

时间:2023-06-02 23:02:53 文/莉落 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com

  Be it known, Crime and Punishment is a serious novel, or we may say, a serious and heavy psychological novel which stirs my heart profoundly, and substantially.

  Yeah, I have to admit that this is a novel without mystery for the murderer is walking on the street day and night without any intention to avoid people except the warp that his suspicious frame of mind has produced in him. In this book, two women are supposed to be attractive with their virtues, composedness when suffering from pain and sadness, and of course with their beauty in soul. Sonia, the lover, earns a life with her “dirty” career, or at least it is supposed to be dirty by people in general. What is she supposed to do? I should like to know. What can she do without her “capital”, that is her body, her young and beautiful body? I don’t know. The only thing I get from that era and country in that era, is desperation. And the most urgent thing is to find a exit for the family, A step-Mother, Two step sisters and A step bother, and A Father. If I were put in that society, I would rather kill myself than lead a desperate life.

  Another one, Dounia, sister. At the beginning, Dounia is supposed to impress us with her beauty, her knowledge, her behavior and her selflessness. To be frank, no women in this novel attract me. But, I appreciate her union with Razumihin, who may be the most selfless patron saint of Raskolnikov and his family. Razumihin is young, vigorous, virtuous and optimistic, regardless his empty-headed words and activities. His love to Dounia is ardent and I know from the first moment when they meet that they will fall in love with each other, or at least they do not dislike each other, which is the basic factor for a marriage as said by Qian Zhongshu (钱钟书) in Fortress Besieged (《围城》).

  Then, there are two mothers detailed in this novel. Pulcheria Alexandrovna, Raskolnikov’s mother, from whom, we can easily find the generous and selfless mother love, which is supposed to touch our heart greatly, what do you think? Another one is Katerina Ivanovna, Sonia’s step-mother. The most moving scene she plays is when she protects Sonia from the theft- slander. In that case, what I see is her trust to Sonia and her deep love as well as penance confession. She is faint in protection. But her love is great and her heart is blood-dripping. I even have the feeling that I have heard the cracking sound of her heart, a sobbing cracking, which touches my heart and mind softly, but to a certainty.

  I'd like to say more, maybe next time.

  As for me,this is a novel of crime, a novel of love, a novel of duplicity, a novel of faithfulness, a novel of punishment, a novel of forgiveness, a novel of stupidness, a novel of intelligence, a novel of behavior, a novel of words.





  然后,有两个母亲在这本小说详细。Pulcheria Alexandrovna,Raskolnikov的母亲,谁,我们可以很容易找到的慷慨和无私的母爱,这应该是我们的心联系很大,你怎么认为?另一个是Katerina Ivanovna,索尼亚的继母。她扮演的最动人的场面是当她保护索尼亚免受盗窃-诽谤。在这种情况下,我看到的是她对索尼亚的信任和她的爱以及忏悔忏悔。她在保护中昏倒了。但她的爱是伟大的,她的心是血滴。我甚至有这样的感觉:我听到了她那破碎的声音,一种呜咽的裂缝,它轻轻地触动着我的心和心,但却是确定的。




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