

时间:2023-07-08 20:49:02 文/莉落 演讲稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  This is an interesting place.

  You come here to exchange things, you come here to save money, and you come here to give your waste things a home.

  What is it? Not the supermarket, not the dustbin, not the place that is dealing with rubbish of course, but it is a place on our campus.Yes, it is the flea market.

  I have already sold my books and bags that I no longer need there, and have bought a lovely bottle there at a good price.

  I will show you four benefits by doing this according to my experience,but before that,I have to tell you that you should keep an open mind when going there.

  You may not come away with the things that were on your list, but thats the beauty of the hunt: you never know what youll find.

  If you didnt find a particular item this week, dont despair ,since youll have chance to find it next time.

  Now I will show you the four reasons that may help you to find a new way to deal with your waste things next time.Firstly, save money.

  By selling the things you no longer needs, you can cover some of the original cost which can be of great importance to those students who have not got their own income.

  And with the similar function and a much lower price, the financial difficulty that troubled many poor students can be solved much more easily.

  What’s more, experts estimated that if all textbooks in universities can be used once again, we can save about 100 million Yuan which can help you to travel to moon for one time.Secondly, develop a good habit.

  Selling the waste things in a flea market can help the sellers to cultivate a good habit of making full use of their belongings.

  Thus you will think twice before buying a new product next time.Thirdly, foster an intelligence to engage in business.

  You can learn to communicate with others and promote sale of your products to others at a proper price by doing this.

  Your practical ability can also improve a lot.Don’t forget the last one, environmental-friendly.

  According to the latest report, if a small-size city reuses the textbooks for one time, they can save 1.5 million in only a semester’s time.Anyway, a flea market is an interesting place to visit if you want to buy something or if you want to buy nothing.

  Dont be surprised if you find the very thing you have been looking for or come back home with your hands empty.Hope the fact I have presented to you will help you to make a wise choice next time when dealing with your waste things.

  Remember: many a little makes a fickle


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