

时间:2023-06-12 19:13:46 文/孙小飞 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


Teaching Plan

----外___ ___

Teacher: _____

Content: Lesson 14 Unit7 colors (2)

①The text of lesson 14 is talk about colors.

②Understand and speak out the nine new words: blue, pink, black, white, have, pet, it, rabbit.

③Study the new sentences: “what color is it?” “I have a …” “It’s…” (The answer is color) ①Master the new words.

②Make sentences with the new words.

③Let the students to the color of interrelated inquiries and responses have a clear understanding.

④Develop students’ imaginations. ①Speak out the new words and make sentences in right tone.

②Stress the “a” is important to the sentence “I have a….” Many students often miss it. Cards, tape, some stars (To encourage students)

Step 1: arming up

①Introduce myself then to greet.

②Let all students stand up and chant a poem with action. (The poem is “Stop Wait Go”, This is the content of last class).

Step2: Reviewing and leading in

①Show four cards of “red, yellow, green, orange” on the blackboard then let students read it.

②Teacher wants to play a game called “Where is it.” The rule of game shows on PPT (对上节课单词的检测)

③After reviewing the words, teacher ask student a question: There are many colors in our life, now who can try to say the other colors?

④Teacher show the four cards of “blue”, “pink,” “black,” “white” on the blackboard. Read them follow teacher and let students show their fingers to spell them.

⑤Show the PPT about the colors. And let students talk about the colors that we can see in our life.

⑥Ask another question: “Now most of people fed animal, what the animal called?

⑦Teach say the right answer and show another card of “pet”.

Students read it follow teacher.

⑧Show PPT about “rabbit” on the blackboard and let student read it.

⑨At this moment, students need rest. So teacher play a game about new words . Teacher show the Chinese, students say it in English. Step 3: Learn new lesson

①Firstly, listen to the tape about the new lesson.

②Put three cards of “it”, “have”, “color” and let students read follow teacher.

③Secondly, open the book on page 65 and read the text together.④Thirdly ask students read.

⑤Underline the stress and translate the dialogue.

⑥Stress the sentence of “What color is it?” “I have a….”and the answer of “It’s….” (The answer must about color)

Step 4: Set up situation

①Show the PPT about different colors’ things and ask some student to act.

②Ask more students to act.

③At last, whole class read the text once more.

Step 5: Summary

Today, we learn some basic knowledge of colors. I hope you can have a consciousness about it. You have to review, recite words and

do to homework.

Step 6: Homework

①Copy the text and new words. ( Three times.) ②Recite the dialogue and words.


Teaching Plan

Lesson 9 Unit 5 (Book2)


? Teaching Content:Unit5 Lesson9 Parts of the body(book2)

? Students:Class 1 Grade 3

? Trainee:Lai Qiuyan

I.Teaching aims:

1.Knowledge aim:

1)New words: leg, hand, arm, foot, feet, knee

2)New sentences:

——How many legs/hands/arms/feet/ can you see?

——I can see __legs/hands/arms/feet.

3) Recite the chant fluency “Follow me”. Learn to sing a song

of “Follow me”

4) To hear the instruction and performance.

2.Emotional aim:

Let students be more confident during the studying of English

and get great fun from study.Arouse students' interests in

English learning, cultivate the habit of independent study actively, lets the student in activity boldly self expression.

II. Class type: New teaching

III. Important and difficult points:


Let students can hear instruction and performance.

IV. Teaching preparation:cards, pictures

V .Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up


2.Sing a song “Head, shoulders ,knees and toes.”

Step 2 Review

Group race. Look the picture and answer the questions. ——How many __can you see?

——I can see __.”(Lesson5 Unit3 Book1)

Step 3

Teaching the new lesson Show the title of Unit5 Lesson9.

T: Today I will introduce a new friend to you. Do you want to know? Look, he’s coming. (Show a boy in the screen.)

T: His name is Dan.

Ss :( read after the teacher) His name is Dan.

T: Please say “Hello” to Dan.

Ss: Hello, Dan.

T: Today Dan has something to introduce to us. Do you want to know? Let’s have a look.

Step 4 Learning

1. (The screen has shown Dan’s knees.)


T: Oh, What’s this? It’s his knees.

Ss: Head. (Read after the teacher, and bend the knees.)

T: Follow me. Let’s do the knee exercise and read it together twice. (Nod left, nod right, nod back, nod forward)

T: I say and you do. (Teacher says the words and students do the actions.) Point to/touch/bend your knees….

T: Let’s have a chant.

knee, knee, point to your knees;

knee, knee, touch your knees;

knee, knee, bend your knees. (Reading and doing.)

2. (The screen has shown Dan’s arms, use the same way to lead in the arm.)

T: Show me your arm and read it, now let’s do arm by arm.

(One student stands up to say “arm”, and then he waves his arm and it goes on.)

T: Follow me:

Arm, arm, point to your arms; arm, arm, wave your arms.

3.(Show the hands.)

T: Show me your hand, and read it and don’t stop. (Teacher reads it and chooses some students to read.)

T: I say and you do. Clap/point to/touch your hands.

4.(Show the legs)


T: Leg. (Read and touch it.)

T: Point to/touch your leg.

T: Leg, leg, point to your leg; leg, leg, touch your leg.

5.(Show the feet)

Teacher stamp the foot and point it, and use the same way to practice it.

6. Learn the text.

Step 5 Game

Each group have a little teacher issue instructions on other students do the action, the students who do wrong sat down please, with the most students win the game.

Step 6 Chant then sing “Follow me ”

Step 7 Sum-up and eva luation

Step 8 Homework

1. Listen to the tape and read after it.

2. To perform the activities manual exercises four to six.

3. Preview the new lesson.

VI.The Design of the Blackboard Writing


1、教学内容:6种小动物:monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit。和模仿这些小动物所做的动作。


A、知识目标:使学生能掌握六种小动物的名称:monkey ,dog ,duck, panda, cat, rabbit。

B、能力目标:能够听懂一些指令,如:Act like a ……,并能做出相应的动作。




A、能听说、认读一些常见的动物单词:monkey , dog, cat , duck , panda , rabbit。







注:T=Teacher S=Student Ss=Students


(一) Greeting:

T: Hello, boys and girls。

Ss: Hello, Miss Shen。

T: How are you?

Ss: Fine, thank you。 How are you?

T: Very well, thanks。

(二) Presentation:

(1) T: Now, boys and girls。 Let’s go and meet some new friends!(让我们去认识几个新朋友吧!)

Look, children。 Who are they? (它们是谁呢?)

T推出摆有6种小动物的小车(6种小动物 “cat ,dog, rabbit ,panda ,duck ,monkey”)分开排列,课前不让Ss看见。

Ss在座位上叫着:Cat ,dog (这是许多学生早就知道的几种动物)

T: Very good! We can see cat, dog and other animals。 (T边说边指)

Now, let’s go and meet them one by one。 (让我们一一去认识一下)

(2) What’s this?

T: Woof! Woof! (T拿着玩具狗边做动作边模仿叫)

Ss: Dog! Dog! (大部分学生喊着)

T: Yes。 It’s a dog。


T: Dog Dog

Ss: Dog Dog

T: This is a white dog。 (边指边慢说,加入颜色词)

Is this a white dog?

Ss: Yes。

T: Good。 Act like a dog。 (T先示范做)


(3) 同法教单词 cat, rabbit, panda , 并有意识地将发音进行归类,如发音,使学生逐步掌握正确的学习和记忆单词的方法。

(4) Play a guessing game。

T show Ss the cards of dog, cat, rabbit ,panda。

Ss read them once first, then T hold them back。

T take one of them in the right hand and let Ss guess what it is。

(分Zoom, Zip 两大组来比赛,猜对的组得个good )

(5) 在玩这个游戏时,加入新单词卡duck。


T: Duck Duck

Ss: Duck Duck


T: Wonderful。 Now, let’s act like a duck。




T: Duck likes swimming (动作) in the ……

Ss: 水!

T: Great! They like swimming in the water。


(6) Act and guess。

T call S1 to the front and tell him/her a word。 (耳语)

(Suck as dog/duck) Let him/her act like this animal, others guess what the animal is。


(7) 表演完以上所学的几种动物,T对一生耳语最后一个动物单词:monkey (猴子)学生表演完后,T就顺势教单词:monkey (方法同上)

T: Act like a monkey。

Ss do together。

T: Where do monkeys live? Do you know? (你们知道猴子生活在哪儿吗?)

Ss: 森林,丛林。

T: Yes。 That’s right。 They live in the forest or the jungle。We should protect them。

(8) Listen to the tape and repeat。


1。 Listen and show the cards of words。

2。 T say and Ss show the toys of animals。

3。 T throw the toys to Ss one by one, the student who catching the toy should stand up and say the word with acting。 (T把panda 放在最后扔)

(四) Culture

1、 从上述游戏引出:

Panda 是China的代表性动物,更是 China 的国宝。

2、让Ss看地图,找出 China 的位置。

3、T 让Ss说说其他国家的代表性动物。


America(美国)———————— eagle(鹰)

Canada(加拿大)———————— beaver(海狸)

T 让Ss也在地图上找出这些国家的位置,并让 Ss说说:对于这些动物,我们应怎么做?


T: I believe you。 (我相信你们!)

You’re all good students。 (T伸出大拇指表扬)





unit 6 colours教学设计

teaching content:

英语三上 unit 6 colour (letter time—ticking time)

teaching aims:

1.be able to use the following sentences adroitly:

this is (my)…it’s...

2. be able to sing the song: colour song.

3. be able to listen, read, say and write the letters: rr, ss, tt.

4. be able to listen, read, say and write the words: are, is, orange, green, it, red, and, black.

teaching importance and difficulties:

1. be able to use the following sentences adroitly:

this is (my)…it’s....

2. be able to listen, read, say and write the letters: rr, ss, tt. correctly.

3. be able to listen, read, say and write the words: are, is, orange, green, it, red, and, black.

teaching aids:


students’ preparation :

colourful pencils

teaching procedures:

step 1. free talk and warm up

(1)t: good morning/afternoon, class.

ss: good morning/afternoon, miss...


(2)listen, show and say


(3)quick response


step 2. revision

(1) review story time.看图说句子

(2) magic time

引出句型what colour is this…? it’s…

(3) 裙子还会变成什么颜色?同桌猜一猜

pair work and act

引出it’s black and white.

step 3. checkout time

(1) try to colour



pair work and act:

a: what colour is this…?

b: it’s…

(2) let’s design.

step 4. letter time

(1) 读出看到的字母,说出颜色,引出新授字母rr, ss, tt

(2) r: 看字母颜色提示说出四个含r的颜色单词

s, t: 说一说含字母s,t的单词,再出示例词

(3) 学习书写rr,ss,tt三遍

(4) 拼写小能手


(5) quick response



step 5 song time

(1) 听歌,找出听到的颜色

(2) let’s learn,读歌词,讲解意思

(3) 听,跟老师学唱

(4) 跟动画齐唱,唱到该颜色,穿这颜色衣服的同学起立并说i am!

(5) 换颜色改歌词齐唱

step 6情感教育

step 7 ticking time

step 8 homework

1.read the new letters r s t.(熟读新学的字母r s t)

2. copy the new letters four times. (抄写新学的字母各四遍)

3. sing the song to your family and friends.(将今天学的歌唱给你的家人和朋友们听)

blackboard design:

unit 6 colours

a: what colour is this…?

b: it’s…

r r s s t t


一、 说教学内容

今天我说课的内容是PEP小学英语三年级下册 Unit 4 My family二、 说教材本节课是在学生对外貌描述表达及相关句型基础上进行的对话教学。通过学习John与妈妈之间的对话,理解句型“I have a new friend .”,“What’s his name? His name is ……”,并能加以运用。三、说 教学目标1、知识目标(1)使学生能听、说、认读本课时主要句型“I have a new friend .”,“What’s his name? His name is ……”。(2) 对话中出现的“photo”等单词,学生能听懂并理解其意思。(3) 会朗读对话。2、能力目标:(1) 能描述朋友的外貌特征.(2) 使用时能正确使用“He /She is ……He/She has……”, 并灵活运用所学知识进行交流的能力.3、情感目标(1)教育要学生珍惜友谊,并热于助人。(2)激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立学习英语的自信心。(3)培养学生的合作交流能力。四、 说教学重点和难点He /She is ……He/She has……的运用五、 说学生学生在本单元已分别学习了“He /She is ……He/She has……”,还不扎实,需进一步强化。六、 说教学准备教师准备动物单词卡、人物头饰、多媒体、投影仪、奖励用的小贴画,自制人物奖励卡。七、 说教法、学法为突破这堂课的重、难点,根据小学生好奇、好胜、好动、模仿力和表现欲旺盛等特点,我主要采取了以任务型教学模式为主,以活动,合作为主线,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作、游戏感悟等多法并用的方式组织教学,促进学生语言实际运用能力的提高。八、 说教学过程(一)歌曲导入,激发学生学习的兴趣兴趣是推动学生学习的强大动力,是新课导入的关键。《 what’s your name?》这首歌曲突出了主题,以可爱的卡通画面给学生带来新鲜、亲切的感觉,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情境。因此,在热身的时候这样的导入既吸引住学生进入对话主题,同时还渲染了学生学习英语的良好气氛。(二)夯实基础,温故知新。教师要在教学中恰到好处地去启发、点拔、尽可能地给学生多一点活动的余地,多一点表现自己的机会,这样才能使课堂氛围充满活力。因此,我在这个环节请同学们回忆歌曲中男孩的名字,巧妙的引出对话中的新句子“What’s his name? His name is ……”, 进行答句的教授。出示一些卡通人物的photos,请学生回答,回答正确的学生可以得到该卡通人物的照片,并和他们交朋友.从学生喜爱的东西入手,激发学生的学习兴趣。在这个过程中,可以用对比的方式,强调his与her,引导学生对照片提问。 当学生得到照片后,教师可以提问“Who has a new friend today?”请交到新朋友的同学对自己的朋友进行简单的描述。这样轻松复习了旧知识,还为学习新课扫平了障碍。(三)呈现对话,合作互动。由学生在课堂中结识的新朋友,自然过渡到对话中,John的朋友。在对话学习前,提出问题。孩子们带着疑问观看教学光碟后,解决了难题,非常有成就感。在朗读对话时,我先后进行了听音跟读,小老师领读,大组分角色朗读及互评,小组合作学习,表演展示等方式,做到读得充分而不失乐趣。特别是培养学生合作学习能力方面,让孩子们在师生,生生,小组等不同的合作方式中,学会倾听,学会评价,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。(四)通过课件出示两张照片,教师介绍照片中是已经失去联系的朋友,将同学们分成两组,分别对照片进行描述,帮老师录制一段寻人启示。把学到的知识运用到现实生活中去,鼓励学生在帮助他人的同时,也增强了他们的自信心和合作精神。(五)我们的朋友有很多,有动物,植物,在科学发达的今天还有机器人。请同学动手设计一张机器人朋友的画像并对自己的设计进行说明,提升学生的能力。(六)作业布置注意结合学生实际分层,学生可任选其一。(七)对学生的表现进行总结评价。九、教学总结这节课不论是旧知识的巩固,还是新知识的呈现和操练,都紧紧围绕教学重点,游戏和评价方式的设计适合学生的心理,吸引学生,让学生积极参与到课堂中来。学生在玩中学,学中用,提高了课堂实效,培养了学生学习的兴趣。


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