

时间:2023-06-10 18:50:50 文/阿林 新闻稿北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Sonorous rose may some people think that the athletic field is male student's world, but is actually enlivening many female students' forms in the athletic field. They gallop equally with the male student the athletic field, strives for success the athletic field, also had the victory joy equally with the male student, had the enviable applause and the fresh flower; Their valiant graceful bearing is noticeable, refracts on their body has like the women's football athlete's firm new year and the unyielding spirit, they are in full bloom in the athletic field sonorous rose, they are vital sonorous roses, is one is brimming with the youth vitality sonorous rose. wishes each sonorous rose to be able to be in full bloom on the life path. wishes each sonorous rose to be able to stand arrogantly in the athletic field which strives for success.


  Striving for success striving for success, you are in the athletic field the brightest spot. In yours eye, does not care about the victory happy and defeat's tear, completely is only to demonstrate life caper the metre. striving for success, you are in the life music movement the loudest note. In yours heart, then does not stop the faith which strives for success, starts to walk the life new journey with the solid step. on the field strives for success, you are our forever pride!


  You were in my heart's heroic some people said that in the athletic field dashed about wildly the son, was a black steed. some people said that in the athletic field the active woman's head covering, is a sharp scenery. I said that you are in my heart's hero, your dashing, your tenacious striving for success, your submitting never, your self-challenge, deeply irons in each person's heart, because your spirit condensed a formidable strength in everybody heart, the this strength rest, only you are in a steady stream in my heart's hero.


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