

时间:2023-06-09 23:29:09 文/黄飞 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com

  The fantastic film, “The Life of Pi”, directed by Li An, has aroused wide sensation in public. Views on this film vary from person to person. As far as I’m concerned, this film really attracted my attention during the entire film. I was absorbed in the magnificent images and I think there is no denying that this film is a great success.

  From my perspective, the point that impressed me most is Pi’s positive attitude towards the obstacles he was facing. I think it was his endurance and his brave attitude that finally helped him out of danger and sadness.

  Apart from that, the film has also expressed a desire that we can live peacefully with animals, which moved me a lot. The incredible story that Pi lived with and cared about the tiger is a moving spectacle, which shows the humanity and the harmonious bond between human and animals. And the story leads me to believe that love can make changes and we should show mercy to the livings from the bottom of our hearts.

  After all, this is a great movie which moved me a lot.







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