

时间:2023-06-09 14:28:06 文/秦风学 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



Dear Mr. Chen,

I will graduate in about a month. I have a lot to say. During the past three years, you have given me so much help and encouragement, but I have done a lot of things that make you angry.

When I was in Grade Two, I didn’t study hard. I spent too much time playing basketball. As a result, I got bad grades. You tried your best to help me with my English, my study habits and my life. Every time I did something wrong, you always said, “It doesn’t matter.” At that time, I was too young and foolish to understand you. Now I can see all of these things. I think that I should say sorry to you.

I am very sorry, sir. Now May Day is coming. Happy May Day!

Best wishes to you and your family.



1.When is Jack's father's birthday?

A.This Sunday. B.This Thursday. C.This Saturday.

2.What are they going to do for Jack's father's birthday?

A.They're going to have a party.

B.They're going to have a picnic.

C.They're going to have a big dinner.


3.What are the man and woman doing?

A.They are talking on the phone.

B.They are having their summer holiday.

C.They are watching the weather report.

4.What's the weather like in Sanya now?

A.Hot and dry. B.Hot and wet. C. Wet and cool.

5.Where are Mike's family going to spend their holiday?

A.In Guangdong. B. In Guangxi. C. In Hainan.


6.Why hasn't Amy done her Maths homework yet?

A.Because it's too difficult for her.

B.Because she Wants to wait for Daniel.

C.Because she wants to watch TV first.

7.Where are Daniel and Amy going to do their homework together after school?

A.At Daniel's home. B.At Amy's home. C.In the classroom

8.When are they going to meet after school?

A.At four o'clock. B.At five o'clock. C. At six o'clock.

9.How much of the English project has Daniel done?

A.Most of it. B.None of it. C.A bit of it.

10.What are they going to do after they finish their homework?

A.They are going to watch TV.

B.They are going to the cinema.

C.They are going to play table tennis.

听第9段材料,回答1 6~20题。

11.Where are Jim and Kate now?

A In America. B.In England. C. In Australia.

12.How long have they been in that country?

A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years.

13.How many languages can Jim and Kate speak?

A.Three. B.Four. L. Five.

14 Which country are the Greens going to return to?

A.England. B.Japan. C. Japan.

15 Why are Jim and Kate very happy?

A.Because they won't have to move any more.

B Because they will go to another new country.

C.Because they can see their friends all over the world.


Ever heard of a man named Buckminster Fuller, orBucky, as hisfriends called him?


R.Buckminster Fuller was a twentiethcenturyscientist, philosopher, inventor, and was alsonamed a great architect.


Part of what made Bucky so special was his concernfor the planet and humanity.


When you have a shortage of resources, he said, you get war.


Thus, he developed an idea called ComprehensiveAnticipatory Design Science.


It’s a mouthful, but what it entails is his belief that to solve humanity’smajor problems.


We have to look forward to the future; we have to anticipate what will becomeproblems asresources diminish, etc.


His goal? Quote:


“More and more life support for everybody, with less and less resources.”



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