
The important of college life演讲稿

时间:2023-07-20 05:18:21 文/马振华 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com

The important of college life演讲稿

  i glad to see you. in my precious college life, i can and everybody to spend some time together, to this , i feel very honored . first, please allow me to introduce myself. my name is mengxi . i’m from 09108.the topic of my speech is << the important of college life>>.

  now, want to say : do you like money ? yes, i like. because ,money is my dream. if i have a lot money , i can do whatever i want to do . for example , i can eat dove chocolate, or go to the romantic willis .

  but, how to realize my dream? this place my college, is also you college. it will help me to realize his dream. maybe you will ask why. because, colleges offer we study and communication, exercise platform,

  maybe you don’t think so, you will believe that college is very small. how poor! but i will be very serious tell you, your vision is to narrow. our university has new library and the electronic reading room. here, you can learn you want to learn any knowledge, as long as you action.

  in addition, university is without borders. i think the world university are belong to us. because, we can use the internet to learn an university public courses. so, i study english hard and professional ,enhance their own experience. and, i took an active part in all kinds of activities, this will help my ability in ascension. in all, i study hard, let me become more outstanding.

  on the other hand, college let i learned how to behave, how to do thing.

  now, i want to say:

  thank my college, is it let me learn self-confidence, let me have the courage to face everything.

  thank my college, is it let me learn self-management, let me have handle all wisdom.

  thank my college, is it let me learn choice, le me not wander road forks.

  thank my college, is it le know how thankful! let us bring gratitude and into our study an into our life, into our spiritual world.

  therefore, the college in our life. how important! so, let’s cherish every day in college .


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