

时间:2023-06-16 15:18:38 文/张东东 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


Teaching Procedures of Period 1:

Step1.Warming up (15 mins)

Ss know a lot about sports from everyday life and media, so I arrange such a task -discussion(group of 4):

Q: What do you know about sports?

During this process, if Ss can’t express themselves in English, Chinese is also all right. Besides, it is a

good chance to present new words. If necessary, I will make some complements. At the same time, I will present them as many pictures about sports as possible.

Possible response:

school sports meet

Sports meet the National Games

the Asian Games

the Olympic Games

the World Cup


ball games: volleyball, basket ball, football, table tennis, tennis, ,golf

badminton, bowling, baseball, American football, ice hockey etc

Events of sports track and field: relay race, long jump, high jump, pole jump, discus, shot, javelin etc

gymnastic: rings, double bars, high and low bars, horse , free exercise

swimming/shooting/skiing/ ice sports/diving/aquatic sports etc

Sport stars : Beckham, Mike Owen, Michael Jordan etc

Purpose: This activity is designed to encourage students to think about sports and activate

relevant vocabulary.

Step 2. Speaking(15 mins)

Task1(pair work): Talk about their favourite sports, favourite sports stars, and the reason why they like them, with the following expressions as a guide.(See SB p52)

Task2(pair work): A survey about physical fitness (See postscript 1)

Task3(group work): Add up their total scores and divide by the number of people. Then get their group’s average scores. Discuss their survey answers.

1). Do you think your group is doing well or not? Why ?

2). How can you become fitter?



Teaching aims and demands

本单元的教学目标 是使学生掌握表示判断和个人看法的常用语句,学会使用现在完成时的被动语态。能利用职权课文中所提供和信息,对比民航在购买计算机管理系统前后的情况,进行描写或表述。

1)Important vocabularies

damage, waste, pollute, fit, room, turn---into, cattle, cause, limit, in place, blow away, sight, present, pour, die out, in danger, no more than, purpose, go off, measure, point to, joy

2)Daily expressions

What was the conference like? (What do you think of /about ---? How do you like ---? How about ---?)

It’s a good idea. (I agree with you. That’s quite true. )

We’ve got to do something about pollution.

What else did you hear about at the meeting?

If ---, ----.

3) Useful phases

It was called ---.

That’s a problem we Chinese must pay special attention to.

It won’t be fit for us to live in.

Many of the injured lost their sight.

A lot of disease are present in the water.

The waters of this great lake.

In 1989 an oil tanker hit a rock off the northwest coast of Alaska.

The most important one is the part that humans have played.

First, ---. Second, ----.

In all there are probably no more than a total of 400 tigers left in China.

Last Monday our class went on an organized trip to a forest to study the wildlife.

He was busy measuring a plant and taking photographs of it.

To my great joy, ---.

4) Grammar

The Past Particle as Predicative and Attribute




2.学会简单的通过表面现象分析内在缘由, 并用现实的事例进行应证,初步掌握这种文体的写作技巧。

3. 通过35课的学习可以简单地描述一个完整的事件。


1.通过课文的学习,使得学生深层地了解地球环保这一重要主题, 让他们懂得地球环保不是一个和几个方面的事情, 而是随时随地, 方方面面, 彼此互相联系和沟通,并且影响着我们人类的生活的大问题。

2.通过对于环保的了解,使同学们的意识增强, 认识到环境污染的严重危害性和从自身做起保护环境的必要性。


Lesson 33:口头练习:对话交际功能——日常生活用语(给出自己的观点和看法)。

Lesson 34:学生扮演新闻记者采访土壤沙化的当地的居民,印度的受伤的病人, 国家的环保机关的负责人询问有关课文的信息。另外可以让学生扮演俄罗斯的环保专家。

Lesson 35:学生扮演国家历史博物馆的讲解员同时其他学生可以作为参观者询问问题,了解某种动物的发展兴衰史。

Lesson 36:口头,笔头练习:讨论个别环保问题并汇报写出一篇小论文。






从本单元的对话来看,主要是学习如何用英语表达出自己的观点和看法, 是同意还是不同意。如同意对方的观点: I think so. I agree completely. I’m with you. That’s a good idea---. I think it is great. 如果不同意: I dont know about that. I don’t think so. Sorry, but I disagree. I know what you mean, but don’t you think ---. I see your point, but I think ---. You’re right, but I think---.

同时注重 damage, pollute, desert, in place, limit, fit, present, pour, die out, measure, go off, point to, to one’s joy 等重点词汇和短语在本单元中学习,本单元中的阅读课主要内容是通过列举如:人为污染地球的土地,空气和水资源以及自然界对人类的报复; 动物界遭到人类的侵害,造成了生态不平衡等事例, 而达到警醒同学和世人,让同学们从小就培养一种环保意识, 维护环境生态的平衡。同时在这里运用了重点语法知识,Past Particle形式充当表语和定语的用法。


1. It was called “Saving the earth” and it was all about the damage that is being caused to the world.

1) It was called(believed, thought, considered, known, said ---) that --- 可以看成是主语从句,真正的主语后致,it是形式主语。可以翻译成:据说---, 据认为---。

It is believed that the troops have already crossed the border.


It is known that he is honest.( He is known to be honest.)


1) damage

n. (不可数) 损坏,损害

The earthquake caused great damage.


When she sees the damage that you have done she will be mad.


vt. 损坏

A heavy rain came down and damaged the crops. 一场大雨突至,损坏了庄稼。

Her heart was slightly damaged as a result of her long illness.她长时间的疾病造成了她的心脏受到了轻微的损害。

2. We listen to lectures about pollution, agriculture, nuclear waste, radiation and so on.


vt. 浪费

1) Mother told me not to waste money. 母亲不让我乱花钱。

2) Don’t waste time playing computer plays.不要浪费时间打电脑游戏。

waste something on something/in doing something 用法与spend类似,可以让学生记成“双费(浪费和花费)”。

n. (通常不可数) 浪费, 废物

1) This waste of good food should not be allowed. 浪费食物是不允许的。

2) Where do you put your kitchen waste? 你把厨房的废物放在哪里?

3) It’s a waste of money to buy the book. 买那本书是浪费金钱。

a waste of time/money/energy是固定表达,同a wonderful education类似。

3. It won’t be fit for us to live in.


adj. 适合于---的。 be fit for something:适合某事

1) He isn’t fit for the job. 他不适宜此工作。

2) These shoes are not fit for me. 这些鞋不适合我。

3) The house isn’t fit for you to live in. 这间房子不适合你居住。

be fit for somebody to do something:某人适合做某事

4) This water is fit for drink. 这种水可以喝。

5) It’s not fit for you to talk like that.你这样谈话是不得当的。

adj. 健康的,精力充沛的

6) Exercise keeps you fit. 体育运动使你保持健康。

vt. 对--- 适合,符合,适宜合适,强调大小、尺寸

7) This jacket fits me well. 这件夹克适合我。

8) The key doesn’t fit the lock. 钥匙与锁不符。

9) This theory fits facts. 这条理论适合实际。

vi. 合适

10) The shoes fit perfectly. 这双鞋不合适。

11) He doesn’t fit into the team. 他不宜在队中。

fit somebody to do something/fit somebody for something:使某人适合做某事

12)Vocational training will fit them for a good job.

Vocational training will fit them to get a good job. 职业的培训使他们能找到一个好工作。


12) We fitted a new lock on the door. 我们给门安上了一个新锁。


The color of the cloth suits a woman at my wife’s age. 这块布料的颜色适合我妻子年龄的妇女。

Red and black are colors that suit me well.红和黑色对我来说非常合适。

4. The area of desert in the world is growing every year.

desert n.沙漠

1) He drove a car across the desert. 他开车穿越了沙漠。

vt. 抛弃、背弃

2) He deserted his family. 他抛弃了他的家庭。

vi. 开小差

3) The soldier deserted from the army. 士兵们从军队中开小差跑了。

deserted adj. 无人使用的,已废弃的

4) The railway station was deserted. 那个火车站已经废弃不用了。

5. Then one year, the rains fail to come.

fail vi. 失利,失败 fail to do something 做某事没成功

1) She failed to pass all the exams. 她考试全部失利。

fail in something 在某事上没成功

2) He failed in business. 他在事业上一败涂地。

failure n. 失败 在某一方面失利介词用常用in

3) Her failure in the exam made her cry. 在考试中的失利使她痛哭。

6. One suggested answer is for farmers to limit the numbers of their cattle.

limit vt. 限制

1) We must limit our spending. 我们必须限制我们的开销。

2) Mother limits us to eat one cake each. 母亲限制我们只能一人一块蛋糕。

n. 限制

3) The speed limit within the city is 35 miles per hour. 在城市里的限速是每小时35英里。

7. When trees are cut down, there is nothing to hold the soil in place on the hillside.

place in place 在原处

1) She likes everything to be in place. 她喜欢将每种东西放回原处。

2) I hope you will keep the books in place. 我希望你将书放回原处。

in place of somebody:代替某人

3) Will you go in place of me?你是否代替我去?

take place:发生

4) A car accident took place yesterday. 昨天发生了一起车祸。

take the place of somebody:代替某人

5) I’ll take the place of Mr. Wang. 我将代替王先生的位置。

take one’s place:接替某人

6) I’ll take Mr. Wang’s place. 我将接替王先生。

8. However, many of these are dying out.

die out vi.(火)熄灭

1) The fire died out at last. 最后火还是熄灭了。

vi. 绝种

2) This kind of bird is dying out, and we must protect them. 这种鸟类已经正在灭绝,我们应该保护他们。

9. The purpose of the trip was to record all the wildlife and plants that we could find in the forest.

Purpose n. 目的, 通常是可数名词。目的是什么 用介词for.

1) What was the purpose of his visit? 他来访的目的是什么?

2) He came to Beijing for business purpose. 他来北京是有商业目的的。

on purpose: 专门

3) I had no doubt that she did this thing on purpose. 我毫不怀疑她做这件事是有目的的。

10. In the afternoon, we all went off separately to look for new plants.

Go off 动词短语


1) She got angry and went off after she heard what I said. 听到我所说的她一生气离开了。


2) Although the clock went off, he didn’t wake up.尽管闹钟暴响, 他仍然没有起来。


3) The lights went off suddenly. 灯突然地熄灭了。


4) “The milk has gone off .” my mother said, “ and don’t drink it!” 妈妈说道:“别喝那牛奶了,它已经坏了。”

11. He was busy measuring a plant and taking photographs of it.

Be busy doing, keep busy doing sth. 忙于做某事。

We are busy making preparations for the coming exam. 我们正在忙于为即将来到的考试做准备。

measure vt. 测量

1) The policeman measured the speed of the car. 警察测量车速。

vt. 有……的长度,相当于系动词。

2) The room measures 6m long. 这间房子有六米长。


3) The meter is a measure of length. 米是一种计量单位。

take the measure of something:测量某物的长度

4) I take the measure of the desk following the teacher’s instructions. 我遵循老师的指令测量桌子。


5)They took a strong measure to deal with the workers.他们采取了强硬的手段来对付工人。

12. 分词作为形容词时, A. 及物动词中现在分词表示主动,和动作正在进行;过去分词表示被动或动作已完成。 B. 不及物动词中现在分词表示动作在进行,过去分词表示已完成。


There are many wounded soldiers in the battlefield.

My spoken English has greatly improved.

Don’t sit in that broken chair. It’s dangerous.

She is a leading figure in the Party.

Barking dogs seldom bite.


The risen sun, fallen leaves, retired workers, escaped prisoner , a rolling stone, boiling water, boiled water.

另外还有一些假过去分词。如 1)“adj-noun-ed” a warm-hearted man. 2) “数词-noun-ed” The one-eyed man is hiding behind the door. 3) “数词-度量衡名称” a twenty-cent book

分词作表语, 现在分词表示主动正在进行, 过去分词作表语表示被动已经完成。

The day was so charming! The news is encouraging.

The door remained locked. He seemed quite delighted at the idea. The room was packed with people.


一、Teaching Aims

1. Help the Ss have free talk on what the conference discussed and the opinions of Yang Pei and Jackie and at the same time present their ideas about the environmental protection through the study of the dialogue( including functional sentences study) .

2. Practise in pairs on talking about the possible results if we continue to destroy the nature around us and go against nature..

3. Study the language items in the lesson.

二、Teaching procedures

Step I Warming-up

1. T let the Ss look at the picture at P49 on the books, then ask them “What can you see ? ”Tell all of us as much as possible.

2. Write these words on the Bb. For example:


3. Get some good students to talk like the officials attending the conference from different countries about the problems in their separate countries. (give them a model)


1. Let the Ss listen to the tape one or twice.

2. After listening and ask students to do the pair work, just as one is Yang Pei to ask questions, the other is Jackie to answer the questions, like the following(or use the Exe1 on Page 113):

(1) What was the conference like?

(2) What did you do at the meeting?

(3) What do you talk about mainly at the conference?

(4) What do we Chinese have to do for nature?

Step Ⅲ Reading

1. Get Ss to read the dialogue again and then do Ex2 P113 SB without discussion, then check the answers.

2. Language points explanation and study, including:

1) It was called that --- 2) damage 3)waste 4) fit 5) we’ve got to ---(we have to do ---) 6) hear about 7) standing room 8) pay attention to

Step Ⅳ Practice

1. Ask Ss to try their best to give a passage using the expressions they learned as many as possible.

2. Divide the Ss into several groups which have different topics about the environment pollution. And discuss the methods to deal with these problems. (for example, one group about water pollution, one is about population etc). Everyone should take part in the discussion and show their opinions. And at last elect one representative to give and summary about their discussion.

Sentence Patterns like:1 ) Well, I think it is necessary for --- 2) I don’t agree with you. I think we need --- etc?)

2. Ask one group of the Ss to perform the discussion to the class. (if time permitting)

3. Ask one or two representatives to give their conclusion.

Step V Summary


1. Which phrase we have learnt in the dialogue can be used to show your agreements? (agree with , That’s quite right, It’s a good idea.)

2. What phrase can we use when we agree or disagree with sb. or to sth.?

Step ⅥHomework:

1. Ex 3 on Page 113. Give several possibly-used expressions in the translation of the sentences.

2. A good preparation of key words is needed. of Lesson 34.


Unit 5 Theme parks

The fifth period Words and expressions


theme n. a favourite theme for poetry, a theme park

amuse v. amuse oneself by …, be amused at [by, with]…

amusement n. find much amusement in…, an amusement park

various a. too various to form a group, various opinions

variety n. for a variety of reasons, have a great variety to choose from, in a variety of


ride n. give sb. a ride, go for a ride, take a long ride

shuttle n. the space shuttle Columbia broke up over Texas, carry shuttle audio during

space shuttle missions.

charge v. charge double for… 对……加倍收费,charge a fee for a service,He is charged

with heavy responsibility.

admission n. Admission by ticket only. Grant sb. admission, gain admission to/ into…

profit ① n. bring a handsome profit to…, divide profits 分红利,increase profits ② v.

make big profits (on sth.), sell sth. at a profit, do sth. for profit

souvenir n. This book ekes out souvenir of my life in the United States. 这本书帮助我追


involve v. You'd like to meaningfully involve students., the right of Congress to involve the

nation in war

athletic a. an athletic meeting, athletic sports

brand n. Do you like this brand of coffee? a famous brand, the most popular brand on the


equipment n. lab equipment, military equipments, the necessary equipments for a trip

sneaker n. wear a new pair of sneakers

minority n. The minority is subordinate to the majority. 少数服从多数

fantasy n. fantasy sports and gaming site, the work of fantasy artist Amy Brown

Fantasyland n. living in a fantasyland, the Guide to Fantasyland

settler n. the early settlers of America, the first white settlers, The settlers were soon acclimated.

marine a. develop a mercantile marine 发展商船

experiment n. attempt the experiment of…, carry out an experiment, make an experiment on sb., prove sth. by experiment

imaginary a. an imaginary enemy, imaginary number 虚数

advanced a. most advanced branches of science and technology, a man advanced in years 老年人

technique n. developed a technique for remotely fingerprinting, a Swimming Technique

Magazine, developing a practical technique for solving voice problems

II. Words for Learning about Language(Word formation)

imagination n. have a good/ poor imagination

test n. provides test preparation services for college admissions, Preparing for a test isn't

easy. do well on the test

vary v. Opinions vary on this point. vary with… 与……一起变化

cloth n. lay the cloth 铺桌布、准备开饭, cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth量布裁衣



jungle n. Jungle refers usually to a forest. It originated from a Sanskrit word jangala, meaning wilderness. In many languages of the Indian subcontinent, including Indian English it is generally used to refer to any wild, untended or uncultivated land, including forest, scrub, or desert landscapes.

creature n. The term creature refers to an animal.The term can be used to dehumanize a person. For example, in the fictional novel Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley, Dr. Frankenstein’s hideous construction is often referred to as a "creature." The term literally means "a created thing," and is sometimes used in theology to contrast a created object with a divine Creator under discussion.

volunteer n. a. v. A volunteer is a person who performs or offers to perform a service out of his or her own free will, often without payment. The year 2001 was the International Year of the Volunteer. 2005 is the UK Year of the Volunteer

People may volunteer to perform some work, e.g., of charitable character. Some volunteer for clinical trials or other medical research, and may even donate their bodies to science after their death





examine;advise;contain;score;scores of;discuss;cause;suggestion;in (the)future;be rich in;put on weight;at the end (of);lose weight


1)I advise you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe in future.

2)The result is that many of them become fat.

3)There is as much sugar in it as eight pieces of sugar.




a. Seeing the doctor:

1)What can I do for you? What was the matter?

2)Lie down and let me examine you.

3)I've got a pain/cough/headache.

4)I don't feel well.

5)There's something wrong with……

6)Take this medicine three times a day.

7)Drink plenty of water and have a good rest.

8)Take two pills now and two more in four hours'time.

b. Making suggestions and giving advice

1)You'd better have a good rest.

2)I advise you to do something.

3)I advise you not to do something.

4)I suggest that you do…

5)Why not do…?

6)Why don't you do…?





I've got a pain/ There's something wrong,/I feel terrible./ I don't feel well,so on.



Step2通过阅读,让学生掌握一些饮食的名称,如What's your favorite food?

duck/ chicken/egg/peanuts/jiaozi/noodles/chocolate/cream/cakes/potato crisps/butter,etc…


Step1.Preparation for listening




I was in a chemistry lesson. I was carefully looking at something on the lab table and my hair caught fire. Luckily I wasn't badly hurt .Next time I'll tie my hair back before I go into the lab. Long hair can be dangerous





① 表示身体某部位不适时,属于可数名词;

I've a pain in my back. 我后背有点疼。

② 表示精神上的痛苦时,属于不可数名词;

He gave his mother much pain by failing all the subjects. 他所有的考试不及格使他妈妈很痛苦。


No pains,no gains. 不劳则无获。


My legs ache. = I have pains in my legs. 我脚疼。


辨析asleep,sleepy 和sleeping



The teacher found Tom asleep in class and kept him behind after school.



I'm sleepy and I'd like to go to bed.老想睡了,我去房间休息了。


They woke up the sleeping girl and asked her where her parents were.他们把那位正在睡觉的女孩叫醒,问她父母在哪儿。




The doctor has ordered me a special diet.医生给我安排了特殊的饮食。


food是一般用法,凡能吃喝的具有营养的东西都称food. food是不可数名词,但在表示食品的种类时,可以用复数。

The doctor put him on a diet after operation.手术之后,医生规定了他的饮食。

Too many sweet foods will make you fat.太多的甜食会使你发胖。

辨析in the future 与 in future


1)in future (= from now on)强调“从今以后/今后”,如:

Don't do that again. Be more careful in future. 别再那样做了,今后更要注意。

2)in the future (=time that has not come yet)侧重表示“将来某个时候/将来”,不一定就是从今立即开始,与in the past相对。

My sister wants to be an actress in the future. 我妹妹将来想当演员。

辨析 too much 与 much too

1)much too具有副词功能,作程度状语,常用来修饰形容词或副词原级,意为“实在太,非常”。它不能修饰动词。

It is much too expensive. 这实在太贵了。

2)too much具有形容词、名词和副词的功能,可用作主语、宾语、表语、定语或状语,意为“太多、过多、过分、太厉害”。中心词为much,too用于修饰much,表示程度,用以加强语气。其用法可以归纳为以下几种:

a. 用作形容词,修饰不可数名词;

b. 用作副词,修饰动词,作状语。

c. 用作名词,后常与of连用。

d. 用作代词;

e. 一般不单独用在be动词之后,但可用在 “be too much for sb.”结构中,表示“对某人来说太难了(受不了)”。例如:

1)There was too much noise.(√)The noise was too much.(×)噪音太大了。

2)She is afraid the rip will be too much for her. 她怕受不了旅途的劳累。

3)You are asking for too much.你要的太多了。

4)Jack thinks too much of himself.杰克太自以为是。

It cost him too much. 他付出的代价太大了。



1)可接名词:He advised / suggested a rest.他建议休息一下。

2)代词:They advised / suggested nothing to us.他们对我们没有什么建议。

3)动名词:Tom advised / suggested sending for a doctor at once.汤姆建议立即叫医生。


I advised / suggested that he (should)eat more fruit.我建议他应多吃水果。



The doctor advised me to rest for a week.医生建议我休息一星期。

I suggested to hold a meeting (×)

I suggested holding a meeting.(√)

John suggested us to go for a walk.(×)

John advised us to go for a walk.(√)

辨析die of 与die from


He died of/from overeating/hunger/cold /illness.他因为消化不良/饥饿/寒冷/疾病而死亡。


die of 可用来表示因内在感情而造成的死亡,或因直接原因导致死亡,常用于以下情况:

die of cancer/a cold/a fever/old age/sorrow/love

die from用来表示非人体的而是环境污染,事故等造成的死亡,或者说因间接原因导致死亡,常用以下情况:

die from polluted air /an accident/drinking too much/ a wound因污染的空气/事故/饮酒过度/受伤而死

分析句型as much /many as…

作“多达……程度”解。所涉及的数量如果是可数的,则用many,如果是不可数 的,则用much,如:

You can eat as much as you like.你爱吃多少就吃多少。

Here are plenty of magazines. Take as many as you want. 这里有大量的杂志,你要多少拿多少吧。



1.+疑问词+to do

We'll discuss when to hold the sports meeting.我们将讨论什么时候开支运动会。

2. +从句

We discussed where we should go.我们讨论了我们该上哪儿去。


We had a long discussion about the question.关于这个问题我们讨论了很长时间。

cause much discussion 引起议论

be under discussion 在讨论中。

1.When playing football or basketball,you might be using 400 calories an hour.



When (she was)walking along the river,she met the stranger.


He won't come unless (he is )invited.


The news will change all our plan,if (it is )true.


You can jump much higher on the moon than (you jump)on the earth.

2.What food do you think is healthy and which is unhealthy?

该句为“特殊疑问词+do you think+其他部分构成的,用以征询对方的看法或推测等。其中的do you think 是插入语,并不影响全句结构。可以用于这一结构的动词还有believe,imagine,suppose等,如:

Who do you think has got the first prize? 你认为谁获得了第一名?

Which do you suppose will be taken away next? 你认为接下来被拿走的是哪一个?

但是当think,believe,imagine,suppose等用在“think+宾语+to be”结构时,要慎重选择who(主格)或whom (宾格),试比较:

1)Whom do you think to be the best in our class?你认为谁是我们班的学生?

2)Who do you think will be our English teacher next term?你认为下学期谁会当我们英语教师?

句1为“think sb. to be”结构,是对sb.表示疑问。

句2是对I think 后宾语从句的主语表示疑问。



1)用“Let's” 开头的祈使句后面接动词原形,建议对方和自己一起做某事,句尾常常加 “shall we?”,“OK” 等用于征求对方看法的词语,从而使语气缓和得多。例如:

Let's cross over here while the light's green.

Let's call it a day now,OK?

Let's go upstairs,shall we?

“Let's…,shall we?” 句型可以和 “Shall we…?” 换用,肯定回答常用 “Yes,let's…” .例如:

—Shall we listen to some music? —Yes,let's listen to some.

2)用 “Why don't you…” 句型建议对方做某事,可缩略为 “Why not…?”。 例如:

Why don't you sell the car if you need money?

Why not look in the local paper?

3)用“How/ What about…?” 句型,表达非正式的建议,征求对方意见,多数情况下建议对方和自己一起做某事。例如:

How about a trip to the beach on Sunday?

What about coming across the road for a break?


I suggest a meeting with the new members.

I suggest trying it once more.

I suggest (that)we (should)take the night train.


1)“You'd better….”句型表达随便的劝告,口语中有时省略had和主语you.例如:

You'd better take an umbrella. It's going to rain.

Better do it yourself. It's no good depending on others.

2)用should,ought to,might,could 等情态动词表达责任和义务。例如:

—Please tell me which courses to take in the first term.

—Well,you could take a history course. You might also take art course. You should certainly take a language course.

3)用advise,advice 等词汇。例如:

I strongly advise you to see the doctor.

My advice is: Go to the doctor right now.


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