

时间:2023-06-12 06:10:17 文/王明刚 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


A Brown Coat


Mr Smith has a nice, brown coat. He loves it a lot. But his wife doesn’t like it because it’s old. She often says, “Give it to poor man.” But Mr Smith says, “No, I like this coat.”

史密斯先生有一件漂亮的棕色外套,他非常喜欢它。但是他的妻子不喜欢,因为它是旧的。她经常 说,“把它送给穷人吧。”但是史密斯先生说:“不,我喜欢这件衣服。”

But one day, a cigarette falls on it and makes a hole in it. So Mrs Smith says, “Please don’t wear it again.” Mr Smith takes it to a tailor’s shop and says to the tailor, “Please make another coat like this one.” The tailor does what he is told him and makes a new coat. Then the tailor makes a hole in it again with his cigarette in the same place.

但是一天,一只香烟把这件衣服烧了一个洞。于是史密斯太太说:“请不要再穿它了。 ”史密斯先生把它拿到了一个裁缝店对裁缝说:“请给我做一件与这件一模一样的外套。 ”裁缝按照他说的做了一件新外套。然后裁缝又用香烟在同一个地方烧了一个洞。


brown adj. 棕色的

make a hole 烧了一个洞

cigarette n. 香烟

tailor n. 裁缝

in the same place 在同一个地方


1. What colour is Mr Smith’s coat?(  )

A: Yellow.

B: Brown.

C: Old.

D: Black.

2. Who doesn’t like the coat at all?(  )

A: Mrs Smith

B: The poor man

C: Mr Smith

D: The tailor

3. Does Mr Smith give his coat to the poor man when there’s a hole in it?(  )

A: Certainly.

B: Yes, he dos.

C: No, he doesn’t.

D: We don’t know.

4. How many holes are there in the new coat?(  )

A: One.

B: Two.

C: No hole.

D: Three.

5. Which of the answers is right?(  )

A: The two holes are in the same place.

B: The tailor can’t make a new coat.

C: The poor man gets the old coat.

D: Mr and Mrs Smith don’t like the coat at all.








()1.I will take my kite____Saturday.

A.in  B.at  C.on

()2.Beijing is the capital___China.

A.on  B.in  C.of

()3.It’s a book___London.

A.about  B.of  C.in

( )4.we’re going to____a picnic tomorrow.

A.have  B.take  C.et()

()5.I’ll play____my friends.

A.with  B.to  C.不填

()6.Ling ling is taller____Fangfang..

A.to  B.than  C.and

()7.I am____China.

A.go  B.不填  C.from

()8.Robot can____.

A.walk  B.walking  C.不填

()9.On Monday I will go____..

A.swim  B.swimming  C.swimming

()10.One day,robot will do____..

A.anything  B.不填  C.everything



Today is Sunday. It is 1. f ____. Li Ming and Danny 2. g____ to skate. Danny is going to 3. t____ Li Ming to skate. But Danny can‘t skate. He falls down many times. What 4. a ____ Li Ming? He skates very well. He 5. c____ turn around on the ice.


Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the southwest of China? if you’re 1.a_____ is “yes”, consider a trip to Shangri’la! The world “Shangri’la” first 2.a_____ in the 1933 novel Lost Horizon by the British writer James Hilton. He 3.d_____a beautiful kingdom where three 4.r_____ joined together, snow-capped mountains reached to the sky, and field of a long grass 5.c_____ the Earth. In this 6.w_____ world lived people who had discovered how to 7.s_____ young forever. Nature has 8.p_____ Shangri’la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people.


Hello, I am Kitty. My Chinese 1.n____is Zhang Lei. I am 2.f_____Nanjing, but I 3.l_______ in Yancheng now. I like Yancheng very 4.m_______. I am a 5.s_______ in Yancheng No.1 Middle School. I’m 6. t______ and slim. I have short hair. I like 7.l________to music. I am in the Reading Club in my school. I love 8.r_________books about music after school. I have many friends and we 9.o________go to Yandu Park for fun. Zhang Hua is my brother. He is tall. He likes playing basketball. After school, he likes playing basketball on the 10.p_______with his friends.


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