

时间:2023-06-16 18:28:29 文/莉落 写作技巧北考网www.beiweimall.com




Step 1,


Review the sentence patterns and vocabulary presented in Grade 1.

T: Can you chant: An elephant can walk, walk, walk walk.??

Have students change the other words for it.


Model the dialog.

Present the flashcard for “see”。 Hold up the flashcard and model the word for students, have them repeat it for you.

Repeat the procedure for “walk, climb, listen and read.”

Hold up your mask for Mocky and say, “I can walk.” Point to your legs and walk around the classroom.

Repeat the sentence and add, “Can you?”

Now hold up the mask for Ann and say, “Yes, I can.”

Have students say the sentences after you.

Use the mask and repeat the procedures. Let students ask and answer.


Talk about the story.

Have students open their books at pages 50 and 51. Ask these questions about the pictures.

Picture 1/2: What can Mocky do?

Picture 3/4: What happens to Mocky?

Picture 5: How is Ken helping Mocky now?

Picture 6: What happens to Ann?

Picture 10: What are Mocky, Ann and Ken doing now?



T: We are going to hear what the characters said.

Play the tape, have Ss look at the pictures as the tape is played.

Play the tape again, pausing at each new picture. Have Ss repeat the words before you move oin to the next picture.

Explain that people often say “Be careful.” And “Look out.” When someone is going to do something dangerous. “It’s all right.” Means thay you think you can solve the problem. “What’s the matter?” is another way of asking what is wrong.



Encourage students to tell the story to their families.

三、 教学后记






Words to learn.

Have students open their books at page 52. direct their attention to the top of the page. Display your copy of the page. Point to the first picture.

T: Run.

Have students repeat the word.

Repeat the procedure for the other pictures and actions.

Play the tape. Stop after each new vocabulary word. Point to each picture as the action is named. Step2, Introduce you, he, she can?。

Review the structure I can ?。

Have students repeat the sentence as they see the picture cards and do the action. Now introduce the structure “You can?。”

Repeat the procedure with different students working in pairs. Then use the other action picture cards.


Listen to this.

Display your copy of the page. T: Now we will see what Mocky can do.

Ask the question, “What can Mocky do?” Repeat the question.

Point to the first picture. T: He can carry his bag.

Repeat for the other three pictures.

Now have Ss open their books. As you play the tape, have them touch the matching picture. Make sure they all touch the correct picture.


Let’s chant.

Use pictures review the following words: read, write, walk, run, talk, sing, jump, dance. Make sure Ss can say these words when they see the action.

Read the rhyme to students, pointing to each word.

Play the tape for the whole rhyme. Tell them the book only shows the first two parts of the rhyme.

Have Ss listen and point to the words and the matching pictures on the page. Play the tape again and have students join in, encouraging them to clap with the rhyme. Have students point to the pictures in their books as they listen to the tape again. They can also add some actions and act the rhyme out.



Tell their families in English some things that they can do, using the sentence structure I can ?。







Talk together.

Hold up the jump card. T: I can jump.

Have students repeat the sentence.

T: Can you jump?

S: Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

Display your copy of the page. Then read aloud the words in the speech bubbles, pointing to each word as you say it.

Read the words again, and have students touch each word in their books as they repeat them after you.


Listen and number.

Have students turn to the bottom of page 54. explain to them thay you will play a tape and that you want them to number the sentence they hear on the correct picture. Play the tape, one sentence at a time. Stop after each sentence. Have students touch the picture after hearing the sentence on the tape. Make sure that students choose correctly.

Play the tape a second time, sentence by sentence. This time have Ss write the number of the sentence in the box beside each picture as they hear the sentence on the tape.


Sounds and letters.

Draw students’ attention to the top of the page.

Play the tape for house, hand, hat and help.

T: Do these words have the sound /h/?

Play the tape again and have students say the words alound.

Repeat the procedure for other words.


Read and circle.

Have students turn to page 55. display your copy of the page. Point to the clor red and sak, “What color is it?” Elicit the correct name from students.

Pointing to the words next to the color. Tell Ss that there is only one word matches the picture and you want them to find it.

Now read the four words again. Have Ss open page after you and and circle circle the word ead. Step 5 Homework.

Tell students that you want them to color the pictures on page 55.




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