

时间:2023-06-07 12:58:35 文/莉落 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



1、能听说认读四会单词:family parents uncle aunt baby brother cousin 。

2、能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭 。

3、了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗 。


听说认读四会单词:family parents uncle aunt baby brother cousin 。能用英语简单介绍自己的家庭 。


(一). Warm-up


T: Hello. How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And you?

T: I am fine , too. Thanks. Are you happy today?

Ss: Yes, we are. ,,

2.Sing a song: Finger Father

(二). Presentation

1、出示p p t课件:Look, this is Ding ding’s family . Let’s go and meet her family. 教学family Family is means :father and mother I love you (渗透情感教育)

2、出示幻灯:(丁丁的全家福) 生依次复习人物名称,顺势引出baby brother. 读法:拆分法、组组读

3、T: Guess. Who are they?

Ss: They’re Ding ding’s father and mother.

T: Yes, they are Ding ding ‘s parents. 教学parents (注意复数形式)

4、出示幻灯教学Ding ding:I have other families .引出 uncle aunt (说明Father’s brother and mother’s brother, we can call uncle. Father’s sister and mother’s sister, we can call aunt.)

出示幻灯T: Is he lovely?

Ss: Yes.

T: He’s Ding ding’s cousin. 教学cousin



(三). Practice


2、炸弹游戏:教师先指出某一个单词为炸弹,然后打乱顺序快速读单词,谁读出炸弹单词就算输。Can you read them?

3、Let’s play games

What’s missing?


This is my uncle.

He’s tall and strong.

5、Let’s spell Read, listen and circle.

6、Listen and chant.

7、Let’s read



(四). Summary 今天我们学习了什么?

(五). Homework

1、Copy the new words four times .

2、Introduce your family members .



1、听说认读四会单词:family, parents, uncle ,aunt, baby brother

2、能够听懂会说介绍自己家庭成员的句子:This is my.... She/He is ....


重点:听说认读四会单词:family parents uncle aunt baby brother

难点:理解parents uncle aunt baby brother等词的含义





1、播放第二册学生用书上《father mother》的歌曲,让孩子边唱边表演。


Act like a father/mother/sister…


教师在黑板上画出family tree,请孩子把father mother等贴在family tree相应的位置上,大声读一读。

4、教师出示课件(自己的家庭照片),用This is my…. She/He is. …进行介绍和描述。

孩子把自己的照片放在投影上,尝试用This is my…. She/He is. …进行介绍和描述。

教师在黑板上画father和mother的简笔画,如有条件,教师可利用实物投影仪展示自己和学生的家庭成员照片,并介绍说:This is my father / mother . 引导学生一起描述人物特征,如:He is strong . She has big eyes .等。(注意所画人物图像应具有鲜明的特征)

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1、教师出示课件说:“Do you know this is my family.教师把family这个单词贴在黑板上。family tree的顶端。 I have a big family. How many people in my family? 学生回答。再问:How many people in your family.鼓励孩子回答。 This is my mother. This is my father. They are my parents. 教师带读,学生练词。教师把parents贴在family tree上相应的位置。教师指自己的家庭成员说:“This is my uncle. This is my aunt 。”并把两个单词贴在family tree上,说:“My uncle is my father’s or mother’s brother. My aunt is my father’s or my mother’s sister.”

学生学说单词family , parents , uncle , aunt .


T: What can you see ?

S: A picture .

T: Right . This is a picture of my family . I have a happy family . How many people can you see ?

S: Six .

T: Yes . My family has six members . What about your family ?

教师鼓励学生说:My family has … members .

T: Look ! Who is she / he ? She / He is my mother / father . They are my parents .可用学过的句子描述所介绍的人物。在呈现uncle , aunt 时,可向学生解释Your uncle is your mother or father’s brother . Your aunt is your mother or your father’s sister .

2、播放配套课件:教师说:“This is Amy’s family. How many people in Amy’s family. Who are they? ”指课件中的单词认读。


让孩子扮演Amy。其他孩子表演Amy的家庭成员,孩子用“This is my….” 介绍家庭成员。

4、进行Group work的练习,先让一个孩子拿着自己的家庭照片放在投影上,介绍和描述家庭成员。孩子仿照例子在小组中互相介绍。 然后学生到前面介绍。

(三)趣味操练 (Practice)

1、Listen to a song 《Come and see my family 》



(四) 扩展性活动(Add-activities)

边看视频边学唱《Come and see my family 》





让学生熟练掌握“This is …/That is … ”的用法。 this和that的发音以及在楼层的表达中序数词first, second的用法是教学中的难点。教师要通过创设情景让学生理解和掌握。


教学重点:让学生熟练掌握“This is …/That is … ”的用法。

教学难点:this和that的发音以及在楼层的表达中序数词first, second的用法是教学中的难点。教师要通过创设情景让学生理解和掌握。



1.播放本单元Let’s do A的录音带,学生听音做动作。


3.教师播放本单元歌曲《Our School》,先让学生听,然后鼓励学生跟唱。

(二)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1.教师和学生进行free talk,话题是Why do you like our school? 鼓励学生用简单的句子做出回答,即使只能说出只言片语,教师也要给予表扬。顺着这一话题。教师说:“Yes, our school is really very nice. Today some friends from America are coming to see our school. Chen Jie is showing them around school. Let’s watch. 由此导入新课。 2.播放本课课件Let’s talk 部分。教师可以就对话内容提一些问题,如:How many American friends are there? What do you do in the playground? 在提问与回答的过程中,将难点各个击破。


first和second的操练可以在排列卡片、复习单词的过程中渗透,如:T: What’s in the first/second picture? Ss: It’s a library/ a teacher’s office. 也可以让学生听指令排列卡片,如:T: The first card, playground; the second card, … 然后引导学生仔细观察挂图,正确理解和运用短语on the first floor 和on the second floor。



(三)趣味操练 (Practice)


Where’s the library?

It’s on the second floor.

Is it next to Classroom 3?

Yes, it is.

一学生手举起图片背对其他学生面向黑板站立,另一学生依照图的提示做出动作,其余的学生猜测图上表示的是什么课室或学校场馆,用句型“That is a …”作答。


1.做本单元A Let’s talk 部分的活动手册配套练习。

2. 听Let’s talk 部分的录音,读给同伴、朋友或家长听。

3. 给爸爸妈妈介绍自己的学校。



1.知识与技能目标:①能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:playground,, teacher’s office, library, garden.②能运用句型 “Where is the,,? It′s on the,,floor.”来询问或描述学校某设施、场所的大体位置.③听懂Let′s do的指示语,并按指令做出相应的动作,来巩固复习Let′s learn部分词汇.


通过播放课本12页的英文动画歌曲“Our school”,自然引入到“ School”这一话题,既活跃了课堂气氛,又促进学生对本节课新知识的学习;最后再次播放歌曲,既突出了本课主题,又有利于培养孩子热爱自己学校的美好情感。 通过展示我们熟悉的校园图片,来教授新单词,更直观、形象,易于理解;通过会话练习,与同桌合作介绍学校,将所学的语言运用到真实的情景中,培养学生合作能力和综合运用语言的能力。通过联系生活实际,让学生说说如何在图书馆阅读,有利于孩子养成良好生活、学习习惯。






playground, teacher’s office, library, 和句型“Where is the,,? It′s on the,,floor”.




1.Enjoy the song“Our school”on the page12.

①For the first time, the students listen carefully.

②For the second time, the teacher and students sing together.


2.pair-work 课件出示学校图片.

T: Hello, ...... S1: Hi,...

T:It’s our school. It’s beautiful, I like it very much. Do you like our school? S1: Yes, I do.

T:Is this your classroom?

S1:Yes.Look!There are 6 lights,4 windows,2 doors,one computer. S1: Wow!It’s so big! T:Goodbye! S1:Bye!

(设计意图:初始学校照片,让学生初步感知美丽的校园,出示教室照片,让学生根据教室照片进行pair-work对话,既对已学知识进行复习又为下面词汇的学习,进一步做铺垫。) (二)听读新知,初步感知

1.出示我校图书馆照片,Do you like reading a book in the library? Ss:Yes ,we do.



T:Where is the library? (板书) 引导学生回答:It′s on the,,floor.(板书)

同桌互说“Where is the library? It′s on the,,floor”

(设计意图:对重点句型进行操练,引导学生理解和运用目标语言。) T:Ok,Can we eat or drink in the library? Ss:No, T:Can we talk loudly? Ss: No.we can’t.

T:Yes,we should be quiet,we should protective books.

T:Now,follow me ,please.Go to the library,read a book.Shhh,Be quiet.教师动作带动学生一起做动作。

2.课件出示办公室照片(有教师) T:can you guess,Where is it? Ss:Teachers’ office.教师办公室 T:Where is the teachers’ office? 引导学生回答:It′s on the,,floor.

T:we can hand in the homework to the teachers’ office.But we must say hello.

Go to the teachers’ office ,Say hello.师生一起做动作。 (设计意图:对重点句型进行操练,引导学生理解和运用目标语言。)


T:we can play football,we can play games,we can take exercise。Where is it?It’s our playgroud.

T:Go to the playgroud,Play football.(Year! We win!)



This is our garden.It’s very beautiful.can we leave litter in the garden ? Ss:No.

T:we must Take good care of trees and flowers. T:Go to the garden,water the flowers.(Wow! Beautiful!) 5.Play a game “What’s missing?”



课件出示对话(客人参观学校情景) A:Welcome to our school.

B:Excuse me.Do you have a library? A:Yes,we do.

B:Where’s the library? A:It’s on the first floor. B:Is this the teacher’s office?

A:No,It isn’t.The teachers’ office is on the second floor. B:Ok,Thank you! A:You’re welcome.

(四)扩展听读,整体感知 扩展材料事先下发

First,Listen to the tape . Second,read after it loudly. Third,Read by yourself . (五)灵活运用,整体表达

1.Let′s do.

Now,Let’s have a relax .I can do many things,Can you? 第一遍,教师做动作学生跟着做。

第二遍,师生一起做。(设计意图:通过播放Let′s do的录音带,对所学词汇进行复习巩固,进一步加深印象)

2.Introduce our school(给出小明的学校照片)

This is our school.

Look at the______, it’s on the _______ floor. Look at the______, it’s on the_______ floor.

My school is clean and nice. I like my school very much!


3.Let's sing again.

4.情感教育Our school is very beautiful,we can study in the big classroom, we can read in the library, we can play football in the playgroud, we can sing songs in the music room ,and so on. So we love our school very much!(手势语)

师生:We love our school very much!(手势语)



① Read the new words and the phrases four times to your partner.

②Introduce your school to your parents.



Unit1 My school

A Let’s learn

A:Where’s the ...?(library/teacher’s office) B:It’s on the ...floor.(first floor/second floor)



Grasp the new words and phrase: music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Recognize and read the sentences: What time is it? It’s… It’s time for…

Enable the students to understand the directive and do the corresponding activities. Such as: Time for breakfast. Drink some milk.


Grasp the new words and phrases.

Understand the meaning of the new sentences: What time is it? It’s nine o’clock. It’s time for…




一. Warm-up.

Sing the song.


Show some numbers:

Ask students to read the numbers. Then put the numbers: 12 .3. 9. 6. on the blackboard. And draw a circle. Then the teacher asks: What is it?

Ss: It is a clock. (help answer) teach the new word: clock.

Students read the word one by one.


1. T: Now from the clock, we know it can tell us : the time(help answer)

Prestent the word: time, teach the word. Then show the sentence: what time is it?

It’s 6 o’clock.(teach the word: o’clock) students read together.

2. Ask and answer.

S1: What time is it?

S2: It’s 12 o’clock.

3. (Game)

Who can say the time quickly?

Ask students to point out the time

4. presentation

Show the pictures:

T: What time is it?

S: It’s 7 o’clock.

T: It’s time for breakfast.(show a picture of eating breakfast)

Repeat : It’s time for lunch/dinner.

5. Let’s do. What time is it? It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time for breakfast.

What time is it? It’s 11 o’clock. It’s time for lunch.

What time is it? It’s 6 o’clock. It’s time for dinner.

三. Presentation

Show a picture of Zhang Pen’s day. On the day. Zhang Pen does different things

T: What does Zhang Pen do on the day? Let’s see together.

1. present the picture of the clock:

T: What time is it?

Ss: It’ s 7 o’clock.

T: It’s time for breakfast.

Teach: time for breakfast, drink some milk.(read and do the action)

Let students read and do the actions

2. the picture of Zhang Pen having English class

T:What time is it ?

Ss: It’s 9 o’clock.

T; It’s time for English class.

Teach: time for English read and write

Repeat : Time for lunch have some chicken

Time for dinner eat some rice

Time for P.E. jump and run

Time for music sing and dance

3. fill in the blank

ask and answer: A:It’s 11 o’clock. B: It time for lunch.

四. Let’s chant

Using a song ask students to chant according to the song

Group of two chant together.

What time is it? It’s 6 o’clock

Time for breakfast, drink some milk.

五.Let’s do

Students listen to the tape, read and do the actions together.

Time is life. Don’t waste time. Time waits for no man.






Unit2 What Time Is It


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