Holding an oil-paper umbrella,
Walking back and forth alone in the long and quiet lane,
I hope to meet a girl,
Like lilac,
With slight gloomy moon.
She has,
Color like lilac,
Fragrance like lilac,
Depression like lilac,
Worrying in rain,
Worrying and hesitating.
She paces up and down in the quiet lane,
Holding an oil-paper umbrella,
Like me.
Like me,
She walks quietly,
Nonchalantly,bleakly and disconsolately.
She walks closer,
Heaving a deep sigh.
She drifts away,
Like a dream,
Like a dream,bleakly and hazily.
Like lilac drifting away
In the dream,
The girl drifts away from me.
She drifts quietly,further and further,
To the ruined wattled wall,
The end of the lane.
A Lane in the Rain
Dai Wangshu
Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,
I wander along a long
Solitary lane in the rain,
Hoping to encounter
A girl like a bouquet of lilacs
Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.
A girl
The color of lilacs,
The fragrance of lilacs,
The worries of lilacs,
Feeling melancholy in the rain,
Plaintive and hesitating.
Silently she comes closer,
Closer,giving me
A glance like a sigh;
Then she floats past
Like a dream,
Dreary and blank like a dream.
Like a lilac
Floating past in a dream,
the girl floats past me;
Silently she goes further and further,
To the crumbling wall,
Out of the lane in the rain.
In the mournful melody of the rain,
Her color has faded,
Her fragrance has disppeared,
Vanished into the void;
Even her glance like a sigh,
Melancholy like lilacs.
Alone holding an oil-paper umbrella,
I wander along a long
Solitary lane in the rain,
Hoping to pass
A girl like a bouquet of lilacs
Gnawed by anxiety and resentment.
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