

时间:2023-06-04 20:27:04 文/张东东 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Today, my brother and I went to the bookstore, came to the children's book shop. Suddenly, eyes into a book, the name of "Kite Runner", I immediately to the interest, immediately from the shelf pumping out read.


  "The kite runner" is the author of Khaled Hossein, the story mainly talked about the 12 year old Afghan rich Amir master and servant Hassan like one's own brother. However, in a kite flying competition, there was a tragic thing is, Amir feels remorse and pain for their weakness, pushed Hassan, soon, oneself also followed his father fled to USA. Adult Amir couldn't forgive his betrayal of Hassan. In order to sin, Amir again embarked on more than 20 years of home, hope to do the last bit for the unfortunate friend, but found a blockbuster lies, childhood nightmare again, Amir can't decide.


  The novel to warm the delicate brushwork outlines the nature and salvation of humanity, to read a very touching. After reading this text, I think Amir should not be to a wretched thing and pushed Hassan, after all, friendship is worth pursuing, to cherish. I think we don't need to know the kite will fly to where, even its shadow are not worth to follow. As long as you can for it and give my heart, it must be you seek direction!


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