A simple story, an ordinary man, an ordinary big marlin, in the vast sea happened seemingly ordinary and extraordinary experience.
This book is about a Cuban old fisherman named diego, a man fishing alone, in the 84 days after nothing caught a big marlin. This is the old man never seen nor heard of than his boat two feet longer a big fish. Big fish strength is big, dragging the boat drifted for two days and two nights, the old man has experienced in the past two days and two nights have never suffered tough test, finally put the big shark fin die, tied to the bow. At this time, however, encountered a shark, the old man and the shark dogfight, result the big marlin was shark ate up, old man finally dragged home only a pair of bare fish skeleton.
After reading this novel, I found that the old man's story is not only a symbol of the relationship between human and nature, and a symbol of the whole human spirit indestructible. In reality, though he failed, but in spirit, he is the winner. Here, the old man is not only represents a person, but to represent a force, a kind of spirit, that is to let a person admire perseverance, the spirit of never yielding. I also very admire the novel old fisherman's will, he let me know how a man must be strong, can't meet the frustration is losing, that will never be a one thing.
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