

时间:2023-07-10 22:12:33 文/莉落 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


Dear students and teachers

  good morning!

  Im XXX from class xx, grade XX. The topic of my speech today is "Qingming Huaien".

  Qingming, one of the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar, the traditional Chinese Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years.

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." In the Qingming Festival when spring returns to the earth and spring rain falls, it is natural for people to miss and cherish their dead relatives. The missing of them not only reminds us of many memories, but also gives us a lot of enlightenment in life. For example, my grandfather has been frugal all his life. I remember very deeply. I told him that I wanted to buy a knife, and he took out seven at once. We usually lost them inadvertently. Silence is better than sound, which makes me engrave my sense of frugality.

  Today, we stand under the bright five-star red flag. This is the five-star red flag dyed red with the blood of martyrs. We wear a red scarf on our chest. It is a corner of the red flag. Shouldnt we look back on the past and place our sorrow on it? Looking at the red scarf flying on our chest, our hearts are surging. Although the life of snowy mountains and grasslands has passed, and the smoke of war has dispersed, we deeply understand that the 21st century is an era of knowledge economy and an era of rapid change, and our children are facing more severe challenges. The important task of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and realizing the all-round revitalization of the Chinese nation falls on our shoulders. We must set up lofty ideals, take over the red flag of the revolutionary ancestors, inherit their glorious traditions, strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge well and be the little masters of the new century.

  My speech is over. Thank you.


Teachers and students:

  Hello, everyone. The topic of my speech today is the feelings of Qingming Festival.

  In April, the grass grows and the warbler flies, the wind is sunny, and the Qingming Festival comes to us with a new green color after more than 2000 years.

  Qingming originated from the spring and Autumn period when the five hegemonists rose and the heroes competed for the front. It is said that Jie Zitui, a famous official of the generation who followed Duke Wen of Jin for 19 years, was loyal and courageous and worked together in the same boat. Yu Gongcheng stepped back and sneaked into the mountains with his mother on his back. Duke Wen of Jin found it missing and ordered to set fire to the mountain, trying to force Jie Zi out of his mother and son. Unexpectedly, Jie Zitui and his mother held a big tree and would rather burn than go out of the mountain. Scrupulously abiding by filial piety and bearing filial piety is the spiritual heritage of Jie Zitui, and it is also the original intention and reason of the creation of Qingming.

  Qingming is a day of heavy thoughts in the eyes of relatives. On this special day, no matter how far away people are, they have to return to their hometown and cultivate their pure thoughts on their relatives green tombs to grow into warm comfort. And those who are detained in a foreign country will also use their own unique way to offer sacrifices from a distance, or pay homage to the remains of their relatives, or touch the relics of their old friends, or look silently in the direction of the Qingzhong.

  Qingming is a poetic and picturesque day written by scholars. "Flowers fly everywhere in the spring city, the cold food east wind resists the willows", "it rains one after another in the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians want to break their souls", and other well-known good sentences have been handed down to this day. Before and after the Qingming Festival, the rain is soft and the wind is warm. It is the so-called "wet apricot rain with clothes, not cold willow wind".

  Qingming is the day of spring ploughing and spring planting. A grain of millet is planted in spring and ten thousand seeds are harvested in autumn. Life is the same. Only when we sow our wishes in "spring", can we harvest life in "autumn". Sowing is a new beginning, a new hope, a new creation and a new starting point. Lets sow and sow for a lifetime like hard-working farmers. Life is hard, life is hard.

  Thank you. My speech is over.


Teachers and students:

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is Tomb Sweeping Day.

  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls". Qingming Festival is not only one of the 24 solar terms in China, but also the most important day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping in China. There are many moving legends about its origin. Lets pick one: in the spring and Autumn period, Chong Er, the son of the king of the state of Jin, fled abroad with the help of Jie Zitui and others in order to avoid being chased and killed. They lost their way in the barren mountains and couldnt find anything to eat. At this time, Chong Er still cared about the people, which moved Jie Zitui. He cut a piece of meat from his leg, roasted it and handed it to Chong Er to eat. After 19 years of exile, Chonger finally returned home and became king. He gave rewards to those who fled with him, but forgot Jie Zitui. After being reminded, he was very sorry and decided to invite Jie Zitui himself. Who knows that Jie Zitui has long hid in Mianshan with his old mother. Chong Er led people to search the mountain, but he couldnt find them. Someone suggested setting the mountain on fire. Chonger adopted this suggestion. The result was counterproductive. He burned Jie Zis mother and son under a big willow tree. Chonger regretted that he buried them under the willow tree. In order to avoid fireworks, he ordered the people all over the country not to light a fire and cook on this day, which was designated as "cold food festival". The next year, Chong Er led his officials to Mianshan for memorial service and found that the willow was resurrected. He named the willow "Qingming willow", banned fire on the "cold food festival" and ed willows on the "Qingming Festival", which has been passed down from generation to generation and has become a national Festival.

  We know that the martyrs dyed the national flag red with their own blood and laid the foundation for the Republic building with their precious lives. The great achievements of the martyrs are immortal, their spirit is eternal, and the Republic will not forget them! The people will never forget them! Children living in a happy life should not forget them!

  Recalling the past, we cant tell the infinite memory of the martyrs; Looking at the present, we cant finish singing our infinite vision for tomorrow; For the future, we are confident and ambitious. No matter what career we engage in in in the future, the children of our motherland shoulder the unfinished cause of the martyrs and the historical task of building a great motherland with developed economy, rich civilization and standing tall in the east of the world. Lets call for the spring breeze of civilization and comfort the martyrs with practical actions!

  Thank you.


Dear teachers and students

  good afternoon.

  Its the Qingming Festival, the spring breeze is warm and the sun is bright. Our campus is full of vitality. Today, we gather here to mourn the martyrs and pay homage to the heroes by means of speeches. The purpose is to remind each of us not to forget history and learn from history.

  Students, Tomb Sweeping Day is not only one of the 24 solar terms in China, but also the most important day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping in China. Paying homage to our ancestors and remembering the past is not to immerse us in infinite pain, but to better stimulate our fighting spirit to move forward bravely; Paying homage to our ancestors and remembering the past does not mean that we should cherish the memory of history, but that we should turn grief into strength and better create the future; To sweep our ancestors and remember the past is not to make us regret indefinitely, but to take history as a mirror, not only to look at the past, but also to reflect the future, so that todays us can learn from history and aspire to history!

  Students, the martyrs dyed the national flag red with their own blood and laid the foundation for the Republic building with their precious lives. The great achievements of the martyrs are immortal, their spirit is eternal, and the Republic will not forget them! The people will never forget them! We who live in a happy life cannot forget them! How to inherit the martyrs will? How to carry forward the glorious tradition of revolution? Some students may think its too difficult. In fact, its not. As long as we can do it according to the code for middle school students and the forty word standard for civilized students, seriously regulate our words and deeds, and be a "good helper" who is filial to our parents, cares about the elderly, thrifty and loves work at home; In society, be a "model" who loves the motherland, is polite, honest and trustworthy, and abides by discipline and law; Be a "good partner" who is united and friendly, helps each other, respects others and is good at cooperation in school; Be a "little guard" who cares for public property, pays attention to hygiene, protects the environment and abides by order in public places; When alone, it is enough to be a "little master" with an open mind, mental health, diligence and self-reliance and the courage to innovate, to call for the spring breeze of civilization and comfort the loyal souls of martyrs with our practical actions.

  Students and teachers, we shoulder the unfinished cause of the martyrs and the historical task of enriching the people and strengthening the country! We should interpret our wonderful life with confidence, sincerity and ambition, and dont let time flow.

  Thank you!


Teachers and students:

  good morning! Today is April 4, and tomorrow is Chinas traditional festival - Qingming Festival. According to the relevant regulations of the State Council and in combination with the actual situation of our school, we will have a holiday from this afternoon to the 6th, and classes will be normal on the 7th (Thursday). The overnight students must return to school before 18:00 on Wednesday afternoon.

  Qingming Festival is one of the 24 solar terms in China. "Huainanzi, astronomy training" said: "on the 15th day after the spring equinox, fighting finger B, the Qingming wind will arrive." As soon as the Tomb Sweeping Day comes, the temperature rises and the rainfall increases, which is a good season for farming. However, as a traditional festival in China, Qingming Festival is the most important sacrificial Festival. On this day, people go to the mountains to visit the tombs, mourn the dead relatives, and cherish the memory of the martyrs who contributed to the prosperity of the motherland and national rejuvenation. At the same time, we also place our gratitude for raising our ancestors, cherish their contributions to future generations, families and society, and encourage future generations to learn from them, Try to do more meaningful things.

  Finally, I will conclude todays speech with 28 words: inherit the tradition, thank our ancestors, cherish the memory of the martyrs, embrace nature, sweep the tombs in civilization and ensure safety. Thank you!


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