

时间:2023-07-08 15:45:52 文/马振华 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Teachers, students, everybody!

  My name is he, a little boy love reading. This year eight years old, in grade three. If you want to know me, please look down.

  I a pair of big eyes, high bridge of the nose, mouth, adults say cherry small mouth, I want to tube size, he still in my eyes, because I like reading the most. My eyes wet, is very good-looking, he is my the window to the soul, in order to protect him, I can't work, for example, when reading a book after I pay attention to the distance of eyes from the book and pay attention to rest in a timely manner. And my hair black, black, like a dark cloud. A mother said: let's hair is the same ah, you are black hair, I am black hair, your father is. Is a family ah. My hair is like eyes, swarthy. Mom and dad said: it's nice of your hair. My hair is black and very hard, not only like my personality is straightforward. I'm fine to identify, as long as see black hair, big eyes is me. Remember, don't have.

  I am a love of making friends. Remember in first grade, wei classmate off an eraser, I helped him pick it up, since then, he would have regarded me as a friend. How, I love to make friends?

  My specialty is: drawing and the violin. My ideal is: after be brought up as a painter or a famous violinist. Like me?

  Thank you very much!








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