

时间:2023-06-14 11:42:09 文/阿林 文学北考网www.beiweimall.com



  开头一句“岱宗夫如何”,以一句设问统领下文。二句的“齐鲁青未了”自问自答,生动形象地道出泰山的绵延 、高大。“青”字是写青翠的山色,“末了”是表现山势座落之广大 ,青翠之色一望无际。这是远望之景。

  三 、四句是近望之势。“造化钟神秀”是说泰山秀美无比,仿佛大自然将一切神奇秀丽都聚集在这里了,一个“钟”字生动有力。“阴阳割昏晓”,突出泰山的高耸挺拔,高得把山南山北分成光明与昏暗的两个天地 。“割”字形象贴切,给参天矗立的山姿赋予了生命力。

  五 、六两句是近看之景,并由静转动。“荡胸生层云”描写山腰云雾层层缭绕,使胸怀涤荡,腾云而起,用“层云”衬托出山高。“决眦入归鸟”,是瞪大了眼睛望着一只只飞回山林中的小鸟,表现出了山腹之深。一个“入”字用得微妙传神,好象一只只小鸟从远处徐徐而来,又徐徐而去,足见山腹是何等深远了。

  最后两句想象中的登山之情,仍是“ 望”,而不是“登”,是作者由望景而产生了登临的愿望。“会当凌绝顶”中的`“凌”字,表现了作者登临的决心和豪迈的壮志。“一览众山小”,写诗人想象中登上绝顶后放眼四望的景象,其他的山在泰山面前显得低小,以此衬托出泰山的高大。

  这首诗的题目是“ 望岳”,全篇紧紧抓住“望”字写景,写景中又处处烘托着一个“高”字。从而把泰山的万千景色、高大的气势渲染得纤毫毕现,令人如亲临其境。故此《望岳》一诗,成为历代描写泰山的佳篇,被人们传颂不绝。


  [appreciation] :

  Six words are the scenery of mount tai.

  The beginning of "how is daizong", with a set of questions over the following. The "qi lu qing is not yet" to answer the question, the vivid image of the tunnel of taishan mountain stretches, tall. The word "green" is a green mountain color, "last" is an expression of the mountain potential, the color of green is endless. This is the view.

  Three, four words are the potential of the close. It is said that tai shan is beautiful and beautiful, as if nature had gathered all the wonders of the world. A "clock" was vivid and powerful. "Yin and Yang", highlighting the high rise of mount tai, the high mountains north of the mountain south into the bright and dim two worlds. The word "cut" is apt to give life to the standing mountain pose.

  The five or six sentences are close to the view and are turned by static. The "booby-booby-layer cloud" describes the layer of cloud mist in the mountainside, so that the mind can be used to make it rise to the top of the mountain with "cloud". "The canthus is a bird", with a wide stare, and a bird that flies back to the forest, showing the depth of the mountain. The word "in" is a subtle transmission of the word, as if a little bird came slowly from a distance, and then went away to see how deep the mountain was.

  In the last two sentences, the feeling of mountain climbing is still "looking", not "deng", which is the author's desire to ascend in the view. The "ling" character in "the end of the world" shows the determination and ambition of the author. "A glance at the mountains," the poet's vision of the top of the top of the top of the mountain, the other mountains appear low in front of mount tai, as a foil to the towering mount tai.

  The title of this poem is "wang yue", which is tightly grasped by the "hope" and the "high" in the picture. Thus the scenery of mount tai, the height of the majestic rendering of the beauty, such as the people. Therefore, the poem of wangyue, which has been a great poem of the past dynasties, is celebrated by people.


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