important. They do not expect to learn the language only in the classroom. They look for creative ways to try out what they have learned.

Good language learners are good detectives.

Good language learners are always looking for clues to help themselves understand how the language works. They make guesses and ask people to correct them if they are wrong. They compare what they say with what others say. They record what they have learned and think about it.

Good language learners try to think in the language.

Good language learners prefer to think in the language. Though thinking in the language may not be easy at first, it is worth cultivating (培养). To help them think in the language, they can carry on with a dialogue when walking along, sitting on a bus, or taking a break from other studies. Use the language whenever and wherever they can.



【答案】71. taking    72. courage

73. learning      74. chances/opportunities

75. what     76. good    77. works

78. compare   79. think    80. whenever


71. 根据第一个小标题“Good language learners aren't afraid to take risks.”(好的语言学习者不会害怕冒险)可知,此空应使用动词take。根据空前介词of可知,此处动词应使用动名词形式。故填taking。

72. 根据第二段第二句、第三句“I asked her what was the most important thing in learning a language. She answered at once, 'Courage.'”(我向她请教语言学习中最重要的是什么。她毫不犹豫地回答到:“勇气”)可知,语言学习中最重要的是“勇气”。故填courage。

73. 根据第二个小标题中“... actively involved in learning process.”(积极投入学习)可知,该空答案为learning。

74. 根据第四段第二句“They create chances to use the language.”(他们会努力创造机会使用语言)可知,该空应填入表示“机会”的名词。故答案为chances或opportunities。

75. 根据第四段最后一句“They look for creative ways to try out what they have learned.”(他们会寻找创新的途径验证所学知识)可知,该空答案为what。

76. 根据第三个小标题中“good detectives”(优秀的“侦探”)可知,该空答案为good。

77. 根据第五段第一句中“... understand how the language works.”(理解语言的运作机制)可知,该空答案为works。

78. 根据第五段倒数第二句“They compare what they say with what others say.”(他们会把自己所说的与别人所说的作比较)可知,该空答案为compare。

79. 根据第四个小标题中“try to think in the language”(尝试用该语言思考)可知,该空答案为think。

80. 根据文章最后一句“Use the language whenever and wherever they can.”(尽可能随时随地应用该语言)可知,该空答案为whenever。




1. 词数90左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。

The summer holiday is coming. Here's my plan for it.


I think if I carry out this plan, I will have a colourful and meaningful summer holiday.



The summer holiday is coming. Here's my plan for it.

First of all, I plan to lead a healthy lifestyle. I will go to bed and get up early, eat healthy food and exercise regularly. Second of all, I'm going to read every day, develop new interests and relax appropriately. Also, I will do housework diligently, care for others and serve the community. What's more, I plan to visit my grandmother, who is living so far away from me that I don't get the chance to see her a lot. Last but not least, I will finish my homework on time and get ready for the new semester.

I think if I carry out this plan, I will have a colourful and meaningful summer holiday.



文章可分三部分进行撰写。第一部分总领全文,简要介绍想要表达的中心思想;第二部分针对具体的规划进行详细描述;第三部分总结全文,适当表达个人感想。行文时,可适当运用连词,如first of all(首先),then(然后),last but not least(最后),and(同时)等,增强文章的条理性与逻辑性。


plan to do(计划做某事);lead a healthy lifestyle(保持健康的生活方式);develop new interests(发展新兴趣);what's more(此外);get ready for(准备好)


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