

时间:2023-07-14 23:40:05 文/秦风学 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com




  Look this picture, it vividly descripted the different of transportation between china and foreign in the past time and nowadays, in the 1970, the car is popular transportation abroad and Bicycle is the popular mode of transport in china. However, at present, the phenomenon is converse. Ok , Do you know what reasons for thisFor this phenomenon, I Will be explained in the following two aspects.

  To say that this is a big difference between developing and developed countries, China is developing country and developing fast ,people consciously pursue these advanced vehicles and do not pay attention to environmental protection, at the same time the pollution of industrial is very serious in china now. However, the economic development in Foreign have been formed, the people have started to pay attention to environmental protection, which is related to government policies and personal qualities. The Small areas is that the majority of Chinese have a false consciousness, which is owning a house and a car can enables people to have a face in the environment of developing country, therefore, people make a change in order to cater it. Overall, this is a proper phenomenon. People focus on the different sides due to they are in the different stages. Maybe Chinese will use the environment-friendly vehicle in the 5 years later.

  the thinking values of people between china and foreign is different and the aspects of attention is different. and This phenomenon is What is rational is actual, and what is actual is rational.


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