

时间:2023-06-08 11:08:56 文/黄飞 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



6. What does the boy want to be?

A. An athlete. B. A doctor. C. A scientist.

7. When will the train leave?

A. At 8:30. B. At 8:50. C. At 9:00.

8. How is the weather today?

A. Rainy. B. Sunny. C. Cloudy.

9. Why does the boy want to be a basketball player?

A. He wants to make money. B. He likes playing basketball.

C. He wants to be famous.

10. Can the girl take some snacks to the party?

A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can’t. C. We don’t know.



11. Who is going to have a party?

A. Susan. B. Mary. C. David.

12. When is Mary going to have a test ?

A. This Sunday. B. Next Monday. C. Next Tuesday.


13. What does the man think of going to Harbin?

A. Too far and boring. B. Near but boring. C. Near and interesting.

14. Where will they go for vacation?

A. To Harbin. B. To Shanghai. C. To Beijing.


15. What will happen if the boy doesn’t clean his room?

A. His mother won’t let him go out. B. His mother won’t let him watch TV.

C. His mother won’t let him go to bed.


16. The boy is from____________.

A. America. B. France. C. Japan.

17. The boy is studying at ________.

A. a middle school B. a high school C. a college

18. The boy will be a ________in the future.

A. player B. lawyer C. reporter

19. The boy’s favorite hobby is _________.

A. traveling B. writing C. reading

20. The boy is writing for _________.

A. a newspaper B. a magazine C. a TV station


11-15ABACB 16-20ABCBA


[00:00.00]Lesson 22 The twenty-second lesson

[01:04.00]In London

[01:35.76]The man is asking a policewoman for help.

[01:59.93]Mr Zhang wants to go to different places,

[02:05.28]but he does not know the way.He needs some help.

[02:46.56]A:Excuse me.Is there a post office near here?

[03:38.83]Yes,there is.Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left

[03:52.70]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[03:58.45]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left.

[04:20.41]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[04:35.96]Walk along take the second/first turning

[04:52.91]on the left/right.

[04:59.76]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[05:16.32]A:Thank you very much. A:You're welcome.

[05:38.68]the first turning the second turning

[05:55.21]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left.

[06:06.89]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[06:20.53]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left.

[06:30.09]It's about a hundred metres along on the right.

[06:40.14]POST OFFICE

[06:54.51]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the right.

[07:12.25]Walk along,and take the second turning on the left.

[07:25.31]The Police Station is right on the left.

[07:38.58]Walk along this road,and take the second turning on the left.

[07:57.23]Then take the second turning on the right.

[08:57.10]A:Excuse me,Is there a police station near here?

[09:06.25]B:No,there isn't.The nearest is about 4 kilometres away.

[09:18.99]You'd better catch a bus.

[09:34.75]A:Which bus do I need,please?

[09:43.52]B:I think you need a No.16 bus.

[09:54.89]The bus stop is along that road on the left.

[10:06.64]You'd better catch/take a bus/taxi.

[10:45.80]The nearest is about 4 kilometres away.

[11:02.28]You'd better catch a bus.

[11:11.22]A:Which bus do I need,please.

[11:20.57]B:I think you need a No.16 bus.

[11:35.33]You'd better catch/take a bus/a train/a fast train/a ship/a taxi.

[12:07.38]Expressing needs

[12:21.83]He needs some help.

[12:35.77]You need a number 16 bus.

[12:47.32]Which number do I needs?

[13:00.30]What do you need? I need some help.

[13:10.94]I need some water.I need a pen.

[13:25.98]You need a number 26/1 bus

[13:42.20]Asking for directions

[13:49.26]Is there a station near here,Please?Where's the nearest hospital,please?

[14:11.23]Excuse me.Where's the number 3 middle school,please?

[14:30.58]Excuse me.Where's the number 1 middle school,please?

[14:38.24]Is there a park near here?

[14:48.97]Is there a washing house near here?

[15:04.25]Giving directions

[15:13.40]Go/Walk along this road.

[15:21.76]Take the first turning on the right.

[15:30.40]It's outside/next to /in front of the park.

[15:37.25]It's about a hundred metres along on the left.

[15:49.00]It's about six kilometres away.

[15:58.07]Mr Yang is in New York,he is studying English at a college.

[16:45.71]He finds it hard to travel around the big city because he does not know the way

[17:07.19]He always takes a map with him when he travels.

[17:20.04]But he can not find every place on the map because some place are too small

[17:41.22]He often asks policemen for help

[17:46.08]because most of them are friendly and they known the way very well.

[18:02.02]You'd better take a map with you when you go out.

[18:17.87]But you can not find every place on the map because some place are too small

[18:33.21]It's good to asks policemen for help

[18:47.58]Then the policemen will tell you how to get to the place you want to go.

[19:03.51]most of policemen are friendly and the known the way very well.


[00:00.00] Lesson 30 The thirty-first lesson

[00:37.09]My uncle, Michael Wilson,is a businessman.

[00:43.73]He sells computers to many countries. He is very, very busy.

[00:50.49]His office is in New York, but he is often away.

[00:56.27]He travels every month. He goes to visit people and people come to see him.

[01:04.31]They discuss business together.

[01:07.87]He has meetings every day.

[05:18.04]Uncle Mike usually travels from on place to another.

[05:55.50]Last Monday he was in Shanghai. Three days ago he was in Dalian.

[06:05.48]The day before yester day he was in Hong Kong. Yesterday he was in Taipai.

[06:14.13]Last night he was in Toky. Now he is back in New York again.

[08:14.60]"Do you enjoy your work, Uncle?"

[08:19.15]I asked him one day.

[08:30.33]"Yes. It is very interesting and exciting. And I can see the world at the same time."

[09:34.77]Lesson 31 The thirty-first lesson

[09:41.75]A:Hello, Lucy! B:Hi, Sandy.

[09:48.88]A:I called you last night, but there was no reply. Were you out?

[09:56.11]Yes. We were at a Guangdong restaurant with my uncle.

[10:02.04]So you had Guangdong food.

[10:07.32]How did you like it?

[12:28.67]Oh,very much. We had a big dinner there.

[12:35.12]What did you have? Did you have seafood?

[12:54.37]Yes, we did. We had different kinds of seafood.

[13:04.43]By the way, why did you call me?

[13:15.98]We're going to havea basketball match next Tuesday. I called to tell you that.


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