

时间:2023-06-16 13:05:40 文/李盛 写作北考网www.beiweimall.com



  Go to a bookstore that day, I from the world famous picked up a very interesting book, the name of "the catcher in the Rye", in picking up the book, I never thought that a thin book will have such an impact on me, you will feel so deep. I think this book is very good.

  美国的20世纪50年代相当混乱,人们缺乏理想,意志消沉,在自己无力的改变生活下 ,过着战争的生活。弥漫着战争的硝烟。

  The United States in twentieth Century 50's rather chaotic, people lack the ideal, depressed, change yourself powerless in life, living a life of war. Filled with war.


  We are living in a new era of children, we have a lot of confusion and annoyance, but we should concentrate on certain ahead, go our way, we should be a group of ideals, aspiring people. Ideal is the people's lights, he brought people into the future.


  Our life has just begun, even if life let our people of this generation have many puzzled, unsatisfactory, but everything is just temporary, depend on our power to change it, I now need most is our ideal, as long as the ideal there is hope.


  Yes, good will have hope, this is from the "catcher in the guardian" told me.


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