

时间:2023-06-03 16:31:29 文/阿林 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com





1、在名词+of+名词这种结构中,前一个名词是整个短语的中心词,当该短语作主语时,一般以of之前名词的数为依据确定谓语的数。one of 之后需接复数名词,但one of+名词作主语时中心词是one,故谓语应用单数One of my students wins the game.


Career and love are important to me.

Im,John and Mary are playing football.


The famous singer and actress,Whitney Huston is coming to the ceremony.

(在这里,singer和actress指得是同一人,都是Whitney Huston)

3、不可数名词,尤其是抽象名词(relation,authority,necessity,power,democr acy,young等)作主语时要视为单数,谓语自然也要用单数。

The relation between us is very simple.


That she has gone insane is sheer rumor.

When they will come hasn't been made public.

5、如果主语是单数,那么即使后面有with/ together with/ alongwith/accompaniedby,no less than,like,but,except,including,besides等引导的短语,谓语动词仍然要是用单数。

例如:The boy,together with his parents,goes to the cinema today.

No one except the two boys knows how to solve this problem.

6、由Not A but B,Not only A but also B,either A or B,neither A nor B引导的主语,谓语通常和最邻近的主语相一致。

Either you or Mary hurts her.

Neither my wife nor I myself am able to persuade my daughter to change her mind.

Not you but he is tired of typing.

Not only the students but also the teacher is going to be blamed.

7、在there be句型、介词短语、副词为句首引起的倒装句中,真正的主语通常在谓 语的后面,谓语应该和后面的主语在数方面相一致。

但是在there be 句型中,如果有两个或者两个以上的主语,必须和最接近他的那个主语相一致。

There are a lot of books on the table.

There is only one pencil, two books and one cup on the table.

Many a time has he given us good advice.




I know that he will come tomorrow.

I know that he has finished reading this book.

I know that he went to school yesterday.


I knew that he would come tomorrow. (现在将来时变为了过去完成时)

I knew that he had finished reading this book. (现在完成时过去完成时)

I was told that he was free today. (现在时态变为过去时态)




如:Her mother helped her solve the problem.

此句中helped之后若用herself则指的是her mother,语义不同。


如:After she entered the room,Mary flung herself to the bed. 此句中she指代的是主句中的Mary。


1. Everyone is busy _____ the examination in the classroom.

A. with B. for C. on D. under

答案: A

解析: 注意几个固定搭配: be busy (in) doing sth 忙于做…; be busy with sth 忙于…; busy oneself (in) doing sth 忙于做……; busy oneself with sth 忙于……。

2. I suppose you couldn’t let me borrow your car this evening, _____?

A. couldn’t I B. don’t I

C. could you D. will you


解析:suppose 后面的从句中为否定式couldn’t,而主句为肯定式,这是否定后移的用法,后面的反意疑问句要根据从句而定,故反意疑问句用肯定式could you。

3. Smoking is not good _____ you because it can affect your health.

A. for B. at C. to D. on

答案: A

解析: be good for… 对…有好处; be good at… 善长于…。

4. Henry and Bady _____ to the parties at the Trade Union every Saturday.

A. are used to go B. use to go

C. used to go D. were used to go

答案: C

解析: be used to do… 被用于做…; used to do… 过去常常…。

5. _____ , the inhabitants fled.

A. The city taken B. The city having been taken

C. Having taken the city D. The city being taken

答案: B

解析: 独立主格结构。



选择题考察词语用法和语法结构(PartⅡVocabulary and Structure),共30题,考试时间25分钟。题目中50%为词和短语的用法,50%为语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选项中选出一个答案。


挑错(Part Ⅲ Identification),共10题,考试时间10分钟。挑错题




1.She _____ us that every would be all right.

A. assured B. ensured C. insure D. secure


解析:assure、ensure、insure、secure都有“保证”这个意思,但它们有着细微的。assure强调消除疑虑,题干的意思是“她向我们保证会一切顺利”,因此应该用assure.ensure强调实实在在的保障,如“The letter ensured an interview.”暗含了有了这封信就一定可以参加面试的意思。Insure则强调事先准备以保证。最后secure则表示采取措施排除负面因素从而保证。

2.She asked me to ______ her at 7.

A. awake B. awaken C. waken D. The three answers are all right


解析:awake,形容词,“醒着的”,动词,“唤醒、醒来”。作为动词,它的用法与wake(up)相似,既可是及物动词,如“My interest awoke when I saw the chance for profit.”(看到有机会盈利我就有了兴趣)和“The project awoke his interest.”awaken和waken一样,也可作及物和不及物动词,表示“唤醒”和“醒来”的意思。

3.The meeting will begin at 9:00 according to the ______.

A. calendar B. schedule C. column D. diagram


解析:四个选项的意思分别是calendar,日历,schedule,日程安排,column,专栏,diagram,图解。Schedule还可以作动词,意思是“安排”,如“the flight is scheduled at six”。词组on schedule意为“准时地”。此外还要掌握column一词也可指“体积”。

4.He spoke so quickly; I didn't ______ what he said.

A. receive B. accept C. listen D. catch


解析:catch是一个意项很多的词,可以表示“抓住”“捕获”“赶上车”“感染”等。可用catch sb. doing ,意为当场抓住某人做某事,如:“She caught me cheating on the test.”。这里catch指“理解”“懂得”。

5.It is said that he ____ murder.

A. committed B. conducted C. executed D. emitted


解析:commit,动词,意为“干、犯(坏事)”。与之相关的词有commitment和committee,“委员会”。Conduct ,动词,“指挥、引导”。如“He conducts himself quite well these days in school.(他这些天在学校表现不错。)”,“Being the only son, he had to conduct the family business after his father's death.”。另外,作为动词它还有“传热、传导”的意项。它也可以作名词,意思是“行为、品行”。与之相关的词有conductor,“领队、乐队指挥”、“售票员、列车员”“导体”。Execute,动词,意为“执行”、“处死”,如“to execute a plan”。Executive,形容词,“实行的”,名词,“管理人员”。Emit,动词,“发射、发出”。

6.The door is shut _____ and clocked.

A. fast B. tight C. firm D. sound


解析:fast要这里是作副词,意思是“紧紧地”。除此之外,它还可以表示“完全地”,与sound相似。Tight和firm如果换成它们的副词形式tightly和firmly在这里也是适合的。Sound也可以作副词,意思是“完全地、彻底地”,如“He's sound asleep”。

7.Many crops were grown on the____ land.

A. barren B. bare C. fertile D. deserted



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