

时间:2023-06-14 06:44:52 文/孙小飞 文学北考网www.beiweimall.com

  When Xiangzi came to Beijing the rickshaw, for their own ideal struggle, hard work for three years, raised one hundred dollars, bought a rickshaw dream. Since the accident, a car carrying the man was arrested when police men hope that the first burst.

  No matter how bad, Xiangzi did not give up, Xiangzi had to pull the car to buy camel, dawn, live frugally to save money to buy a new car. But doing monthly, for all the money to be stolen, Xiangzi wants to have a burst.

  Xiangzi returned to the car factory has been preoccupied by some troubles is more than 11 in the evening, a few glasses of wine was Tigress lure, and then she slept together. Oh Xiangzi marry Tigress, Tigress cheaply bought Xiangzi neighbor two hadron car, Xiangzi once again ignited hope. Pregnant Tigress not love activities, eat snacks, leading to the fetus is too large, the result died. In order to give her funeral, Xiangzi forced Xiangzi to sell the car, all white do.

  After three three falls, Xiangzi has lost his confidence in life. He has become numb, and cunning, good cheap, Chihepiaodu, becomes a dead-alive person. A first - class driver, who was so strong, still didnt struggle out of a tragic fate. Xiangzi is the epitome of the poor working people in the old society. He reflects the hardships and helplessness of the living people of the old society.

  The camel Xiangzi expresses the authors deep sympathy for the working people, and also reveals the exploitation and oppression of the old and honest society by the dark old society.







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