

时间:2023-06-19 10:07:59 文/李盛 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com




1. A. visiting B. resting C. making

2. A. waiting B. playing C. staying

3. A. vacation B. weeks C. invitations

4. A. phone B. show C. snow

5. A. thinking of B. knowing about C. thinking about


6. Where is Tom going for vacation?

A. Shanghai. B. England. C. Italy.

7. What’s Jane doing tomorrow?

A. She is babysitting her sister.

B. She is playing basketball.

C. She is going sightseeing.

8. When is John going camping?

A. Next week. B. Next month. C. Next Sunday.

9. How long is Mary staying in Hawaii?

A. For two weeks. B. For three weeks. C. For three days.

10.How is the weather in Beijing?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. It’s cold.



11. What will the boy do tonight?

A. Do his homework. B. Watch TV. C. Go to a birthday party.

12. What will the boy take?

A. Some flowers. B. A notebook. C. Some CDs.


13. How was Jack’s vacation?

A. It was interesting. B. Not very good. C. It was exciting.

14. What did Jack do during the vacation?

A. He helped his pa rents. B. He played computer games.

C. He did his homework.

15. What was the weather like in Beijing?

A. It was very cold. B. It was very cool. C. It was very warm.


Reasons why hiking is popular

General reasons It’s 16 and 17 .

Reason 1 It’s good 18 that improves people’s health without hurting you.

Reason 2 It’s simple and 19 .

Reason 3 It’s the best way to get away from your everyday 20 .


[00:00.00] Lesson 2 The second Lesson

[00:33.31]Hi,Jim.What are you doing?

[00:37.72]Mr Wu wants me to give a talk in class tomorrow.

[00:44.98]A talk?About what?

[00:49.66]I'm thinking about what to say.

[00:54.52]Do you have any good idea?

[01:43.55]I'm thinking about what to say.

[02:02.41]Do you have any good ideas?

[02:36.37]Oh,well,let me think.Why don't you talk about names?

[03:22.32]Yeah,talk about the difference between Chinese and English names.

[03:54.27]That's good idea.Thanks.

[04:39.80]give somebody a talk

[05:05.48]Tomorrow I want you to give us a talk, Jim.

[05:21.46]Please give us a short talk.

[06:26.30]OK! think about...

[06:36.93]Jim is thinking about what to say.

[06:48.11]I'm thinking about the talk.

[07:39.05]Why don't you....?

[08:00.89]Why don't you give him a card for Teachers' Day?

[08:33.96]Why don't you go and ask Mr Wu for hele?

[09:40.31]Why not...?

[09:45.95]Why not give him a card for Teachers' Day?

[09:54.60]Why not go and ask Mr Wu for help?

[10:17.74]talk about...

[10:27.36]Yeah, talk about English names.

[10:36.79]I'm going to talk about my English teacher, Mr Wu.

[10:52.64]the difference between....

[11:03.41]What's the difference between look and see?

[11:25.24]I don't know the difference between British English and American English.

[11:54.16]That's a good idea.

[12:23.34]What beautiful flowers!

[13:34.71]James Allan Green

[17:09.85]John Henry Brown

[18:41.70]People don't use Mr, Mrs or Miss before their first names.

[18:59.72]They usually use them with their last names.

[19:05.05]Mr Mrs Miss

[20:29.92]Mr Green is Jim's father.

[20:58.87]Mrs Green is Jim's mother.

[21:02.68]Miss Green is Jim's sister.

[21:55.76]This is different from Chinese names.

[23:07.00]Jim Green

[23:36.83]Jim is short for James.

[23:48.79]So just call me Jim!

[24:17.55]The USA is short for the United States of America.

[24:57.42]What is short for Catherine?

[25:14.08]Kate is short for Catherine.

[25:28.45]Kate is short for Catherine. People call her Kate for short.

[25:40.60]Jim is short for James.People call him Jim for short.

[25:59.17]My full name is Robert Thomas Brown.

[26:04.42]Thomas Brown Bob is short for Robert.Please don't call me Mr robert or Mr Bob.

[26:14.45]Call me Mr Brown or Robert or Bob.


I. 听对话, 然后根据问句选择正确的答案。 (5分)

1. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14 D. 15

2. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren't.

C. Yes, they do. D. No, they don't.

3. A. Jack does. B. Jack is.

C. Jim does. D. Jim is.

4. A. A doctor. B. A teacher.

C. A nurse. D. A student.

5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn't.

C. Excuse me. You may ask that man. D. Sorry, I don't know.

II. 听短文,将文中所空的单词补充出来。 (10分)

Tom is from America. He's in China now. He's a Grade 8 student. He's__1__. He's my __2__ friend. We're in the same class. He sits __3__ me. We have __4__ good friends for one year.

Tom has a __5__ face and a big nose. He has big __6__eyes. They make him __7__. He always __8__a pair of glasses. He is __9__. He __10__ like to be a computer engineer when he grows up.


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