

时间:2023-06-18 18:10:37 文/王明刚 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com





a.能听、说、拼读7个表示颜色的英语单词: red , yellow ,

orange, blue, green, black, white

b.学会运用句型: What colour is it ?


Is it …? Yes/No.

2. 情感目标








1、 多媒体课件




Step One: Warming up(热身活动)

1. Play a game.

2. Let’s sing an English song.

Step Two : Presentation and practice(呈现新语言知识和练习)

1. Present a picture of the sun and ask pupils: What is it? What colour is it?

2. Help students to practise the word: red.

3. Present a pear and ask pupils: What is it? Is it red?

4. Learn the word: yellow.

5. Teach the rhyme: The pear is yellow.

6. Mix red with yellow paints and help pupils recognize

“ orange ”。

7. Present a blue ball and learn the word “blue”。

8. Let’s play a game .

T: What colour?

S: Yellow/orange/red/blue

T: How many?

S: Six.

9. Present a big tree and learn the word “ green”。

10. Point at the blackboard and ask pupils: What colour is it?

11. Ask pupils : What is the opposite to black? Which object is white?

12. Ask pupils to look at teachers’s mouth and guess the words.

13. Let’s say the chant.

Step Three: Teaching sentence pattern (教学句型)

1. Point at some objects and ask pupils :What colour is the pencil/wall/jacket?

2. Watch the screen and learn to say the sentences.

3. Ask pupils to practise in pairs.

4. Play a guessing game : Is it red?

T: I have a book. Guess, what colour is it?

Ss: Is it red/yellow?

T: You are right.

Step Four: Homework(家庭作业)

Copy the words and spell them correctly.



1. 能听懂特殊疑问句What is this?并能根据情况用It is a...回答。 2. 能使用特殊疑问句What is this?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。

3. 能听懂,会说duck, cow, pig, dog, cat的单数形式,发音准确。


1. 能听懂特殊疑问句What is this?并能根据情况用It is a...回答。

2. 能使用特殊疑问句What is this?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。



1. Sing a song


2. Read the words one by one.

3. Each group introduces aname of animal themselves.



1. Ask and answer.

T: Do you like animals? What is this?

Ss: It’s a dog.

T: Now we are on a farm. Theclass is a farm.

Ss: Ok.

T: Let’s listen to the tape.

T: Now read after teacher:What’s this?


Ss: Read one by one.

T: What’s this? (师出示动物图片,提问。)

Ss: It’s acow/dog/pig/cat/duck.

2. A riddle: It’s an animal.It’s big. It has a big nose and big ears. It has small eyes.What is it?

3. Draw a pig on theblackboard.



1. T: Today we’ll have acompetition: who’ll be the best of animals? The commentator should describe theanimals.


2. T: Look at the cow! Bigor small?

Ss: It’s big.

T: Look, what’s this?

S: It’s a duck.

T: What’s this?

S: It’s a dog.



1、听读B. Look and learn各五遍,家长签名。

2、跟读C. Say a rhyme三遍。



B Let's talk Let’s play


Let’s talk通过Sam的生日派对场景,让学生感知核心句型How old are you? I’m…。years old.及Happy birthday!的语义及语用情景。




(2)能够运用正确的语音、语调朗读对话 。

(3)能在实际情境中运用所学主句型,How old are you? I’m …years old. 询问年龄并作答。

(4)能用Happy birthday!向别人表达生日祝福。


(1)听懂、会说句子How old are you? I’m…。 Happy birthday!

(2) 听、说单词six, brother.


(1)渗透:当你收到别人的礼物和祝福时,要说“Thank you”



听懂、会说Happy birthday! How old are you? I’m…。


(1) How old are you? 与How are you? 的区分,以及所学内容的灵活运用。



Step1 Preparation

1. Free talk

T: Hello! How are you? Nice to meet you .

2. Chant

T: First , Let’s have a chant.P.59页


3. 创设情境。

(播放生日音乐)T: Listen, what’s happening?出示幻灯片生日,Oh , here’s a birthday party . Look, so many gifts .What are they? Let’s have a look .Let’s count . How many …?借助课件,引出six并借助卡片教学。

设计意图:尽快的创设情境,在生日party 中复习旧知,并以旧带新,解决新单词。

Wow ,so many gifts. Today we have many gifts ,too . Each group ,there are some gifts on your desk. If you do well ,you can get a gift.

Step2 Presentation

1. 看图预测

T: It’s a beautiful birthday party. Do you know whose birthday party is it? Let’s go and have a look. Look, who are they ?

S: John Sarah Sam

2. 听音回答问题,教学brother

T: Now,they are talking about the birthday.Please guess :Today, whose birthday?

S: John’s Sarah’s Sam’s

T: Let’s listen and choose: Whose birthday? S:Sam’s.

T:Yes,today is Sam’s brother. Sam is Sarah’s brother. 引出brother并使用卡片进行教学。

3. 在听第一段录音,学习Happy birthday

T: Today is Sam’s birthday.John is coming.What does John say? Let’s listen and choose.引出Happy birthday !并用分组读,男女生读,以及chant 的形式教学。

T:Today is Sam’s birthday. Let’s sing: “Happy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to you!” (播放录音Thank you.)Look,today is zoom’s birthday. Let’s say “Happy birthday ”! (播放录音Thank you.)Look,it’s zip’s birthday. Let’s say “Happy birthday ”! (播放录音Thank you.)

T:Boys and girls, When you get a gift or wishes, please say thank you. Now, each group can get a gift. Ss: Thank you!

4. 听第二段录音,学习句型“How old are you? I’m six years old .”

T: Today is Sam’s birthday. He has many gifts.Look,a big birthday cake. (画蛋糕) The candles for Sam.(老师做插蜡烛的动作) But,how many candles? So,John ask Sam“How old are you?”

T: Now, let’s listen and choose.

引出 I’m six years old .并采用小组读,相互问答等多种方式操练。

T: Now ,Let’s ask Sam“How old are you?” 出示How old are you? 并教学,并出示How are you?作比较。

T:(分组问答)This group ,you ask .This group ,you answer.

T:At Sam’s birthday party, his friends are coming. Look, Li Li is coming .Let’s ask Li li “How old are you”?

S:Li li , How old are you? …。根据学生回答渗透eight ,nine.

T: Now , who can tell me? How old are you? S: …。

设计意图:进入文本,以Sam的生日为主线,通过听音答题,层层递进引出问题,从而解决教学重难点。操练句型时,由机械操练到意义操练递进。因为学生在回答自己的年龄时,会用到eight ,nine.所以做一下渗透,降低难度。


T: Now, let’s listen to the tape. Listen and imitate. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.


T: Let’s read in roles. First ,I’m.... You are....

T: Act the dialogue in your groups.

T: Which group can show us?

Step3 Practice

Let’s play(两人合作,根据抽到的卡片内容,回答问题。)

T: Sam and his friends are very happy. Now, they are playing a game use the cards. Look, I have some cards ,too. 师生示范游戏。

T: Please play the game with you partner.

T: Who can show us?


Step4 Production


T: Sam’s birthday party is so interesting. Do you want to go? Now, please take your gifts,go to Sam's birthday party. (老师戴头饰,和学生示范。)Now, I’m Sam. Welcome to my birthday party! w W w .x K b 1 .c o M

A:Hello! B: Hello!

A: How are you? B: I’m fine. Thank you.

A: Happy birthday! B: Wow....Thank you!

A: How old are you? B: I’m six years old. How old are you?

A: I’m …years old. Goodbye. B: Bye.

T: Please practice in your groups like this.

T: Which group can show us?


T: You can ask“ How old are you?”each other. But you can’t ask me“ How old are you?” It’s a secret. You can’t ask your aunt, uncle “ How old are you?”too. For them, “ How old are you?” It’s a secret.

设计意图:设置一个参加生日party 的任务型活动。让学生能正在实际情景中运用所学句型。

Step5 Progress

1. 检测:Listen and number.

T: Open your excises book, turn to 46.No.1

T: Correct the answers.

2. Summary : T: Today is Sam’s birthday. We are happy. At the birthday party, what have you learned today?

3. 总结评价:Let’s count your gifts.

4. Homework

(1)Listen and repeat the dialogue.

(2)Ask your friends:“How old are you ? ”


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