

时间:2023-06-07 03:01:10 文/刘莉莉 英语北考网www.beiweimall.com


Unit 1 The first day at school



B Look read and learn & C Look and say C Ask and answer


1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型Is there a/an … in …? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Are there any … in…? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.

2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组first, of, term, back, each other, toilet, garden, table tennis room, reading room, swing, slide, building.

3、能听、说、读、写单词day, all, at school,


5、能用there be的结构一般疑问句询问学校的设施。


1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型Is there a/an … in …? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Are there any … in…? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t。

2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组toilet, garden, table tennis room, reading room swing, slide, building。

3、能用there be的结构一般疑问句询问学校的设施。


1、能正确地听、说、读、写句型Is there a/an … in …? Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.Are there any … in…? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t。





1)有关学校设施的照片(ppt) 2)4B Unit8歌曲磁带。

3)关于本课时的多媒体课件。 4)制作空白的校园平面图(ppt)



Step 1 Free talk/ Revision 1 T: Today is the first day of the new term.All the students are back at school.I’m happy to see you again.I think you are happy to see each other, too. 教单词first, of, day, all, at school, term。 2 读课题。

3 Greetings.Good morning./Nice to see you again./How are you? … 4 Sing a song: In the claroom 5 T: There is a … in the claroom.There are some … in the claroom.Can you describe our claroom? S: There is a … in the claroom.There are some … in the claroom.板书 There is a … in the claroom.

There are some … in the claroom.

Step 2 Presentation and pratice 1 T: Is there a bookcase in the claroom? 将黑板上板书改为Is there a … in the …?

Ask one student to gue the meaning.Then help the student answer. S: Yes, there is. 板书Yes, there is. Practice two by two.2 T: Is there a piano in the claroom? (摇手) Help the student answer: No, there isn’t.板书No, there isn’t.3 ppt出示学校照片

T: Is there a toilet in the school? 教单词toilet S:Yes, there is.

Practice in pairs and then check the answers.4 同法教单词table tennis room, reading room, garden。 5 出示花园的图片,剪一滑梯放中间(也可做PPT) T:Is there a swing in the garden? S: No, there isn’t. 教单词swing 6 同法教单词slide,用手势帮助学生区这两个单词(左右摆动表示swing, 由上向下滑表示slide)

7 Practice.A: Is there a swing/slide in the garden? B: No, there isn’t.8 出示P11图片

T:Are there any swings in the garden? 将黑板上There are some …改为Are there any …? 帮助学生回答Yes, there are.板书。 Practice in pairs.9 T: Are there any slides in the garden? (摇手) No, there aren’t. T: Are there any slides in the garden? S:No, there aren’t. Practice in pairs.10 出示reading room图片,操练Are there any … in the reading room? Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.11 Summary. some用在肯定句中,否定句和一般疑问句中要改为any。 Step 3 Listen, read and say/ Look and say 1 T: Today we have learned six words and phrases.Let’s review them. Listen and read Part B.2 出示C部分图2,教单词building T: Is there a table tennis room in the building? S: No, there isn’t.

3 T: Open your books and turn to Page 9.Ask and answer in pairs.

4 Check the answers.5 Talk about our school. A: Is there a/an … in the school? / Are there any … in the school?

B: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t./ Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.Step 4 Consolidation 1 Ppt出示校园平面图,请你重新设计,合理安排各类教室和活动室。 2 四人一组,以介绍校园为主题编对话。

Data: Is there a … in the school/building/reading/…?

Are there any …in the school/building/reading/…? How nice! 3 请三组学生上前表演对话。


1 Copy the words of Part B.2 Write the small dialogues of Part C in the exercise books.3 Listen and read the words of Part after the tape four times.4 Recite the words.


Unit 1 The first day at school (B&C) Is there a/an … in the …?

Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t.Are there any …in the …?

Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.



Unit1 A new term The First Period (第一课时)

一、教学目标: 1.听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词:Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2.听得懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型:What day is it today ?It’s… 3.听得懂、会说、会读:Welcome back to school.Nice to see you .

二、教学内容:1.B:Look,read and learn中 星期名称的单词 2.C:Ask and answer前两句.

三、教学重点:句型What day is it today? It’s…

四、教学难点:单词Wednesday, Thursday, Friday的读音及拼法

五、教具准备: 磁带和录音机, 单词卡片, 挂历

六、教学过程: Step1.Warm-up Sing a song‘Happy Spring Festival’

(建议使用歌曲‘Happy new year ’曲调,这即能让学生回味新年的欢乐,又渲染了学习英语的氛围。) Step2.Free talk T: I’m Mi Wang.What’s your name? S: I’m…

T: Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you.T: It’s Feb,9, it’s Monday .Welcome back to school.S: Thank you .(教生字Monday) Step3.Presentation 1.(出示封面印有猴子的挂历)

T:(指着猴子)What can you see in it? S:I can see a monkey.T:I like monkeys.How about you ? (比较自然的引出这一交际用语,为D部分教学埋下伏笔.) S:I like monkeys, too.T: How many monkeys are there? S: There is only one.(可根据实际情况回答。)

T:(翻过封面,指着日期)How many days are there in a week? (可用中文向学生解释in a week的意思) S: There are seven.教生字day, 全班跟读,开火车读,及时纠正学生错误发音) 2.T:(指着日期自问自答)What day is it today? It’s Monday.

(教生字today,并分别将today、day写在小黑板正反两面,通过学生的朗读,悟出两者的共同点,即字母组合发〔ay〕.) 4.Drill S1:What day is it today? S2:It’s Monday\\\\Sunday\\\\Saturday.(通过这组机械操练,使学生初步掌握本课的重点句型,这是必不可少的一环,也是以后熟练运用该句型的基础。)

5.T:(指着2004年2月10日)What day is it today? S: It’s Tuesday.

T:(将课表放在实物投影仪上,并指着星期二)How many leons do we have? S: We have six.(这是第二课时的教学重点,可先在本课时中渗透。)

(用上述方法教单词Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,由于这些词发音、记忆较难,教师应作好示范,把音节读清楚,并提示字母的读音规律,配合录音带,由慢到快地读出来。) Step4.Chant 一个星期有七天,请同学记心间,

Monday, Monday星期一,猴子花钱坐飞机.Tuesday, Tuesday星期二,猴子屁股摔两半儿.Wednesday, Wednesday星期三,猴子爬上花果山.Thursday, Thursday,星期四,猴子猴子去考试.Friday, Friday星期五,猴子遇上大老虎.Saturday, Saturday星期六,猴子上山摘石榴.Sunday, Sunday星期天,猴子休息上公园.(chant琅琅上口又具趣味性,相信能使关于星期名称的单词教学不再枯燥、乏味。) Step5.Homework 1.Copy and recite the new words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2.Do some written work: A: What day is it today? B: It’s… 板书

Unit 1 A new term What day is it today? It’s Monday \\\\Tuesday\\\\ Wednesday \\\\Thursday\\\\Friday Saturday\\\\Sunday.


4模块Unit1 Advertising 重点短语

1.be aware of 知道,明白,意识到

I want you to be aware of the sItuatIon before It effects you.我希望在情况影响你前,你能察觉到。 2.play tricks on 欺骗,捉弄

I'll give him play tricks on me, the low-down thing! He'll go straight down to the police station! 这狗东西,在我跟前使巧,送他公安局去! 3.believe in


4.be bored with 对……感到厌倦

5.appeal to迎合,对……有吸引力

Blue and red appeal to me, but I don’t like Gray or yellow 蓝色和红色投我所好然而我不喜欢灰色和黄色。 6.trick sb into doing sth诱使某人做某事

7.be satisfied with 对……感到满意

Think about the misforture of others that you may be satisfied with your own lot 想想别人的不幸,你可以对自己的命运感到满足 8.be used to对……习以为常,习惯于

There are a few verbs which fit into both groups and a hyphenmay be used to show the distinction 还有一些动词适合于上述两种情况,可用连接号表示这种区别 9.fall for 上……的当,受……骗

I can't believe you would fall FOR that old trick.我不相信你会上那老把戏的当。 10.deal with 处理,对付

Appoint an ad hoc committee to deal with the affair 指定一特别委员会处理此事.11.commit suicide/a crime 自杀 /犯罪

12.be intended for 为……而打算

13.be concerned with 对……关心

Evidently, there is another motion to be concerned with and that is the propagation of the modulation envelope 显然,还应当考虑另外一种运动,那就是调制包络的传播。 14.get sth acro 传达

15.be particular about 对……挑剔

16.soft drink 软饮料

17.come up with 提出,拿出

The company HAS come up with a new acousto-optical device 这家公司已制造出一种新的声光装置。 18.according to 根据

Gasoline now costs an average of $3.15 a gallon, seven cents shy of the record set last May, according to AAA.据美国汽车协会的数据,汽油现在的平均价格是每加仑3.15美元,仅比去年五月的记录低了七美分。 19.agree with sb.on sth.同意某人的意见

20.hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

21.in public 在公共场所

22.at one’s service 听候某人吩咐,为某人服务

23.cure sb.of a disease 治愈某人的病

24.be proud of 以……感到自豪

25.even if 即使

Don’t neglect old friends, even if you no longer need them.——AESOP 即使你不再需要老朋友,也不要怠慢他们。——伊索 26.at a low price 以低价格

27.be popular with 受某人欢迎

28.senior high 高中

29.be of good / high quality 高质量

30.be on sale 在销售中

31.make an announcement 宣布

32.keep away from 远离

33.No comments 不加评论,无可奉告

34.bad breath 口臭

35.be similar to 和……相似

36.up to (数量,程度等)达到

37.in particular 尤其,特别

38.introduce ……to …… 向……作介绍

39.recommend sth.to sb.向某人介绍某物

40.protect … from … 保护…免于……

41.stand for 代表,表示

We stand FOR self - reliance.我们主张自立更生。

42.be responsible for 对……负责

43.in one’s opinion 依某人看

44.warn sb.against

45.attract/catch/draw one’s attention吸引..注意力

46.take turns to do sth.依次做某事,轮流做某事 47.persuade sb into doing / to do sth 说服某人做某事

48.have/keep/hold sth.in mind 把……记住


1. We are so used to them that we do not even realize how many we see and hear in a day.我们习惯了他们,我们甚至不知道我们一天看到和听到有多少

2. A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to promote a product or service.商业广告则是其中有人为推销产品或服务支付。

3. PSAs are often placed for free, and are intended to educate people about health, safety, or any other iue which affects public welfare.公益广告往往是放置免费的,旨在教育有关健康,安全或任何其他的问题,影响公共福利的人。

4. China has strong laws to protect people from advertisements that lie or try to make people believe untrue claims about products or services.中国拥有强有力的法律保护广告,说谎或试图使人们相信有关产品或服务的不真实索赔人。

5. However, we still must be aware of the methods used in advertisements to try and sell us things.但是,我们仍然必须在广告中使用的尝试和卖给我们知道事物的方法。

6. Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it tells you the complete truth. 即使广告不撒谎,这并不意味着它会告诉你完整的真相。

7. All of these ads are meant to be helpful, and you can often learn a lot by following the advice they give .这些广告都意味着是有帮助的,你经常可以学到以下的建议,他们给了很多

8. The bo can then choose the right product to produce , the one which is expected to be most popular with consumers. 老板就可以选择合适的产品来生产,这是预期的是最流行的一种与消费者

9. Also important are the sales targets. 同样重要的是销售目标。

10. If they want to become the market leader, the company must ensure that their product is of high quality. 如果他们想成为市场领导者,公司必须确保他们的产品是高质量的。

11. That is why we are considering repackaging our chocolate bar as well. 这就是为什么我们正在考虑重新包装的巧克力棒以及。

12. Not all ads play tricks on us though. 并非所有的广告播放我们虽然花样

13. These ads deal with large social iues. 这些广告处理大量的社会问题。

14. In my opinion, this may have harmful effects. 在我看来,这可能会产生有害影响。

15. What they don’t mention is how bad these things can be for our teeth.他们没有提到这些东西是多么糟糕,可以为我们的牙齿。

16. Have you ever regretted not having snapped those unforgettable moments? 你有没有后悔没有呵斥那些难忘的时刻?

17. Unlike a single advertisement, an ad campaign is an organized programme of advertisements using various kinds of ads to reach a particular audience. 不像一个广告,广告活动是使用各种广告达到特定的观众组织方案的广告。

18. When you start a succeful ad campaign, you must have a clear goal and target audience in mind. 当您启动一个成功的广告运动,你必须有一个明确的目标和目标受众的头脑。 19. In order to determine your audience, you will need to do a little research. 为了确定你的听众,你将需要做一些调查。

20. It is important to always try to appeal to the way the audience will react.


21. What parts of this iue would they care about or be concerned with? 这个问题的哪些部分他们会关心或关心?

22. The way you choose to advertise should depend mainly on your target audience and which kinds of ads reach that particular group best. 您选择的方式宣传应该主要取决于您的目标受众,哪些类型的广告达到特定组最好的。

重点语法: 直接引语和间接引语

4模块Unit 2 Sporting events


1.share with 与…分享

2.every four years每四年,每隔三年

3.take part in参加

The students all dreed up to take part in the New Year's Eve masquerade 学生们都穿着盛装去参加除夕的化装舞会。 4.in honour of纪念,向……表示敬意

5.side by side一起,共同,肩并肩

6.come to public attention引起公众关注

7.at the opening ceremony在开幕式上

8.know of了解

9.be recognized as被认为是

10.play a role/part in在…起作用

11.break a record打破纪录

12.make contributions to作贡献

13.set an example to树立榜样

14.look forward to

15.come up with想出(计划、回答)

16.plenty of许多,大量

17.tourist attractions旅游景点,旅游胜地

18.pay attention to注意

19.be similar to 与……相似

20.play leading roles in起主导作用

21.meet one’s requirements满足需求

22.daily routine日常工作,日常安排

23.make way for给…让路

24.hope for希望,期待

25.maintain a balance保持平衡

26.be involved in涉及

27.add to增加

28.keep…under control使…处于控制之下


1.I am delighted to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history and significance of the Olympic Games.

2.Today, athletes from around the world can take part, no matter what languages they speak.

3.His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it poible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side.

4.I am sure the whole of China must have felt proud when Xu Haifeng won the first gold medal for his country.

5.Today, players from China, South Korea and Germany among others play leading roles in the international table tennis competition.

6.Join me in wishing the Olympic movement a succeful future to match its beautiful glorious past.

7.I hope this information will be of use to you.

8.I advise that you watch le TV at night.

9.My advice to you is that you should drink more water.

10.If I were you, I would certainly go to the football match instead of doing work at home.

11.Will Thursday morning do? I happen to be in town then.

12.What/How about the high jump then?

13.In order for a new sport to be added , a current sport must be dropped.

14.Supporters of wushu would like to see it entered as a branch in the Martial Arts category.

15.The IOC is looking at revising the number and type of sports involved in the Olympics in the future, so wushu fans may finally get what they are hoping for.

重点语法: 情态动词

4模块Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world


1.be set in以…为背景

2.pa on 传递

3.be connected to 与……相连接

4.give out 发出(气味、热等);用完,耗光;筋疲力尽

5.put forward 提出(观点、议案等)

6.last but not least 最后但同样重要的

7.be accused of 被控告犯有……罪

8.set up建立,竖立

9.a tourist destination 旅游目的地

10.leave sb with…给….留下

11.make a profit赚取利润

12.go on a virtual trip to 虚拟旅行

13.belong to属于

14.be responsible for对….负责

17.move round四处移动

18.be worth doing/n.

19.add to 增加

20.deliver into 送进

21.have an area /population of面积或人口是…. 22.play a role in 在……中角色

23.in one’s opinion在..看来

24.sign one’s name for 给……签名

25.send sb.on a trip to 送某人旅行

26.in reality 实际上

27.bring history alive 历史再现

28.leave sb.with 给某人留下….

29.take the risk of… 冒……危险

30.invest in 投资于

31.make a profit / money 获取利润/赚

32.end in failure 以失败告终

33.win the admiration of 赢得……的敬

34.draw a conclusion得出结论

35.(be) on display展览

36.the latest wave of new technology


38.concentrate on 专注于

39.go bankrupt 破产

40.voice one’s opinions 表达某人的看法

41.at one time/at a time/at any time

42.have letters miing 使得字母丢失

43.fall off从…上掉下来;脱落

44.come acro遇到,遭遇,偶遇

45.tell of讲述

46.keep/get in touch with和…保持(取得)联系

47.take sb.on the journey to 带某人一起去旅行 48.be trapped in 被困在……

49.at a speed of以……..的速度

50.with the help of ..由于..的帮助


1.What would you like to see happen in the future.

2.Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by viewer, but also the cold, the tiredne, the food, the smells, the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experience.

3.Upon reaching the top of the mountain, a feeling of happine and a sense of achievement will be experienced.

4.RealCine works by making the viewers feel that they are actually in the film.

5.The movements of the headset indicate the direction in which the view wants to go.

6.In scientific studies it has been shown that VR can provide teenagers with another way to experience the world and make them work harder to make their dreams come true.

7.The teenager was made to think that he had scored the winning goal.

8.An argument has been put forward that some viewers will be disappointed by Realcine.

9.Firefighters could be trained using Realcine without the risk of sending them into a burining building.

10.It has been suggested that travel sickne should/can be reduced by using virtual reality.

11.This could be of great benefit to people and will be researched further.

12.Also, we need to buy new keyboards and moue because many of the keyboards have letters miing….

13.If the PC (No.7) I was using had had a good keyboard, I would not have made so many mistakes.14.He left university in order to concentrate on the writing.

15.The teacher wont mind you using the computer.

16.The Time Traveller journeys through millions of years, seeing even more alien creatures than before.

17.He finally stops thirty million years into the future and experiences a future time where the sun no longer shine brightly.

18.Scared and cold, the Time Traveller starts back towards the present.

19.Instead of waiting to be rescued, the three young people teach themselves astrophysics.

20.With the help of force from a black hole, the are able to guide the lost spaceship safely back to the Earth.

重点语法 被动语态

3模块Unit 1 The World of Our Senses


1.know of /about 了解,知道关于…

2.leave work 下班 3.make great achievements 取得巨大进步

4.even if/though 即使,甚至

5.in sight /out of sight /lose sight of

6.make sense (of ) 知道,了解;有意义

7.watch out (for)注意,小心/ on watch 站岗

8.be frozen with/by被…..惊呆

9.wish (for) sb to do 希望…去做

10.pay back / off /for

11.be linked to / be related to 和…有关

12.hold sb.still 使….一动不动

13.make the best(most) of /make full use of

14.breathe in吸进/take in吸进;理解,吸收

15.can’t help doing /to do

17.warm (sb.)up

18.all of a sudden

19.make progre

20.bang into撞上

22.glance at /stare ( up ) at /glare at

23.set off(for/towards) 起程或出发去

24.second to none 最好

32.reach out for sth 伸手去够…

33.rest … on/upon sth 搭在…上

34.be grateful to sb for sth 由于..感激….

35.have ….in common

36.match A with B

37.in some cases在某些情况下

38.look up to 敬仰….

39.make one’s way to 前进,去

40.compared to /with …

41.feed on(upon) /feed…with…

42.focus …on /upon…

43.take turns to do / (at) doing

44.in panic 害怕的,恐惧的

45.die of /from

46.speak /think highly of sb.

47.be related/linked to 和…有关

48.have ….to do with

50.rather than而不是

51.turn down 把(音量)调小;拒绝

52.turn around环顾四周

53.in the distance 在远处

54.be known as/for/to


1. The fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.

2. She sensed that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark coat.

3. The tall man was nowhere to be seen.

4. Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm 5. The face that she saw was that of an old man.

6. It gives me the chance to pay back the help that people give me when it is sunny .7. While having dinner , listen to some enjoyable music rather than watch TV.While relaxing at home, have some flowers next to you.

8. I heard it was going to rain this afternoon, followed by a thunderstorm.

9. Scientists are interested in whether the sense of smell is related to pain .

10. Why pleasant smells do not reduce pain in men is a question still to be answered by scientists.

11. About 30 types have been reported as attacking human beings.

12. Many more people drown in the ocean every year than are bitten by sharks.

13. The latter two types of attack are more likely to be deadly for humans.

14. Hit the shark on the nose.

15. Don’t be frightened by sharks as there is 30 times greater chance of being hit by lightning than being attacked by a shark.

16. 宾语补足语结构

Polly felt a rough hand brush her face.She could feel her heart beating with fear.Polly found herself staring up at a man standing with his hand resting on her arm.Polly heard it hit the step.In the distance, I could see thunder and lightning coming.重点语法:名词从句

3模块Unit 2 Language


1.be made up of/ consist of

3.pick up

4.lift up

5.contribute to

6.take control of/in(under)control/out of control

7.have a word with/have words with

8.depend on

9.get to the point切中要害

10.at one time /at a time

11.as a whole/on the whole

12.turn …into /change…..into

13.stand for

14.what if….

15.bring sth.with sb

16.mix…with …

17.be different from/ differ from ..in..

18.be replaced with / by

19.even though/ if

20.share …with..

21.have an impact/effect on

22.take up

23.result in/from

24.come true/live(realize) one’s dream

25.undergo huge changes

26.look up

27.care about/for

28.make a decision

29.be due to

30.agree with/to /on

31.get along /on with…

32.over time

33.combine …..and / with

35.concentrate on 注意….

36.put …together

37.take …into consideration考虑

38.in addition 重点句型

1.The language they created is what we now call Old English.

2.When we speak English today, we sometimes find it hard to decide which words or phrases to use.

3.The Norman Conquest did not have the same result that the Germanic invasion had had about 600 years ago.

4.Upper cla people spoke French while common people spoke English.

5.The question of whether English will continue changing in the future is easy to answer.

6.There are a lot of actions you could take to solve this problem.

7.It takes up a lot of time traveling to Beijing.

8.The Chinese language differs from many Western languages in that it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words.

9.There is a legend that says (saying) that a man named Cang Jie invented Chinese writing.

10.A method was developed to combine one part of the character indicating meaning and the other showing sound.重点语法: 名词从句

3模块Unit 3 Back to the past 重点短语

1.arrange for sb.to do 安排….去做..

2.go to a lecture / attend a lecture

3.pour out of 从….中倾泻而出

4.take over

5.be covered with /by

6.protect …from…


8.on rainy days

9.drive sb.crazy/mad

10.be involved in

11.take the time to do

12.prepare sb.to do /for sth

13.in good condition/in a good state

14.lead to

15.declare war against

16.set sail for

17.in memory of/in honor of …

18.carry out a surprise attack

19.in use /out of use

20.in return for …

21.manage to do/ try to do

22.no more / no longer

23.(be )on board

24.It was a different story for----


1. I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.

2. All the people were buried alive , and so was the city.

3. We are off to Naples to visit the museum that houses many of the treasures from Pompeii.

4. Sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand.

5. They made Profeor Zhang chairman of the society.

6. A saying goes that Rome wasn’t built in a day.

7. The money could be better spent on feeding , clothing and housing poor people.

8. What has the world come to when the past matters more than the present?

9. The attack led to the US coming into the Second World War.

10. Not only was Rome a city and a republic , but it also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.

11. The Han Dynasty was founded with Chang’an as its capital city.

12. Now known as Xi’an in Shanxi Province , Chang’an was one of the two largest cities in the world at that time .13. In return for silk , China received wine, spices, wool and other goods.

14. It was a different story for China with the formation of the Sui Dynasty in AD 581, which once again reunited China in AD 589.重点语法: 宾语补足语与主谓一致




2、能听懂特殊疑问句What colour?并能根据情况用It’s…回答,语音语调正确。











一、Warm up / Revision

1、TPR.(Show me your pen/pencil/English book/crayon…)

2、Enjoy an English song“Who is wearing yellow today?”,让学生尝试跟唱,用中文解释“Who is wearing yellow today?”。




T: Ok,now please look here. What colour?

Ss: Yellow!

T: Yes, it’s yellow.Please read after me. Yellow.

Ss: Yellow.

T: Who is wearing yellow today?Stand up,please. 带领学生指着说yellow。


T: Who is wearing red today?Oh,I’m wearing red today. 带领学生指着说red.

Ss: Red!(开火车读)

T:(卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板上。)Please read after me,red.

T: Who can show me something red?(中文解释)



T:(师出示英语书) This is my English book. What colour is it?


T: Read one by one,纠正发音。


T: Ok, now please look at the sky. What colour?

Ss: Blue.

T: Read one by one.


T: Who is wearing brown today?Oh,I’m wearing brown today. 带领学生指着说brown.

Ss: Brown!(开火车读)

T:(卡片出示,学生跟读,将卡片贴在黑板上。)Please read after me,brown.

T: Who can show me something brown?(中文解释)







Learn to greet people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? And their answers; Learn the pronunciation and the writing of letters Aa-Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names; Understand some abbreviations HB, CD、BBC.


With the studying strategies of Imitating and Drilling, get the students to do Pair work to learn how to say hello to and greet people in English by using the teaching courseware, pictures, flashcards; Catch the others’ information by practicing conversations; Know the greetings well by singing English song.


This content is easy to understand and the basic greetings in English, and it’s the easiest to imitate and use. It can not only make the students fall interest in English, but also make them learn how to communicate with others politely; At the same time, it can make the students learn how to call the westerners and know something about the western cultures.


1、Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa~Hh and consolidate the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A, E in English words.

2、Learn to say hello to people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening and their answers.

3、Learn to greet people with How are you? and their answers.


Section A

创设情境,导入新课Create plots and scenes to guide the new lesson

The main content of Section A is to learn to say hello to and greet to people by acting out the conversations and imitating them; Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa~Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names. We can adopt the Situation Guiding Method and the Audiovisual Guiding Method: The teacher can make a teaching courseware (about greeting) for the teaching, or prepare some cartoons to imitates the different voices of the people in the Cartoons to say hello to and greet each other, so the target sentences are guided Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice! Hi/Hello, Bob! Hi/Hello, Eric!; And then the teacher communicates with the students; At last get the students to communicate with each other.

自读感知,整体把握Pre-read to apperceive and grasp the whole

Section A is designed by three steps. In 1a-1b, get the students to learn to say hello to and greet others by practicing conversations and know some cartoons well; In 2a-3, get the students to learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa-Hh and pay attention to the orders of strokes and formats, and get them to apperceive the pronouncing characters of letters A and E and conclude their pronouncing rules; In 4a-4c, get them to grasp the familiar English names and consolidate the greetings.

合作交流,解读探究Cooperate and intercourse to unscramble and research

The main content in Section A is to learn the target language:

Hi/Hello, Bob!

Hi/Hello, Eric!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!

【Intercourse】The teacher communicates with the students in class first:

(Say hello to the students)Hello, …!

(Get the students to answer)Hello, …。!

(Say hello to the students)Hi, …!

(Get the students to answer)Hi, …。!

(Say hello to the students)Good morning/afternoon/evening, …!

(Get the students to answer)Good morning/afternoon/evening, …!

【Experiences】After the students grasp the target sentences, the teacher projects the courseware (about greeting) or shows some cartoons and imitates different voices of the people in the cartoons (or play the tape) to say hello to and greet each other: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice! Hi/Hello, Bob! Hi/Hello, Eric!; The students listen carefully while watching and grasp the pronunciation of some familiar English names, finish the teaching task of Activity 1b.

【Activities】Get the students to practice conversations and communicate with each other. Get them to imitate the conversations they hear and say hello to and greet each other, finish the teaching task of Activity 1b.

Hi/Hello, Bob!

Hi/Hello, Eric!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!

Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!

【Demonstration】Learn the pronunciation and writing of English letters Aa—Hh. The teacher can draw four-line grids on the blackboard and teach the students the correct writing orders and structures. The students imitate what the teacher have taught and pay attention to the varieties of capital and small English letters, finish the teaching task of Activities 2a and 2b.

【Experiences】Play the tape of Activity 2c and get the students to listen and distinguish the right letters and mark the orders, finish the teaching task of Activities 2c.

【Practice】Get the students to write the corresponding small letters according to the capital letters, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 2d.

【Discussion】Get the students to observe the abbreviations in Activity 3 and guess their meanings according to the pictures. Tell the students these abbreviations are common in English and also important, finish the teaching task of Activities 3.


1)Play the tape of Activity 4a and get the students to listen and circle the names they hear according to the conversations, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 4a.

2)Play the tape of Activity 4a again and get the students to listen and match the conversations they hear with the pictures and mark the orders, finish the hearing teaching task of Activities 4b.

【Activities】Get the students to drill the conversations in Activity 4b and grasp the target sentences: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen! Good morning/afternoon/evening, Alice!,finish the teaching task of Activity 4c.

【要点直击】【English notes】

中西方日常交际差异:中国人见面喜欢问:“你吃过了吗?”老外听了,以为你要请客;“你去哪儿?”老外认为你是干涉他的隐私。而西方人见面以问候为主,如:Hello!, Hi!, Good morning.等。问候语的使用:Good morning早上好(指早晨、上午);Good afternoon下午好(指午后,黄昏前);Good evening晚上好(指黄昏后,就寝前)。

应用迁移,巩固提高Application and transfer, consolidation and improvement

1. Make letter cards: Get different letters and words by assembling the cards freely. It’s helpful to promote the intercourse between the students and bring up their friendship.

2. Identify the character cartoons: Know some familiar boy and girl names.

Section B and Self Check


The main content in Section B is to review and consolidate the greetings learnt; Learn to greet others by using How are you? and familiarize and grasp the familiar English names further; Summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words. So the Audiovisual Guiding Method can still be adopted: The teacher can make a teaching courseware (about saying hello and greeting) for teaching, or prepare some cartoons and imitate the different voices of different characters in the cartoons to say hello to and greet each other, so the target sentences can be guided: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!! Hi/Hello, Eric! How are you? I’m fine, thanks. I’m OK.。


Section B is designed by three steps: In 1-2b, review and consolidate the greetings learnt and learn to greet others by using How are you?;In 3a-4, review the pronunciation and writing of the English letters Aa-Hh, and summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words; In 5, use the English song to consolidate the target language and inspire the students’ interest in English at the same time.


The main content in Section B is to review and consolidate the greetings learnt; Learn to greet others by using How are you? and familiarize and grasp the familiar English names further; Summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E in words.

Good morning/afternoon, Helen! Hi/Hello, Eric!

How are you? I’m fine, thanks. How are you?

I’m OK.

【Experiences】Project the courseware or play the tape of Activity 1 and get the students to watch or listen and imitate, and make them learn to greet others by using How are you? I’m fine, thanks. How are you? I’m OK., finish the teaching task of Activity 1.

【Making】Get the students to review the familiar English names learnt and choose one of them as their own English names according to their fancy and write them down in the cards, finish the teaching task of Activity 2a.

【Role-playing】After they make their own name cards, the teacher can get the students to practice conversations to consolidate the target language learnt by using the target sentences and English names, finish the teaching task of Activity 2b.

【Experiences】Playing the tape of Activity 3a and get the students to draw the lines between the letters they hear, finish the hearing teaching task of Activity 3a.

【Activities】Get the students to match the capital letters with the small letter and review and consolidate the pronunciation and writing of the English letter, finish the teaching task of Activity 3b.


1)Play the tape of Activity 4 and get the students to listen and imitate and summarize the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A and E, finish the teaching task of Activity 4.

2)Playing the tape of Activity 5 and teach the students this English song, finish the teaching task of Activity 5.

【要点直击】【English notes】

1、How are you? 也是一句问候语,一般用于熟人之间,意思是“你(身体)好吗?”,它的答句一般是:Fine/I’m fine. Thank you.,而不能用How are you?直接回答。

2、Thank you与Thanks:“thank”是动词,“Thank you”是“谢谢你”,表示感谢对方,“Thanks”是名词“谢谢”(复数形式)。

应用迁移,巩固提高Application and transfer, consolidation and improvement

1、Choose an English name: The teacher can organize an activity to get the students to choose an immovable English name for themselves (see the name lists at the last pages of the textbook) in order to boost up the atmosphere of learning English and help them communicate with each other better without the interference of mother tongue. And using the English names in the mutual intercourse can improve the students’ interest in English.

2、One own voice: Get the students to record the conversations between them and their friends with tapes and play them in class and get other classmates to listen and communicate their tastes. It can practice the students’ abilities of oral expressing and correct their pronunciation on one hand, and it can improve the their abilities of listening to and telling the sounds on the other hand, and consolidate the target language.

课后小结Summarize after class

【Summary】Learn to say hello to others with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening and greet people with How are you? and its answers; Grasp the target sentences: Good morning/afternoon/evening, Helen!! Hi/Hello, Eric! How are you? I’m fine, thanks. I’m OK.; Learn the pronunciation and writing of the letters Aa~Hh and the pronunciation of the vowel letters A and E in words; Familiarize the familiar boy and girl names and understand the meanings of some abbreviations HB, CD、BBC.


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