

时间:2023-06-07 10:50:02 文/王明刚 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com




动词+副词短语:turn left/right 左转/右转;walk/go along/straight 直走;go/walk through穿过

交通方式:on foot步行;by train/bike/bus乘火车/骑自行车/乘公共汽车;take a bus乘公共汽车;take a train乘火车;on the bus乘公共汽车;on one's bike骑自行车



1.Excuse me.Is there a bank near here?打扰一下,这附近有银行吗?

2.Which is the way to the supermarket?请问哪一条路是去超市的?

3.Do you know the way to Bridge Street?你知道去布里奇大街的路吗?

4.Would you please tell me the way to the bank?请问你能告诉我去银行怎么走吗?

5.Could you tell me how I can get to the hotel?你能告诉我如何去旅馆吗?


1.Yes,there is.It's on Center Street.是的,有。在中心街。

2.It's in front of the library.它在图书馆前面。

3.Go down this street.沿着这条街走。

4.Turn left at the first crossing.在第一个十字路口左转。

5.It's on Bridge Street on the right.在布里奇大街的右边。


1. A: How heavy are you? 你有多重?

B:I’ m 48kilograms.我有48公斤。

2. A: When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

B:My birthday is in May.我的生日在五月。

3. A:When do you get up?你什么时候起床。

B: I get up at 7:00 o’clock.我7点起床。

4.A:When do you do morning exercise? 你什么时候做早操?

B: I usually you do morning exercise at 8:30.我通常在8:30做早操。

5. A: Thank you!谢谢你

B: You are welcome.不用谢

6.A:What’s your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是哪一个?

B: My favourite season is spring/summar/fall/winter.我最喜欢的季节是春夏秋冬。

7.A: What's your favourite fruit?你最喜欢吃的水果是什么?

B: Apple.苹果。

8.A: When is Children’s day?儿童节是什么时候?

B: It’ s in June.在六月

9.A: What are you doing?你正在做什么?

B:I’ m reading a book.我正在读书。

10A: What’s the date today?今天几月几号

B: It’s October 1st.10月1号。

A: What day is it today?今天星期几?

B: It’s Monday.今天星期一


Ⅰ.情景反应 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语。每小题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)

1. A. Yes, I think so. B. Very interesting. C. I'm not sure.

2. A. I will try it. B. Thank you very much. C. I think so.

3. A. Really? B. All right. C. Never mind.

4.A. You are lucky. B. Have a good journey. C. Really?I am very glad.

5.A. Of course, I will. B. Not very often. C. Around a day.

Ⅱ.对话理解 根据你所听到的对话及问题选择正确答案。每小题读两遍。(共10分,每小题1分)

6. A. Sometimes. B. Never. C. Every day.


8. A. They’re workers. B. They’re old friends. C. They’re classmates.

9. A. To the lake. B. To the beach. C. To the park.

10. A. Buy a pen. B. Change a pen. C. Take a pen.

听下面一段长对话,回答11—12 两个小题。

11.A.This Sunday. B.This Thursday. C.This Saturday.

12.A.They’re going to have a party.

B.They’re going to have a picnic.

C.They’re going to have a big dinner.

听下面一段长对话,回答13—15 三个小题。

13. A. Size L B. Size M C. Size S

14. A. Brown B. White C. Black

15. A. $ 45 B. $ 46 C.$ 48

Ⅲ.短文理解 根据你所听到的短文的内容及问题选择正确答案。短文和问题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)

16. A. China. B. A park. C. A town.

17. A. Three hours. B. More than four hours. C. Less than four hours.

18. A. bread and water B. apples C. both A and B

19. A. 13726156656 B. 13926158856 C. 13726158856

20. A. Go shopping. B. Go camping. C. Go boating.

Ⅰ.情景反应 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的应答语。每小题读两遍。(共5分,每小题1分)

1. What do you think of the film?

2. Don't be nervous. You are sure to win!

3. I'm sorry I forgot to bring my notebook here.

4. I will go to England for a holiday tomorrow.

5. Will you join our club?


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