

时间:2023-06-08 08:12:52 文/刘莉莉 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Throughout the novel did not describe the ball's psychological activity, her happiness and joy, sorrow and sad, happy and delighted, injustice and anger by her show in front of the readers. The author seems to have no longer needed her confession, but all her feelings, we have a deeply comprehend.

  The author USES a series of contrast method. He did not tell us directly the ball the image is the beauty and ugliness, but we for her beauty, kindness experience deep. Why is that? Because the author around the beautiful kind of suet ball depicts a group of ugly, vulgar person. Although they have high social status, and have and their status is inversely proportional to the dirty soul. Is also the franco-prussian war victims, the difference between person and person how can so different? Solemnity even respected people at ordinary times, in front of the disaster shows shameless face, and on the social status and dignity of people, selfless kind.

  Maupassant's work often makes us in shock, more to remember the love of the motherland, love people, love the great writers of peace. Although, in the work, he often see the ugliness of life, part of the dark, stripping analysis it bleeding, even daunting. But he has let us see more real, return of life.

  Maupassant for summary on their own creation, is the "hidden" in his writing skills. Like a picture, when the picture on a piece of scenery or a character occurs, we went to live from a piece of green leaf can infer is the scene of spring, from a character wearing and temperament to be able to see his status. Only those mediocre painter, can choose to use a forest to reflect in the spring, with the characteristics of a whole group of people to foil should reflect the figure. Maybe, this is a great artist and the difference between ordinary writer.






  Literature is more than birds fly far dream, beautiful emotion than flowers bloom, brighter than the stars flash was intelligent. So, read a literary classics that seems to enjoy.

  "Suet ball" this novel is about failure in a war of people fleeing war zone, sitting in a car of France will many celebrities lady, and one is called the ball prostitutes.

  At noon on the carriage of the first, who all don't have to eat, just the ball with a lot of food, and others to share.

  Second on the carriage, and in the case of a horse-drawn carriage almost for the first time, however, this is the ball didn't have to eat, others have brought, but no one wants to share his own lunch with her, on the road, they for the ball, also ironic, she laughed at her, the so-called social celebrities, ladies heart is so ugly.

  I feel very sad for the ball, she was the gang cheat very miserably, I also very hate that gang of evil beast, they not only doesn't even have basic patriotism, is on the civilization etiquette form see clumsy.







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