
最新假期计划( Hoilday plan)

时间:2023-06-15 23:47:41 文/张东东 学习计划北考网www.beiweimall.com

最新假期计划( Hoilday plan)

  We have asked some people about what they think of having classes in holidays. Some teachers who think we shouldn’t have classes in holidays hold the idea that teachers and students are tired and students should have more time and space to do their own things. While Parents think students should have classes in holidays. They think learning more knowledge is better.

  But 60% of students who disagree with it think that they should have some relaxation. On the contrary, other students hold the idea that they can learn more if they have classes in holidays.

  I think it’s not very good to have classes in holidays. We should plan our holidays by ourselves. After all, it’s more helpful to combine learning and rest.


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