

时间:2023-06-09 10:10:50 文/孙小飞 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com




在中考中应注意:西方人听到自己的亲人、朋友或熟人等谈到有关身体健康的问题时,如“I think I have a bad cold.”通常回答:“I'm sorry to hear that.”或“You'd better see a doctor.”。但如果是说给医生,医生则不能用上述答话,而需用“Take it easy.”来回答。


Have (got)a headache头疼 Have a cough咳嗽

Take one's temperature量体温 Have a fever发烧

Have a cold感冒 Nothing serious没有什么严重的



1.What's wrong/the matter/the trouble with you?你有什么不舒服吗?

2.Is there anything wrong with you?你哪里不舒服?

3.You'd better have a good rest.你好好休息一下。

4.Take this medicine three times a day.这药每天吃三次。

5.Drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 多喝水,好好休息。


1.I fell terrible/bad/ill/sick.我感到很不舒服。

2.I don't feel well./I'm not feeling well.我感到不舒服。

3.I've got a cough(headache, toothache).我咳嗽/头疼/牙疼。

4.I don't fell well.我感觉不舒服。

5.There's something wrong with...我的……不舒服。


【 时间与日期】


1.—When were you born?你什么时候出生的?

—I was born on August 17th ,1978.我出生于1978年8月17日。

2.—What time do you usually go to school?你通常什么时候去学校?

—I usually go to school at seven o'clock.我通常七点去学校。

3.—What day is it today?今天是周几?

—Today is Monday.今天是周一。

4.—What's the date today?今天是几号?

—It's July 18th.7月18日。

5.—What's the time?/What time is it?几点了?

—It's eight o'clock in the evening.晚上八点。

6.—Which season do you like best?你最喜欢哪个季节?

—I like summer best.我最喜欢夏季。


【 职业与外貌】


look like 看起来像;tall 高的;short 矮的;medium height 中等身高;medium build 中等体型;fat 胖的;thin 瘦的;heavy 重的;straight hair 直发;curly hair 卷发;strong 强壮的;blond hair 金黄色头发;brown hair 棕发


1.—What do you do?你是做什么的?

—I am an actor.我是一名演员。

2.—What's your job?你的工作是什么?

—I am a teacher.我是一名教师。

3.—What does he do?他是干什么的?

—He is a doctor.他是一名医生。

4.—What do you want to be when you grow up?当你长大后想干什么?

—I want to be a pilot.我想成为一名飞行员。

5.—What does he want to be when he grows up?当他长大后想干什么?

—He wants to be an engineer.他想成为一名工程师。

7.—What does he look like?他长得什么样子?

—He is of medium height.他中等个子。

8.—What does she look like?她长得什么样子?

—She has long hair.她有长长的头发。


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