

时间:2023-06-05 09:20:24 文/李盛 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


初中英语语法归纳 语法学习

(一)被动语态 动词的语态主要分为两种:主动语态与被动语态主动语态指主语是谓语功作的执行者,。者为主动关系。被动语态指主语是谓语动作的承受者,。者为被功关系。 I have done the job.(主动句) The job has been done.(被动句)

1.被动语态根据时态的不同,可分为以下几种类型: 一般现在时:am/is/are+done; 一般过去时:was/were+done 现在进行时:am/is/are+being done 过去进行时:was/were+being done 将来时 :will/would+be done,be going to be done, be to be done 现在完成时:have/has +been done 过去完成时:had+been done 将来完成时:will+have been done

2被动语态门主功语态一样具有不同时态,其时态的变化取决于时间状语,其时态的变化形式由其助动词be的事态变化形式来体现 The house is being painted now.(现在进行时被动语态) Eru0ugh has been said to him about it.(现在完成时被动语态) The furniture was bought last week..(过去时被动语态) You'll be punished one day.(将来时被动语态)

3.被动语态的意义 (1)不知道或没必要指出行为、动作的执行者(无须加buy短语) Colour TV sets are sold in that shop. Football is plated all over the world. (2)突出和强调行为或动作的承受着。 History is made by the people. The wounded soldiers have been saved by those people. (3)有时主语较长,可后置。 It's said that we have won the game.

4.在使役动词makr及感官动词see ,hear….等动词的被动语态形式后面出现的作主语补足语的不定式须加不定式符号“to"? The teacher made Tom answer it again.(主动语态,不加“to" ) Tom was made to answer it again.(被动语态,加“to" )

5.短语动词的被动语态要注意不可丢失其附加的介词、副词或短语。 look at,laugh at,send for,call on,carry out, listen to,take care of ,make use of,depend on,pay attention to,hand in,put on,look up,give up〕等.

6. be+过去分词可以是被动语态形式,也可以是系表结构形式。区别是,系表结构表示主语状态或特征,不带by短语;而被动语态是表示主语的一个被动动作,可以带by短语。 The job was well done.(系表结构) The job was well done by a skilled worker.(被动语态) The composition is well written.(系表结构) The composition is written with great care;.(被动语态)

7.原来主动语态中的宾语如果是从句,变为被动语态时,要用形式主语it. It has been known to him that many friends will come to see him. It is said that this book has been translated into several languages.

8.有一些动词不能用被动语态。 break out,take place,happen,belong to,cost,suit,fit,have,let, wear, weigh. suffer, pass, kill the time, enter, last, meet(遇见),join(参加),fail等

9.宾语为反身代词时,不用被动语态,只用主动语态形式。 The man introduced himself as Mr. Wang.

10.有些动词或情态动词常用所接的不定式来表示被动意义。 如:happen,pretend,seem,used to,ought to,appear等。 The house used to be painted white. The job has to be done before dark. On the way we happened to be caught in the rain.

11.有些动名词在want, need, require和介词worth后形式为主动,意义为被动。

12.有些动词用主动形式来表示被动意义。如:clean, sell,look,lock,open,write,read,wash,feel等。 This kind of cloth washes easily. These books sell well.(好卖) The door doesn't lock. The door can't open. This pen writes very well.

13.除助动词be可以构成被动语态外,get, become等词也可以+过去分词构成被动意义。 She was unhappy because she didn't get invited to the party.


1. 表示“关于”,注意与介词 on 的区别:

about 指泛泛地或非正式地谈论某事,其谈论的内容也较为普通;而 on 则指比较有系统地或理论性较强地论述某事,其论述的内容较正式或较为严肃。试比较:

(1) a book on rabbits 指的是一本论及兔子的学术著作

(2) a book about rabbits 指的可能是一本供小孩看的关于兔子的故事书

2. 表示“带在身上”,一般指随身带的小物品,有时可与表示类似含义的介词 with

on 换用:

He has a watch about [on, with] him. 他带着表。

3. 用于数字前,表示“大约”:

The computer cost me about 600dollars. 这台电脑大约花了我600美元。

4. 在动词 know, hear, speak 等之后用不用介词 about / of, 含义有差别:

I have heard about him, but I don’t know him. 我听到过一些关于他的事,但不认识他这个人。

I’ve heard of him, but I don’t know about him. 我听说过他,但我不知道有关他的情况。


know sb 认识某人

know of sb 知道有某人

know aboutsb 知道有关某人的事或情况

hear sb 听到某人 (讲话)

hear of sb听说过某人

hear about sb 听到关于某人的事或情况

5. be about to (do),意为“即将”、“马上”。注意该短语不与具体的时间状语 (如:

soon, tomorrow, immediately 等)连用:

正:He is about to return to his homeland. 他即将回乡。

误:He is about to return to his homeland tomorrow.

(1) 该短语可与并列连词when (这时)连用:

I was (just) about to go to bed when the telephone rang. 我正要上床睡觉,这时突然电话铃响了起来。

(2) be about 之后可接动名词 (但 be about to 之后不能接动名词):

I was (just) about going to bed when the telephone rang. 我正要上床睡觉,这时突然电话铃响了起来。

6. be about 在干…,忙于…:

What are you about? 你在干什么?


一、at, on, in

(A) at表示“在某一时刻,某一时点”。如:

I get up at 6:00 every day. 我每天6点起床。

注:at daybreak在黎明;at noon在中午;at night在夜间;at Christmas在圣诞节期间;at the age of five在五岁时。

(B) on表示“在具体某一天或某天的上、下午”。如:

I heard a shot on (the morning of ) March 18. 三月十八日(早晨) 我听到一声枪响。

We don’t have classes on Sunday. 星期天我们不上课。

(C) in表示“在某世纪、年、季度、月、周”以及泛指的上、下午、晚上。如:

in the 20th century在20世纪;in 1999在1999年;in winter在冬季;in September在九月;in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上。

二、for, during, through

(A) for后接“一段时间”,表示某事持续多久,多与完成时连用。如:

She has been ill for several days. 她已经病了几天了。

(B) during表示“在……期间”。如:

I went to France for two weeks during the summer. 夏天我去了法国两个星期。

(C) through表示“一直……,自始至终”。如:

They worked hard through the winter. 整个冬天他们都在努力工作。

三、from, since

(A) from表示“时间的起点”,可译作“从……”,多用于“from…to/till…”中。如:

You can come anytime from Monday to Friday. 周一至周五你什么时间来都行。

(B) since表示“自从……以来(直到现在)”。如:

He has been away from home since 1973. 他自从1973年就离开了家乡。

We have known each other since ten years ago. 我们十年前就认识了。

注意:for和since都常与完成时连用,但for接时间段,since接时间点。如for two hours(持续)两小时;since last week从上周直到现在。

四、before, by, till, until

(A) before指“在……之前”,与after相对。如:

Please come before ten o’clock. 请10点以前来。

(B) by指“不迟于,到……时为止,在……以前”。如:

We had learned over 1000 words by the end of last term. 到上学期末为止,我们已经学了1000多个单词了。

We will have learned 2000 English words by the end of this term. 到本学期结束前,我们将学了两千英语单词了。


(C) till (until) “直到……为止”。如:

You must wait for him till tomorrow. 你必须一直等到他明天。

注:在肯定句中,till/until必须与延续动词连用;在否定句中,till/until常与非延续性动词连用。如I didn’t go to bed until 12 o’clock. 直到12点我才睡。

五、after, in, within

(A) after表示“在……之后”,是before的反义词。如:

He got a cancer and died after a year. 他患了癌症,一年后去世了。

The meeting will end afte


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