

时间:2023-06-16 23:49:12 文/秦风学 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


Neuroscientists' opinions about the brains of birdshave changed.


In humans and other mammals,the roof of theforebrain has evolved into the cerebral cortex, astructure responsible for flexiblelearning andreasoning.


Early neuroanatomists thought that the forebrainroof was small and simple in birds, with itsforebraininstead being dominated by structures in its base, called the basal ganglia.


Without anelaborate forebrain roof, it seemed that birds couldn't be very smart.


Recent research shows that birds are a lot smarter than scientists once thought.


To give just afew examples, the New Caledonian crow can manufacture and use tools.


The African grey parrotcan learn to classify objects into categories, and the Florida scrub jaystores food in dozens ofcaches and can remember their locations for future use.


It turns out that neuroanatomists had it all wrong about bird forebrains.

结果是神经解剖学家 对鸟类前脑的研究完全错误。

During more than 300 million years of separate evolution, the forebrain roofs of birds and ofmammals each grew largerand more elaborate, but in different ways.


Airplanes are amazing. How does something so big and heavy get off the ground? I’m alwaysamazed at how the millions of different parts work together. Travelling by airplane is always a wonderful experience. I don’t care whether economy class is cramped and has no space. I like playing with the in-flight entertainment system, especially now they have all the latest movies. I also love airplane food. Many of my friends say it’s disgusting, but I love it. I often ask the passenger next to me if I can have the dessert or roll they don’t want. The only thing I don’t like about planes is turbulence. When the airplane hits those air pockets, I always worry we’ll crash. But I once read that turbulence has never caused an airplane to crash.


When you eat a fatty food, it moves through thestomach andon to the intestines.


In the intestines, a number of processes occur totransfer fat from the foodto special fat cells in yourbody.


First, the gall bladder produces bile that breaks thefood's fat droplets into smaller droplets.


Next,the pancreas secretes enzymes that attack the fat droplets and break them down into twoparts:fatty acids and glycerol.


This happens because fat droplets are too big to pass through cell membranes.


The broken downfat is absorbed by the cells lining the intestine, where it is reassembled intofat molecules andeventually shuttled into the bloodstream with the help of lipoproteinparticles.


For the most part fat is stored in the fat cells that compose fatty tissue.


Think of a fat cell as a tinyplastic bag filled with a drop of fat.


Interestingly, fat cells do not multiply.


The body contains a finitenumber of fat cells that expand as they absorb fat.


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