

时间:2023-06-14 01:52:59 文/王明刚 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com


  《一千零一夜》, 在西方被称为《阿拉伯之夜》,在中国却有一个独特的.称呼:《天方夜谭》。下面是语文迷小精心为大家提供的英语读后感范文,供大家参考。


  This book is simply wonderful.The tales involved are tales of the Persian Gulf,of Bagdhad,Arabia,and tales that we as adults should revisit for some enjoyable light reading that will make us smile and wonder at the old folklore of the Arabian Peninsula.Sinbad the Sailor is in there,as is Aladdin in it's original form,and the story begins of a king who is so upset by his wife's unfaithfulness that he will now only accept virgins for one night and then have them killed.A smart virgin begins her night with the infamous king by telling him stories,and she so fascinates him and enthralls him with her tales that the tales turn into folklore for readers of the ages.I won't tell you what happens in the end to the virgin princess,but you will find humor,enchantment,wisdom and fantasy for those times when stress becomes a factor in your life.I highly recommend the tale of "The Historic Fart" as a both funny and inspiring tale of human nature.Please buy this book and remember to become a nine -12 year old again as you read with curiosity and wonder at the fabulous enchanting,lively stories.I was beginning to wish my children were a bit younger so I could read these to them.Any child would enjoy these stories,and any adult will find them simply relaxing and a reflection of medieva l Islam.


  The impressions of reading One Thousand and One Nights

  Have you heard One Thousand and One Nights? There are many interesting sorties in this book and I like Alibaba and the Forty Thieves best.

  Let’s share the story together. Alibaba found the gold that the thieves hid and knew the secret .With the help of the servant, he risked his life and used the great wisdom to kill forty atrocious thieves. He avenged his brother .Though he was poor, he did not take the gold himself and gave the gold to the poor. The poor loved him very much.

  From the story, I feel the power of wisdom and value of love. In our actual life, we may meet many kinds of difficulties and lure. We should face them bravely and try our best to overcome them. In my daily life, I often felt panic and cried when I met any difficulties about my study. Sometimes, I ask money from my parents but do meaningless things. I am really ashamed.

  In the future , I decide to study hard .I do everything that I can do to reduce the pressure of parents .I will try my best to be brave and intelligent. I believe I can do better.


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