

时间:2023-06-04 21:58:33 文/秦风学 文学北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The Chinese literator and poet Su Shi lived from AD 1037 to 1101. During his life, he created many works. He was perhaps most famous for his poems, but he also wrote many essays and was famous in the officialdom. I admire Su Shi because he has made a great contribution to the literature and was tough even when facing troubles.

  In Chinese history, Su Shi, together with his brother Su Zhe and father Su Xun, were all famous and were called Three Sus. But Su Shi’s contribution was the greatest. He not only created wonderful works, but also did many good things for common people when he was an officer. Today, there is still a Su Bank in Hangzhou Province.

  Because of Su’s talent, Su was envied and was relegated to Huangzhou, a poor place. Even when Su was there, he didn’t lose his spirit for the life. What’s more, his poems created at that time was even better. Su’s time has past, but his spirit lives forever.

  Su Shi, who appears as a star in Song Dynasty, lights up my heart and soul with his great spirit. Whenever I meet difficulties, I can hear him saying, “Be hopeful and powerful, believe you can face the reality!”


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