

时间:2023-06-17 23:16:00 文/张东东 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com



(1) 答案与解析

1. F。由文中My name is Yang Hui...English teacher可知题干错误。

2. T。由短文中的My name is Yang Hui. I’m your English teacher. 可知题干正确。

3. F。文中对Tom Green只告诉大家他是一名新同学,并未告诉我们他是中国人,因而本题不正确。

这个题目有些同学可能从Tom Green的名字上推测他不是中国人,但是一定要注意,做题目时一定要从短文中找线索,不能想当然。

4. F。短文的开头Yang Hui就说Good morning, class. 由此推断,这不是下午的课,而是上午的课。

5. F。I’m fine. 中的I指代的是Yang Hui,如果弄清楚了指代关系,就能做对这道题目。

(2) 答案与解析

1. 从老师问的Are you a new student?及Li Dong的回答可以看出,他是一个学生。要填student。

2. 从Li Dong见了Miss Hu能够准确地向她打招呼,说明他认识她。该空应当填Hu。

3. 从Li Dong说的He’s my brother.能够得知,他是Li Ming的弟弟。故应填写brother.

4. Ling Dong说的I’m twelve.已经明确地告诉我们,他12岁了。要填twelve。

5. 从Li Dong问三班就能看出,他是三班的学生。应当填Three。


1. Is this your handbag?

2. Is this your pen?

3. Is this your pencil?

4. Excuse me, what time is it?

5. Sorry, I beg your parden.

6. Is this your coat?

7. Is this your suit?

8. This is not my watch.



1 She is the woman I drove to London.

2 That's the film I saw.

3 That's the man I spoke to.

4 They are the thieves the police caught.

5 These are the letters I typed.

6 These are the people you asked me about.


1 Which man? That man? Yes, that's the man I saw yesterday.

2 Which car? That car? Yes, that's the car I repaired yesterday.

3 Which woman? That woman? Yes, that's the woman I drove to London yesterday.

4 Which umbrella? That umbrella? Yes, that's the umbrella I bought yesterday.

5 Which medicine? That medicine? Yes, that's the medicine I took yesterday.

6 Which man? That man? Yes, that's the man I invited to my house yesterday.


1 That's right. This is the village I wrote to you about.

2 That's right. He is the person I have heard about.

3 That's right. This is the test I spoke to you about.

4 That's right. She is the woman I read about.

5 That's right. This is something(new) I haven't thought about.

6 That's right. This is something I must decide about.

新概念英语第一册Lesson 51课后练习册答案



1. A。这道题在问Johnny 何时要去上学。文章中说七点半,那当然是早上。

2. D。文中并没有讲Oscar 和Julia 有什么关系,A、B 不能选;也没有说他和Johnny 是朋友,而从 The two boys are in the same class.来看,他们是同班同学。

3. B。短文中说He’s at table over there.这里的at table 就是说在“就餐”。由于当时正是早上,那他就 在吃早点。

4. C。从Julia 在电话中所回答的来看,除了她以外,全家人都在为Johnny 服务,老奶奶自然是在给 Johnny 梳头。


1. 从Excuse me, do you see my sock 来看,她找不到袜子。故应回答:She can’t find her sock.

2. What’s that in your shoe 可以看出,其答案为:It’s in her shoe.

3. Kate 没有找到袜子,是Lucy 告诉她的。因此,该答案是:Lucy sees it.

4. You can look at the clock on the wall.告诉我们,该题的答案是:It’s on the wall.

5. Kate 问她衬衣在哪儿,Lucy 说在桌子上。所以,这个问题的答案是:Kate’s blouse is there.

6. Kate 说他找不见书包,Lucy 说在箱子里。应当这样回答:It’s Kate’s bag.


1. What’s the climate like in your country?

2. The sun shines every day in July.

3. I like the weather in October.

4. Is it cold or hot in autumn?

5. It rains in December.

6. It is always very hot in June.

7. It’s always warm in autumn.


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