

时间:2023-06-04 21:02:48 文/刘莉莉 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com


  "Millions of pounds" is a very interesting short stories, after reading the "million pounds", I have a lot of thoughts.

  "Millions of pounds" is primarily concerned with the two brothers made a "what happens if a poor man get millions of pounds to do" the bet. And they gave it to a poor and honest man a one million pound note.

  People are very surprised to the rich man, improve his position. He has a beautiful wife, living a happy life.

  My feeling is, the people of the past look down upon the poor, feel oneself what benefits to help the poor all have no, also for the poor is very cold. But the sight of a rich man to him very kind and enthusiasm. This is showed in the past people are money, rich people have status, respectable people. But no money, no status, others look down on them. I think this kind of situation is very bad, not only rich people can be respected, everyone has the right to get respect from others. At the same time, is also a happy thing to help the poor. When you get to the best of your ability to help the others, inside there will be a kind of unspeakable joy and happy. I think people should help the poor. In addition, I also think should not be money, judge a book by its cover. Although money is very important, but not everything!






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