

时间:2023-06-05 05:04:31 文/黄飞 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



What color does the woman like?




D)None of the above.

Whom does the woman want to speak to?

A)Dick Green.

B)Mr Caron.


D)Mr King.

What is the woman going to do?

A)Make a phone call again next morning.

B)Ask the man to pass her message.

C)Call again in the afternoon.

D)Talk to the teacher by herself.

How often does the train start?

A)More than ten minutes.

B)Twenty minutes.

C)Less than 30 minutes.

D)More than 30 minutes.

How is the woman going to Hong Kong?

A)By plane.

B)By train.

C)By bus.

D)By ship.

What day is the girl talking to the boy?

A)On Friday.

B)On Saturday.

C)On Sunday.

D)On Monday.

What does the girl ask the boy to do?

A)To wear school suit.

B)To wear old clothes.

C)To plant trees.

D)Both B and C.


第一部分 听力部分

一、 听力测试(共三节,满分25分)



Text 1. How often do you exercise?

Text 2. Where did you go on vacation?

Text 3. What do you think of the Voice of China ?

Text 4. Did you go online with anyone?

Text 5. Who is the most hard-working in you class?



Text 6

W: Who's your best friend, Molly?

M: Peter. Because he likes to do the same things as I do.

Text 7

M: Claire,what kind of dance are you learning?

W: Oh, swing dance. I like it very much.

Text 8.

M:Hey, Tina. Where did you go on vacation?

W: I went to the mountains with my family.

Text 9.

M: Can you come to my party tomorrow, Alice?

W: Sorry, I can't. I have to visit my grandparents.

Text 10.

M: May I go online now?

W: No way. Homework first.

Text 11.

M: Grace, did you buy anything special for your father?

W: Oh, yes. I bought him a hat.

Text 12.

W: Do you want to watch a talk show, Jack?

M: No, it's meaningless. I only want to watch the Voice of China. It's interesting.




Text 13

W: Hello, Hill Restaurant .May I help you?

M: Hi, my name is Tim Clark. I'm calling about my bag. I had lunch at your restaurant today, and I think I left it there.

W: What color is it ,sir?

M: It's blue. I really hope you have it.

W: Oh, do you have anything important in it?

M: No, there is nothing in it. I bought it before lunch. It's a gift for my sister's birthday.

W: Hmm. Can you hold on for a second? I'm looking in our lost and found box now. …Aha, your bag is here!

M: Thank goodness! I'll come and get it at six . Is that OK?

W: Sure, sir. Your name again, please?

M: Tim Clark

W: T-I-M Tim ,C-L-A-R-K Clark?

M: That's it. I'll be there at six. Thanks

W: You 're welcome


Text 14

M: Hi, Helen. Long time no see.

W: Hi, Rick. Yes, I was on vacation last month.

M: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting?

W: Yes, I went to Guizhou with my family.

M: Wow! Did you see Huangguoshu Waterfall?

W: Yes, I did. It was wonderful! We took quite a few photos there. What about you? Did you do anything special last month?

M: Not really. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax


W: Which subject do you like best at school?

M: Computer studies.

W: Why?

M:I can work fast and also get a lot of useful things on the web. When I'm tired ,I can play games on it.

W: Do your classmates like the subject?

M: Yes, more boys than girls like the subject.

W: Why don't many girls like computer?

M: It's hard to say. Most of them like art and languages.

W: I like computer studies but I don't like computer games. I feel the computer is helpful for my study.


One day a little boy came into a fruit shop. He had five dollars and want to buy some apples. He said to the shop assistant, "Give me apples for five dollars, please."

When the shop assistant gave him the apples, the boy counted them and felt very surprised. Then he said , "Last Friday, my mother bought apples here for five dollars, too. Why did you give me fewer apples?"

"Don't ask questions ,boy. I have no time for your questions."

"Excuse me, sir," said the little boy, but …"

"It's all right, my boy." said the shop assistant. "Don't you know? The fewer apples you get, the less fruit you will have to carry."

"All right," said the boy, and he gave four dollars to the shop assistant. He was just going to leave the shop when he heard the words, "Come back! You must pay me five dollars."

"That's OK" said the boy,. "Don't you know? The fewer dollars you get, the less money you will have to count."



6. What does the boy want to be?

A. An athlete. B. A doctor. C. A scientist.

7. When will the train leave?

A. At 8:30. B. At 8:50. C. At 9:00.

8. How is the weather today?

A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.

9. Why does the boy want to be a basketball player?

A. He wants to make money. B. He likes playing basketball.

C. He wants to be famous.

10. Can the girl take some snacks to the party?

A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can’t. C. We don’t know.



11. Who is going to have a party?

A. Susan. B. Mary. C. David.

12. When is Mary going to have a test ?

A. This Sunday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Tuesday.


13. What does the man think of going to Harbin?

A. Too far and boring. B. Near but boring. C. Near and interesting.

14. Where will they go for vacation?

A. To Harbin. B. To Shanghai. C. To Beijing.


15. What will happen if the boy doesn’t clean his room?

A. His mother won’t let him go out. B. His mother won’t let him watch TV.

C. His mother won’t let him go to bed.


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