

时间:2023-06-18 09:34:27 文/孙小飞 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com
















Teaching procedures:




Step I Please Skim the passage and get the main idea.

Step II. Scan the passage: True or False.

1. I was forced to join Captain Bligh in the small boat.

2. After the crew took over the ship “Bounty”, Captain Bligh was allowed to take with him a chart , a compass and a quadrant.

3. It was very difficult for us to get a correct reading from the quadrant as the boat moved constantly during the course.

4. Captain Bligh used a system called “dead reckoning” and he knew there was land directly southwest of their original position.

5. Captain Bligh was as weak as the rest of us but he was determined not to give up.

6. Captain Bligh kept us busy and tried to take our minds off our stomachs and thirst all the way.

7. We finally escaped the jaws of death and arrived in Timor over fifty days after being set loose in our small boat.

Step III. Group work: further reading.

When captain Blight returned home he was honored as a hero. Discuss in groups whether he should receive a special medal or not.

Step IV. Affective education

After learning the text, as senior three students, what can we learn from Captain Blight in our life?

Step V. Summary:

I am _____ to have sailed with Captain Bligh on his journey of over40 days through about

4,000 miles in an open boat ______the Pacific Ocean in 1789.

In the beginning, on our ________(depart), some of the crew took _____theship and the captain ___________(deposit) into a small boat. Thus we werecaught _____a dilemma. We decided to stick with him _______thick and thin though we seemed to face _____uncertaindeath.

During the long and toughjourney, we encountered many unexpected hardships. Despite _____(lack) of foodand water, he kept us _______(occupy) and cheerful to take our minds ____troubles. All the way he taught us how to cope _______various situations. Finallythey arrived at Timor __________(success) andthey were honored as _______(hero).

The story shows that one man’sspirit and his determination should not ________ (defeat) by circumstances.


Challengeyourself!---Grammar Filling

1. I’m proud to have sailed withCaptain Blight ____his journey of over 40 days _________about 4,000miles ____anopen small boat _______ the Pacific Ocean.

2. On our _________(depart) from Tahiti, some crew took _____the ship. And those of us onboard ____________(catch) in a dilemma.

3. As you can see from the map we kept_____a straight course pretty well.

4. The captain kept us busy________ (read) the tables to work out our position .

5. It was the extreme lack of waterthat was hard to cope with ______________ (psychology)

6.He kept us busy and tried to take our minds


Challenge yourself!---Grammar Filling

1. I’m proud to have sailed with Captain Blight ____his journey of over 40 days _________about 4,000miles ____an open small boat _______ the Pacific Ocean.

2. On our _________(depart) from Tahiti, some crew took _____the ship. And those of us on board ____________(catch) in a dilemma.

3. As you can see from the map we kept _____a straight course pretty well.

4. The captain kept us busy________ (read) the tables to work out our position .

5. It was the extreme lack of water that was hard to cope with ______________ (psychology)

6.He kept us busy and tried to take our minds _____our __________(stomach).



1. alternative


adj. 供选择的, 二选一的


have no alternative but to do sth.


We have no alternative but to go on.


There was no other alternative but to fight till the victory.



alternatively adv. 或者,二者择一地

alternate vt. 使交替;vi.交替;adj. 交替的;轮流的



In this school, the students have three courses, and seven courses. (2010?¤01?¤陕西师大附中月考)

A. required; alternative B. requiring; alternative

C. required; alternate D. requiring; alternate

解析:选A。require(尤指根据法规) 规定、需要,此处用过去分词required修饰courses,因为两者之间为被动关系。后空意思为?°选择,选其一?±,alternative符合句意。

(2)单句改错 (原创)

①I had no alternative but report him to the police.

②You have the alternative to speaking or keeping quiet.

③Tom and Harry do the work on alternative days.

答案:①report前加to ②to→of

③alternative→ alternate

2. arrest

vt. 逮捕,拘留,吸引(注意)



be arrested for sth. 因某事而被捕

arrest one? s attention吸引某人的注意

under arrest被捕;被拘留

The criminal was arrested yesterday.那名罪犯昨天被捕了。

What she did arrested my attention. 她所做的吸引了我的注意力。


用适当的介词或arrest 的适当形式填空 (原创)

①I got arrested careless driving.

②Her uncle was arrest, but nobody knew the reason.

③Five youths in connection with the attack.

④The public applauded the of the criminal suspect.

答案:①for ②under ③were arrested ④arrest

3. preserve



preserve sth. from 使?-?-免遭?-?-

You can preserve meat or fish in salt.你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。

It is one of the duties of the police to preserve public order.



preservable adj. 可保存的

preservation n. 保存

preserver n. 保护者,保存者



preserve v. 保护,维持,保存;

conserve v.保存,保护,强调珍惜;

reserve v. 指意见、看法的保留或座位的预定;

protect v. 保护,强调使其免受破坏或损害。



①In spite of failing to save every endangered species, we may preserve the majority extinction.


A. Against B. with C. beyond D. from

②It is the duty of the police to social order.


A. Save B.reserve C.preserve D. rescue

①解析:选D。preserve sth. from 使?-?-免遭?-?-,符合句意。


(2)完成句子 (原创)


In the summer, large crops of fruit may by freezing or bottling.


I think these interesting old customs .

答案:①be preserved②should be preserved

4. relief



bring /seek/find/give/feel relief


much to one?s relief=to one?s great relief


relief road 备用车道

relief map 地形图

I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination.



relieve one?s feelings 发泄感情

relieve sb. of 使某人解除

The minister was relieved of his post.




Hearing the news that her son was found, she breathed a sigh of .(2010?¤山西太原五中检测)

A.excitement B. joy C. relief D. belief


5. assume

vt. 设想,假定;主观认为;装出?-?-的样子


assume sb./sth. to be 假定/认为某人/事是?-?-

We assumed that you understood the situation.


He assumed a well?informed manner but in fact he knows very little. 他装出一副见多识广的样子,而实际上他知之甚少。


assumed adj.假装的,假的;假定的,设想的

an assumed result假定的结果

assuming adj.自负的,傲慢的,过分自信的;

conj. 假如 (后跟从句)

assumption n. 假定,设想

His look of astonishment was assumed.


He is too assuming in this attitude about the energy supply.他在对待能源问题的态度上显得过于自信。

Assuming that the weather is favourable, farmers will have a bumper harvest.



完成句子 (原创)


this afternoon, what shall we do?


We innocent until he is proved guilty.

答案:①Assuming it rains②must assume him to be

6. somehow

adv. 不知怎么地;以?-?-方式


somehow or other


Somehow or other we became friends, I never knew just why it was.不知何故我们成了朋友,我绝不知道为什么会这样。



anyhow 意为?°无论如何?±,相当于 anyway;at any rate;

somehow 意为?°以某种方式(in some way or other)?±或?°由于某种原因?±;

somewhat 意为?°从某种意义上讲;有几分?±,相当于 in a way, rather。

I always know I?d get the job, somehow.


Somehow we must get to Glasgow.


He could have finished it on schedule, but somehow he fell behind.他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的,但不知怎么却落后了。

I am somewhat tired of this book. 我对这本书有点厌烦。


选词填空(somehow/anyhow/somewhat) (原创)

①We must get the work finished or other by tomorrow morning.

②It may rain, but I shall go out, I don?t mind the rain.

③The price was higher than I?ˉd expected.



7. regardless of

adj. 不管, 不顾

People should be hired regardless of race and sex.


He continued speaking, regardless of my feelings on the matter. 他不顾及我在此事上的感受而继续往下说。


regardless adv. 无论如何;不管;不顾

disregarding /in spite of /despite 三者意义和用法相同,区别不大。

regardlessness n. 不注意


in spite of the fact that句式表示?°虽然;即使,不管事实上如何?±。

although/though conj. 尽管,虽然;其后接句子。



① the difficulties in talking, they can understand each other by body language.(2010?¤安徽合肥八中检测)

A. Regardless of B. Although C. Though D. In spite

②Some people act regardless what will happen afterwards. (2010?¤江苏盐城质量检测)

A.with B. as C. of D. for

①解析:选A。although与though是连词,后需跟句子,而the difficulties in talking是名词短语,故排除。D项表达有误。故选A。

②解析:选C。regardless of不顾,不管。符合句意。

8. fed up with


I?ˉm fed up with waiting for her.我等她都等得不耐烦了。

What?ˉs the matter? You look pretty fed up.



feed sb./sth. on sth. 给(人或动物)食物;喂;饲养

feed on(动物)以?-?-为主食

feed sth. to sb./sth. 给(人或动物)某物作为食物


用适当的介词填空 (原创)

①Several children were feeding bread the ducks.

②What do you feed your dog ?

③Cows feed grass.

④I?m fed up the same breakfast every morning.

答案: ①to ②on ③on ④with

9. cut up


Peter, why don?t you cut up vegetables?



cut off 切断;剪掉

cut down 砍伐;削减

cut in 打断

cut out 剪去,删去;略去

cut into pieces 切成碎片

Don?t cut in while I?m talking!我说话时别插嘴!



Half the forest was to make room for the new road.


A.cut off B. cut down

C. cut up D. cut away

解析:选B。考查短语辨析。cut off 切除;cut down 砍倒;cut up 将(木头等)分解开。

10. look ahead



look back 向后看; 回顾

look out 留神;注意

look into 调查

look up 查找;形势好转;看望

look up to sb. 钦佩/尊敬某人

look through 仔细查阅

look forward to sth./doing sth. 盼望着

look on 旁观;看作

look over 快速浏览;复习

look down (on/upon sth.) 向下看; 轻视

Look out! There is danger ahead!当心!前面危险!

I?m looking forward to seeing you this summer vacation.



完成句子 (原创)

①You should (翻阅字典查查这个生词).

②I am (盼望) hearing from you as soon as possible.

③ (当心) or you will catch cold.

④I have to (复习笔记) for the exam.

答案:①look up the word in a dictionary

②looking forward to

③Look out

④look over my notes


11. If only it could be just like last year!


if only但愿;要是?-?-就好了。其后一般用虚拟语气。

If only I were a doctor. 这句话用的是一般过去时,意思是:我现在要是个医生就好了。与现在相对应的句子用一般过去时。

If only I had said nothing. 而这句用的是过去完成时,意思是:我当时什么都不说就好了。是与过去时态相对应的,故用过去完成时。

If only my son didn?t spend so much time before TV.



only if表示?°只有,只要?±, 后接让步状语从句,主句采用倒装句式。

I wake up only if the alarm clock rings.


Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.




Look at the trouble I?m in! If only I your advice.


A. Followed B. would follow

C. had followed D. should follow

解析:选C。由句意可知此处为if only引导的条件状语从句,且用与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。

12. Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna.


only to do 是不定式作结果状语,意为?°不料,结果却?±,表示出乎意料或令人失望的结果。

I hurried to the post office only to find it closed.


He hurried home only to find the guests had left.

他匆匆忙忙赶回家, 结果发现客人们已经走了。



He dropped the glasses on the ground, bursting it into pieces.他把眼镜掉在了地




He got to the airport to find that the plane had left two minutes before. (2010?¤浙江温州一模)

A.just B. only C. in order D. almost






Teaching aims: (教学目标)

1. To comprehend the passage and improve the reading skills.

2. To express different views of an argument.

3. To learn about how advertisements work and avoid being controlled by ads.


Important points:(重点、难点)

1. Comprehension of the text.

2. Knowledge accumulation of advertising.

3. Useful words and expressions.


I. Warming up

Please enjoy a video and some pictures and answer some questions.

1. Can you remember the names of any products that were being advertised? If so, why does this ad appeal to you more?

2. What are the features(特征) of ads?

3. Where can you see ads?


II. Fast reading

1. The purpose of the passage is to __________.

A. inform us of the fact that there are many advertisements in or daily life.

B. help us understand how ads work and avoid being controlled by them.

C. tell us how effective ads are

D. show us how effective ads can be made

2. Scan the headings of each section and get a general understanding of the text.

Sum up the main idea of each section


III. Detail reading

Read part 1 and answer questions.

Task 1 Answer the question.

Where do they advertise?

Task 2 Translate the sentence

Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements.

Read part 2 and answer questions.


1. All of the following facts about an ad in Paragraph 2 are mentioned except its ______.

A. definition B. means C. advertisers D. target audience

2. Who advertises?

3. Why do they advertise?

Task2 Fill in the table.

Read part 3 and answer questions.

Task1 Answer the question.

1. The example of the adolescent boys in the third paragraph shows us ________.

A. which group is the target of the computer games

B. it is important for the advertisers to identify the target audience

C. that young people are more likely to buy computer games

D. it makes sense to make computer games ad that appeal to adolescent boys

2. How do they decide where to advertise?

Task2 Fill in the table.

Task3 Translatethe sentences

1. Some advertisements appeal to people’sdesire to save money.Others are more likely to be noticed ifthey are funny.

2. As well as reaching the rightaudience with the right technique,advertisers must also placetheir ads in the right medium.

Task4 Retellthis part by using the information given.

How doadvertisers make effective ads?

1) Identifythe target (pay…for…, be wasted, reach, in other words, having identified, asmuch as possible, fit into, form the basis for)

2) Appeal tothe target (in order to, appeal to, some, desire, others, are more likely to,conscience, worthy citizen.)

3) Use asuitable medium (as well as, audience, technique, medium, play a big part in,television ads, a big corporation, afford, on the other hand…)

Read part4 and answer questions.

Task1 Answerthe question.

1. Doesadvertising work?

Task2 Fill in the table.

Task3 Translatethe following sentences.

On the other hand,being constantly exposed to advertisements call help to change ouropinions over time.






目标认知 重点词汇: scale, postpone, evolve, attach, date back to, give out conflict, restriction, fluency, appeal,

重点句型:not ?until 句型 语 法: 宾语

精讲巧练 重点

词汇 scale 【原句回放】 However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale. (P32) 【点拨】scale n. the size of sth. , especially when it is big 意为“大小,规 模”,on a large scale 表示“规模宏大的”,还表示“等级;比例,尺度” 如:Any public demonstrations(游行)on a large scale without the permission of the city authorities is antisocial. The scale of this map is one centimeter to the kilometer. A machine for weighing people has a scale from one pound to 300 pounds on it. 【拓展】scales 表示“称,天平”;scale 也用作动词,表示“攀越,爬越”,短语: scale up/ down 按比例逐步增加/减少, 如:Students scaled an 8-foot fence to enter the theatre. Such a big order means scaling up our production capacity. 【随时练】 With the opportunity to survive becoming small, the search operation has been scaled down slowly at present. A. has been scaled down C. scaled up Key: B B. is being scaled down D. is scaling up


【原句回放】 Brave young men took the opportunity of going on botanical expeditions, often facing many dangers including disease,?and conflicts with the local people. (P32) 【点拨】 conflict n. angry disagreement between people or groups 表示“冲突, 争端”,常与介词 between / over 连用, be in conflict with sb. 表示“与某人处于 争执中”。conflict 也用作动词, 表示“冲突;争执” 如:There is a conflict between the two sides of his personality. She is in conflict with her employer over sickness pay. The two stories conflicted, so I did not know what to believe. 【拓展】区别 conflict, fight, struggle 都含“战斗” 、“ 斗争”的意思。 ① conflict 指“由于严重不一致, 而引起抵触或冲突”, 如:Their account of the causes of the war conflicts with ours. 他们对于战争起因的报告与我们的报告相反。 ② fight 原义是“打仗”、“战斗”, 指“任何形式的斗争”, 特别强调“短兵相 接”, 如:The two boys fought. 两个孩子动手打起来了。 ③ struggle 本义是“挣扎”,指“克服某种障碍或困难, 以达到某种目的”,意味 着“处境难”, 如:They were struggling for peace. 他们为和平而斗争。 【随时练】 In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _______in personality. A. contract B. contrast B. connection D. conflict

Key: D. 析:conflict 争论,摩擦,冲突;contact 接触,联系,交往; contrast 对比;对照;connection 联系,关系。

restriction 【原句回放】At that time, there were restrictions on the movement of Europeans and so ,?(P33) 【点拨】restriction n. the act of limiting or controlling someone or sth. 表 示“限制,约束”,短语 lift/ remove restrictions on 表示“解除对?的限制”, 如:The restriction of press freedom is seen as an abuse(侵犯)of human rights. We have been asking the government to lift the restrictions on food export. 【拓展】 restrict v. 表示“限制,限定”,restrict sth. to sth 表示“限制某人

某物”;restrictive adj. 表示“严格限制的”。 如:Doctors have restricted the number of visits to two per day. Travel is my dream, but a busy working life has restricted my opportunities. The current building regulations are very restrictive. 【随时练】The county is facing restrictions ________ the use of water for irrigating crops. A.to Key: C B. with C. on D. toward

fluency 【原句回放】, in order to travel unnoticed, he developed his fluency in Chinese ? and dressed as a Chinese man, even shaving his head in the Chinese style. (P33) 【点拨】 fluency n. quality of speaking , writing in an easy smooth manner 表 示“流利,流畅”,with fluency 表示“流畅地, 滔滔不绝”, 如:Visitors were amazed at the students' conversational fluency in English. He speaks English with great fluency. 【拓展】fluent adj. 表示“流利的,熟练的”, be fluent in 表示“在某方面熟练 的”, fluently adv. “熟练地” 如: couldn’ imagine our prime minister was fluent in eight foreign languages. You t You speak more fluently than I. 【随时练】 She speaks ________ though not very correct French. A. fluent Key: A B. fluently C. fluency D. with fluency

appeal 【原句回放】One of the collectors was Father Farges, who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him. (P33) 【点拨】appeal vi. to be attractive or interesting to sb. 表示“(常与 to 连 用)吸引;引起兴趣”,还表示“呼吁,恳请,上诉,诉诸”等, 如:Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you? The government is appealing to everyone to save water. The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer.

He appealed against the judge's decision. 【拓展】appeal 用作名词,表示“呼吁,请求,吸引力”,常与介词 for 连用,make an appeal 请求; 如:They have launched an appeal to send food to the flood victims. There have been several appeals for an end to the fighting. The old couple made an emotional appeal for his daughter to connect them. 【随时练】The design ______all the ages and social groups is not easy to make. A. appealed to C. to be appealed to Key: D B. being appealed to D. appealing to

postpone 【原句回放】My parents suggested postponing our visit to the pyramid because we didn’t have enough time to see them before we left Egypt.(P35) 【点拨】postpone vt. to decide that sth. will not be done at the time when it was planned, or to delay 表示“推迟,延期”,postpone doing sth 表示“推迟做某事” 常与介词 till/until/ to 连用, 如:We postponed the match from March 5th to March 19th. The ball game was postponed because of the heavy rain. 【拓展】区别 delay/ postpone / put off 均含“推迟”、“延期”、“延缓”的意思。 ① delay 指“暂时阻挠或阻挡, 稍后可再继续进行”, 如:The steamer was delayed by bad weather. 汽轮因天气不佳而延期。 ② postpone 是正式用语, 语义较强, 指“有意识地延至将来某一特定时间”, 在多数 情况下, 后面说 明改在何时进行, 如:The meeting has been postponed to Friday. 会议推迟到星期五举行。 ③ put off 与 postpone 大致同义, 但较通俗口语化, 如:Let's put this off till some other time. 我们还是把这搁一搁, 以后再说 吧。 【随时练】 We ‘ve had to postpone _________ to France because Adrian’s got an interview for a job that week. A. going Key: A B. go C. to go D. to going

evolve 【原句回放】Over time, many flowering plants and their animal pollinators have evolved together. (P38) 【点拨】evolve vi &vt. to develop naturally and gradually over a period of time 表示“ 发展,进化”,常与介词 from/ into 连用, 如:There was a debate as to whether birds evolved from dinosaurs. The British present political system has evolved over several centuries. 【拓展】evolution n. 表示“进化(论),发展”,evolutionary adj. 表示“进化的, 发展的”。 如:The space program is the evolution of years of research. The new fossil finds may tell us more about human evolution. 【随时练】The developmental history of the society tells us that man has ___from the ape. A. involved Key: C B. dissolved C. evolved D. solved

attach 【原句回放】Pollen becomes attached to the animal during its visit to a flower and is then passed on to another plant’s blossom on its next visit. (P38) 【点拨】 attach vt. to connect one thing to another 表示“系上,缚上,附加”, 常与介词 to 连用,attach a label to 贴上标签, 如:There was a massage attached to the flowers. No blame attaches to him for the accident. We should attach primary importance to the development of economy. 【拓展】attached adj. 表示“连接的, 附加的”,attachment n. 表示“附件,爱 慕”。 如:She found herself growing deeply attached to the old lady. The hallway leads to a bathroom with bath and shower attachment. 【随时练】 returning home, she found a note ______ to the door, reading: “ call On in later.” A. attaching Key: B B. attached C. attach D. being attached

date back to 【原句回放】Collecting “exotic” plants, as they are called, dates back to the earliest times. (P32) 【点拨】date back to 表示“追溯到,始于”,相当于 date from, 常用于一般现在 时,且无被动语态, 如:These sculptures must date from the middle of the 7th century. 【拓展】date 用作动词,表示“在?写上日期,确定?的年代”;out of date 表示 “过时的”,up to date 表示“新式的,时髦的” 如:The paintings haven’t yet been accurately dated by the museum’s experts. The new park provides up- to -date information , hands-on learning and lots of fun and excitement. 【随时练】 The temple, which ______ back to the 17th century, is undergoing a complete mending. A. dates Key: A B. goes C. was made D. was built

give out 【原句回放】Smell: strong, sweet perfume, typically only given out at night. (P38) 【点拨】 give out vt. to produce sth. such as a sound or light, 表示“发出, 散发出”,还表示“分发,用尽,停止运转” 如:The teacher gave out textbook to the students who ask for them. The new devices gives out very low noise. His heart finally gave out under the strain. 【拓展】相关短语:give away 泄漏;赠送; give in 妥协,屈服;give off 散发出, 冒出;give up 放弃,停止, 如:The supermarket is giving away a box of sugar to everyone who comes today. The government has said all along that it will never give in to the terrorist threats. When they die, plants gives off gases such as carbon dioxide and methane(甲 烷). 【随时练】 Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may _______ the shocking ending.

A. give away Key: A

B. give out

C. give up

D. give off

重点句型 not ?until 句型 【原句回放 1】 However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale. (P32) 【点拨】 not ?until 表示“直到?才,在?之前不”,只用于主句谓语是瞬间性动 词,如果主句谓语是延续性动词时则不用 not, 有时 until 可以与 before 互换 , 如: can't start the job until we have the approval from the authority concerned. We He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later. Don’t promise him anything before we’ve had time to think about it. 【拓展】 ① 如果“not until?”结构置于句首时,主句的语序要用倒装结构,而 until 引导的 句子不倒装, 如:Not until I left home did I begin to understand how kind my parents were. ② “not? until 句型”用于强调句中“It was/ is not until ? that” 表示“直 到?才” 如:It was not until he told me that I knew about it. It was not until the 1880 that there were consistent experimental findings to support the theory. ③ 在 until 引导的时间状语从句中,主句若是一般将来时,从句往往用一般现在时或 现在完成时。 如:Don’t get off until the bus has stopped.

【链接高考】 【考例 1】It was _______ back home after the experiment. A.not until midnight did he go C. not until midnight that he went B. until midnight that he didn’t go D. until midnight when he didn’t go

【答案与解析】C。 考查强调句型“It was not until ? that”。

【考例 2】“You can’t have the football back _______ you promise not to kick

it at my cat again,” the old man said firmly. A.because B. since C. when D. until

【答案与解析】D. 句意是:直到你答应不再用球打我的猫,否则你不会要回你的球, 这位老太太坚定的说。

【考例 3】I won’t tell the student the answer to the math problem until he _______ on it for more than an hour. A.has been working C. will have been working B. will have worked D. had worked

【答案与解析】A. until 引导的时间状语从句中, 主句用一般将来时,从句则用现在 时。

【考例 4】We are told that we should follow the main road ______ we reached the central railway station. A. whenever B. until C. while D. wherever

【答案与解析】B. follow 是延续性动词,表示“沿着,顺着”,句意是“沿着那条公 路走直到到达中心火车站。

写作进行时 翻译下文,尽量运用本单元学过的词汇及短语: 有一天在我和汤姆上学的路上,汤姆碰上了一次车祸,幸运的是他没有受伤,可是他的 自行车坏了,于是我用绳子把他的车子拴到我的车子上,这样我们一块朝学校骑去。当然我 们的速度受到了限制,并且恐怕要迟到。我们之间也出现过争吵,最后,直到上课了我们还 没有到。然而,令我们高兴的是老师并没有惩罚我们而是表扬了我们相互帮助。 写作过程: (1)审题:______________________________________________ (2)列出相关词汇短语:_______________________________________________. (3)谋篇:_______________________________________. (4)写作:______________________________________ 答案: (1)审题:叙述一个故事,时态用一般现在时 (2) 列出相关词汇短语: came across, conflict, break down, to our delight attach, restrict,

(3)谋篇:fortunately, though, so, not ?until , however

(4)范文: One day on my and Tom’s way to school ,Tom came across an accident. Fortunately, he was not injured at all, his bike broke down, though. So I had to attach my bike to Tom’s with a rope. In this way we made our way to the school. Of course , our speed was greatly restricted and we were afraid to be late. There were some conflicts between us on our way. At last we didn’t arrive at school until the class began. However, to our delight, our teacher praised us for our helping each other instead of punishing us. 解析: 1. 这篇作文用到很多本单元的知识点, came across, break down, attach, restrict, 如: conflict 以及本单元重点句型:not ?until 及几组副词。 2.在写作过程的第二步(列出相关词汇短语),可以作为 brainstorm 的训练,列出所 有自己能想到的词汇及短语,及连接词等等。 3.为了得到高分,同学一定要注意长短句的交替使用。如果第一句很长,第二句一定 要尽量短。如果同学们有时间背诵新概念英语,对它的布局谋篇会有深刻的印象,对我们的 写作会大有裨益。 4.精心选择过渡语, 如: fortunately,though, in this way,of course, however 等


单项填空(20 题)

1. In the botanical garden we can find a(n) _______ of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers. B. groups C. amount D. variety

A. species

2. This is a very special flower and it can _______ a strong sweet perfume at night. A. give in B. give up C. give out D. give out

3. The story tells of a classic conflict ______ love and duty. A. with B. between C. into D. on

4. It wasn’t until nearly a month later _______ I received the manager’s reply. A. since B. when C. as D. that

5.— Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? — Yes. He had never praised him ______ he became one of the top students in his grade. A. after B. unless C. until D. when

6. They are so close friends and their friendship ________ college days. A. dates back to B. dates back C. dates to D. dates back from

7. — Can you give me some advice about the design? — I think it should _______ to all ages and social groups. A. appear B. appeal C. suit D. fit

8. The government not only ____ the refugees(难民)houses to live in, but also _____ them with food and clothes. A. offered; offered C. provided; offered B. provided; provided D. offered; provided

9. ______, he would come in late and then say he was sorry. A. Eventually B. Typically C. Particularly D. Especially

10. There was a nice little present for everyone, with a suitable poem _______ to it. A. attached B. attacked C. attracted D. attributed

11. — Please ______ your passport. — I’m sorry, but I _______ in my home. A. show me; left it C. show me; forgot it B. show to me; left it D. show to me; forgot it

12. According to recent reports, one of the rare animals, ____ crocodile, is in ____ danger of dying out. A. a; the B. 不填; a C. 不填; the D. the; 不填

13. --- Did you have any difficulty catching yesterday’s lecture? --- No. The professor spoke very clearly to make his speech easy ____. A. understood C. understanding B. understand D. to understand

14. The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighbouring districts has to be ________. A. weakened B. omitted C. restricted D. lowered

15. --- Is Alice playing both basketball and tennis for your school? --- She ____. But now she has given up playing basketball. A. is B. has C. was D. had

16. All the children on the playground stared up into the sky until the noise of the plane____. A. gave up B. took off C. went out D. died away

17. ____ in the care of his grandmother, Ted grew to be a boy with very good manners. A. Leaving C. To leave B. To be left D. Left

18. --- Do you think living in the country has advantages? --- ____. A. Yes, perfectly C. Well, that depends B. Yes, it is D. Nothing at all

19. ____ surprises us most is that she doesn’t even know ____ the difference between the two lies. A. What; where C. What; what B. What; which D. That; where

20. If you _______ a mistake in reviewing the report, please bring it to my attention.

A. come along

B. come across

C. come around to

D. come about

答案解析: 1.选 D。a variety of 各种各样的; species 前面不能加 a, group 意思是“让” ; amount 表示“量” 。 2.选 C。 give out 发出,放出光、热、气味等;give in 屈服,让步;give up 放弃; give over 交付,托付。 3.选 B。 a conflict between ?表示“?之间的冲突” 。 4.选 D。 此题考查强调句型,强调用 not until 引导的时间状语从句,即“It is / was not until??that??” 。 5.选 C。 考查“not ?until 句型”表示“直到?才” 。 6.选 A。 date back to 或 date from 表示“从??开始,始于??时间,追溯到??” 。 7.选 B。 appeal to sb. 对??有吸引力,句意:设计应当雅俗共赏,老少皆宜。 appear 看起来好像是;suit, fit 是及物动词,不与 to 连用。 8.选 D。 offer 与 provide 的用法分别为:offer 后跟双宾语,即:offer sb. sth.; provide 要用下列形式:provide sb. with sth. 和 provide sth. for sb.。 9.选 B。 eventually 最后,终于;typically 典型地,典型的做法是;particularly 特别地;especially 尤其地;特别地;句意:典型的做法是,他会来晚然后说对不起。 10.选 A。 attach (to) 附加, 系上, 附上, attack 袭击, 攻击; attract 吸引; attribute 把 ??归功于,是由于??。 11.选 A。 show 后要跟双宾语, 即 show sb. sth. ;把??忘在哪儿要用 “forget sth. + 介词+地点。 ” 12.选 D。 考查冠词。be in danger of 为固定短语,意为“有??危险的” 。 13.选 D。 考查非谓语动词。此处应用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。 14.选 C。 restrict the supply 表示“限制供应” 。 15.选 C。 考查时态。根据语境可知,Alice 过去打篮球和网球,但现在已放弃,故此 空用一般过去时。 16.选 D。 考查动词短语。die away 表示“ (风、声音等)渐息,渐弱” 。 17.选 D。 考查非谓语动词。 过去分词短语作原因状语, 相当于原因状语从句 Because he was left in the care of his grandmother.

18.选 C。 考查交际用语。that depends 表示“视情况而定” 。 19.选 A。 考查名词性从句。 第一空用 what 引导主语从句;第二空用 where 引导宾语 从句。 20.选 B。 come across 偶然发现或遇见;come along 到达,出现;come around to

转变成与某人一致的意见;come about 发生。


根据课文内容用合适的单词填空。 Although even ancient civilizations saw the value of bringing back plants from ______ lands and the first human plant collecting expedition ______ in history was around 1500 BC, the exploration of the botanical world did not begin ________ until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. At that time, the European middle class ________ in collecting new plants . Brave young men took the _______of going on botanical expeditions, in spite of many dangers, including _______ with the local people. In the 1740s, one French Catholic missionary collected seeds of trees and bushes, _______ those of the Tree of Heaven in Beijing, China. The seeds arrived in England in 1751 and plants from these seeds were grown all over the world soon. It was an enormous _______ to keep plants alive during the long land trips or sea _______. Large numbers of seeds failed to grow after the long journey between Asia and Europe. It was Dr Nathaniel Ward’s invention, the Wardian case, ________ allowed plants to be transported _______ on long journeys. Robert Fortune was one of the earliest plant collectors to use Wardian cases. He even made it possible to _______ a successful tea industry in India by shipping 20,000 tea plants there from China. During the second half of the nineteenth century, many Catholic missionaries were sent to China from France. They _______ the study of the natural science and many of them knew a lot about plants and animals. Their expeditions _________ huge plant collections being sent back to France. In 1897, Father Farges collected and sent back to France 37 seeds from a dove tree that had ________ him but only one seed grew! 答案解析: 1. distant interest 5. opportunity 9. voyages 13. valued 6. conflicts 10. that 14. resulted in 7. including 11. safe 15. appealed to 8. challenge 12. establish 2. recorded 3. on a large scale 4. took great


1. The pine trees date back to 2,000years ago has been included in the Guinness Book of World Records.

2. The first plant collected expedition in history happened around 1500 BC. 3. The attraction to exotic plants increased as European countries arrived at some other Asia countries.

4. Brave enough young man took the opportunity of going on botanical expedition, faced many dangers. 5. The species that they took from China were introduced in North America later. 6. The purpose of the trip for them is record the plants and animals they met. 7. They collected examples wherever they landed on a distant island. 8. Keep plants alive during the sea voyage became an enormous challenge. 9. These plants were allowed transporting on long journeys because of the invention. 10. Their expedition resulted from huge plant collections, which were sent to France.

答案解析: 1. date 改为 dating, 此处用 date bake to 的-ing 形式作定语,修饰名词 The pine trees。 2. collected 改为 collecting, a plant collecting expedition 表示“搜寻植物探 险 队 ” plant 与 collect 之 间 是 动 宾 关 系 , 如 a paper-making factory 造 纸 厂 ; Tree-planting Day 植树节。 3. Asia 改为 Asian, 表示“亚洲国家”时须用其形容词形式。 4. faced 改为 facing, 此处表主动关系。 5. were 改为 was, species 作主语时谓语动词用单数,类似的还用 series, means, physics 等。 6. record 前加 to, to do 不定式作表语。 7. wherever 改为 whenever, 表示“无论什么时候登上岛屿“。 8. keep 改为 Keeping, -ing 形式作主语。 9. transporting 改为 to transport, 考查 be allowed to do sth. 表示“被允许做 某事” 。 10. from 改为 in, result in 表示 “导致, 产生结果” 而 result from 表示 , “由于?” 。


单项填空(共 20 小题)

从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Simon thought his computer was broken  _____ his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on. A. until B. unless C. after D. because

2. Little Johnny felt the bag, curious to know what it _______.(08 全国卷 II) A. collected B. contained C. loaded D. saved

3. — Look! What have you done to the fish? — I’m sorry. I didn’t mean _______ the bowl. A. to ruin B. ruining C. to be ruined D. being ruining

4. These old buildings possibly _______ the Ming period. A. are dated back to C. are dated from B. date from D. dated back to

5. If a person has not had enough sleep, his actions will give him ______ during the day. (2008 江西卷) A. away B. up C. in D. back

6. Jack is late again. It is ______ of him to keep others waiting. (2008 江 西卷) A. normal B. ordinary C. common D. typical

7. Not until the motorbike looked almost new ____repairing and cleaning it. (2008 陕西卷.) A. he stopped B. did he stop C. stopped he D. he did stop

8. You’d better not invite him to the party because his parents won’t allow him _______ out late. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stayed

9. I’d like to take this _______ to thank everyone for their hard work on the project. A. time B. condition C. use D. opportunity

10. Which do you ______ most— wealth, health or fame? A. regard B. suit C. value D. choose

11. They have _______ us $150,000 for the house. Shall we take it? A. provided B. supplied C. showed D. offered

12. It is certain that he will ______ his business to his son when he gets old. A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. get over

13. The captain ______ an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather. A. made B. said C. put D. passed

14. Ideally _____ for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue, the New York Park hotel is a favourite with many guests. (2008 年上海卷) A. locating located B. being located C. having been located D.

15. This year the policy about money the government are carrying on is _____. A. tight B. short C. tense D. nervous

16. Having settled in that remote area, the young man quickly ______ to the terrible weather there. B. added C. adapted D. adopted

A. responded

17. The little boy kept on asking his mother to buy a toy car for him, and finally his mother _______. A. gave up B. gave in C. gave away D. gave out

18. As she entered the hall, we noticed her ______ a beautiful evening dress.

A. wearing

B. dressed

C. putting on

D. have on

19. You can eat food free in my restaurant ______ you like. A. whenever B. wherever C. however D. whatever

20. Not only _______ the date fed into it, but it can also analyze them. A. can the computer memorize C. do the computer memorize B. the computer can memorize D. can memorize the computer

答案解析: 1-----5. A B A B A 11---15. D C A D A 6-----10. D B B D C 16-----20. C D A A A

1. 选 A。 句意是直到他弟弟指出他没有开机,他一直认为电脑坏了。 2. 选 B。 contain 表示“内含,包含” ,collect 表示“收集” 。 3. 选 A。 mean to do 表示“企图,意欲” ;mean doing 表示“意味着” 。 4. 选 B。 date from 表示“追溯到”一般用于一般现在时,且无被动语态。 5. 选 A。 give away 表示“泄漏,透漏” 。 6. 选 D。 typical 表示“典型的” ,normal 正常的;ordinary 普通的;common 常见 的。 7. 选 B。 Not until 置于句首时,主句的语序用倒装结构。 8. 选 B。 考查 allow sb. to do sth “允许某人做某事” 。 9. 选 D。 take the opportunity “利用机会,抓住机会” 。 10. 选 C。 value 用作动词表示“珍惜,看中” 。 11. 选 D。 offer 后跟双宾语即 offer sb. sth 表示“提供给某人某物” 。 12. 选 C。 hand over 表示“传递” ,take over 表示“接管,接任” 。 13. 选 A。 考查 make an apology 表示“道歉” 。 14. 选 D。 be located in 表示“坐落于,位于” ,此处是过去分词短语作状语。 15. 选 A。 tight 表示“紧的” ,句意是今年政府执行的是从紧的货币政策。 16. 选 C。 adapt to 表示“适应” ;respond 反应,adopt 采纳,收养 。 17. 选 D。 give in 妥协,屈服;give away 泄漏;赠送; give out 散发出 ;give up 放弃. 18. 选 A。 wearing 作动词 noticed 的宾补,表示穿着的状态。 19. 选 A。 whenever 表示“无论何时” ,引导时间状语从句。 20. 选 A。 not only 置于句首时,要用倒装结构。




Teaching aims: (教学目标)

1. To comprehend the passage and improve the reading skills.

2. To express different views of an argument.

3. To learn about how advertisements work and avoid being controlled by ads.


Important points:(重点、难点)

1. Comprehension of the text.

2. Knowledge accumulation of advertising.

3. Useful words and expressions.


Teaching procedure:(教学过程)

I. Warming up

Please enjoy a video and some pictures and answer some questions.

1. Can you remember the names of any products that were being advertised? If so, why does this ad appeal to you more?

2. What are the features(特征) of ads?

3. Where can you see ads?


II. Fast reading

1. The purpose of the passage is to __________.

A. inform us of the fact that there are many advertisements in or daily life.

B. help us understand how ads work and avoid being controlled by them.

C. tell us how effective ads are

D. show us how effective ads can be made

2. Scan the headings of each section and get a general understanding of the text.

Sum up the main idea of each section

Section I (para.1)

Section II (para. 2)

Section III (para. 3-7)

Section IV (para. 8-9)


III. Detail reading

Read part 1 and answer questions.

Task 1 Answer the question.

Where do they advertise?

Task 2 Translate the sentence

Even some of the casual garments we wear have brand names attached to them which turn us into walking advertisements.

Read part 2 and answer questions.


1. All of the following facts about an ad in Paragraph 2 are mentioned except its ______.

A. definition B. means C. advertisers D. target audience

2. Who advertises?

3. Why do they advertise?

Task2 Fill in the table.

What is an advertisement? An advertisement is a 1. ______________________ that informs or influences people.

Read part 3 and answer questions.

Task1 Answer the question.

1. The example of the adolescent boys in the third paragraph shows us ________.

A. which group is the target of the computer games

B. it is important for the advertisers to identify the target audience

C. that young people are more likely to buy computer games

D. it makes sense to make computer games ad that appeal to adolescent boys

2. How do they decide where to advertise?

Task2 Fill in the table.

How do advertisers make effective advertisements? Identify your target

Advertisers 2 _______________________ and find out as much as possible about them, which 3 ___________ for decisions about what type of advertising techniques to use with this group.

Appeal to your target In order to 4 ________ people to do something, advertisements often appeal to our hopes and dreams or our emotions.

Use a suitable medium As well as reaching the right audience with the right technique, advertisers must also 5____________. Obviously, cost will play a big part in this decision.

Task3 Translate the sentences

1. Some advertisements appeal to people’s desire to save money.Others are more likely to be noticed if they are funny.

2. As well as reaching the right audience with the right technique,advertisers must also place their ads in the right medium.

Task4 Retell this part by using the information given.

How do advertisers make effective ads?

1) Identify the target (pay…for…, be wasted, reach, in other words, having identified, as much as possible, fit into, form the basis for)

2) Appeal to the target (in order to, appeal to, some, desire, others, are more likely to, conscience, worthy citizen.)

3) Use a suitable medium (as well as, audience, technique, medium, play a big part in, television ads, a big corporation, afford, on the other hand…)

Read part 4 and answer questions.

Task1 Answer the question.

1. Does advertising work?

Task2 Fill in the table.

How effective are advertisements

However good an advertisement is,

people 6 ______________ be persuaded if the product is unsuitable for them. On the other hand, 7______________________ to advertisements can help to change our opinions over time.

Task3 Translate the following sentences.

On the other hand,being constantly exposed to advertisements call help to change our opinions over time.

设计意图: 由于课文长,信息量大,要求学生分部分默读课文,对课文进行深入细致的理解。由于理解课文的需要,由浅入深地设计了单选、问答、填表、翻译、复述等灵活多样的练习,学生通过这些问题,对课文有了更进一步的认识。同时对重要短语和语法点进行设空,引起学生充分注意。复述是很好的考查学生对知识的理解和消化的方式,这一环节对学生的要求较高,要求其在理解课文的基础上进行语言输出,为降低难度,提供了一些关键词供学生参考。

IV. Role Play

Suppose you are having an interview to apply for a job concerning advertising. Make a dialogue please.

One student plays as a boss, preparing questions;

the other one plays as an interviewee, preparing answers.


V. Quiz

1. 猜测单词含义,进行连线。

corporation the money available that will be spent over a period of time

target company

budget aim

appeal to as time passes

over time to be suitable for

fit into to attract/ interest

2. 选择短语并用适当形式填空。

come across \ appeal to \over time \ fit into

1) The pain of this failure will disappear ______.

2) I _____________ one of my old classmates in the street the other day.

3) The advertisement design has to _________ all ages and social groups.

4) How do you _________ in the new company?

3. 语篇填空

Advertisements have become part of our everyday life and so it is important that we _________ ourselves about them to avoid being fooled by them. The advertisers often spend a lot of time deciding what kind of things will ______ to their target group. The kind of advertisement depends partly on _______ because it cost a lot more money for ads in _______. Are they really worth all that __________? The advertisers think so or they would not waste their money.


VI. Summary

1.表扬优秀小组和个人 2.对同学们提出要求和期望

Let's make a little bit progress every day!



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