

时间:2023-06-10 05:38:11 文/李盛 委托书北考网www.beiweimall.com

付款委托书英文 篇1

  我/我们是_____的公民/法人,根据中华人民共和国专利法第19条的`规定,兹委托_____ (机构代码:__________),并由该机构指定其专利代理人_____、_____代为办理名称为_______________申请号(或专利号)/国际申请号为_____的专利申请在中华人民共和国的全部专利事宜。


  pursuant to the article 19 of the patent law of the people’s republic of china, i/we, citizen/legal entity of_____hereby authorize _____ (code:_____) to appoint its patent attorney(s)_____ ,_____ to handle all patent affairs related to the application with title as_____ and application number(or patent number)/international application number as_____in the prc.

付款委托书英文 篇2

  _____________________(name), passport/identity card

  本 人, ( 姓 名) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码

  _____________ , hereby authorised , holder of passport/identity card number , to submit/collect

  护 照/身 份 证 号 码 代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取

  my visa applicationon my behalf.

  我 的 签 证 申 请。 ___________________ ____________

  signature of applicant date

  申 请 人 签 名 日 期

付款委托书英文 篇3

Unit (full name) :



  Legal representative: (or responsible) postal code:

  Agent: _______________

  We hereby authorize a comrade to go through the registration of the above premises. Term of entrustment: from the date of XXXX XX to XXXX XX, XX.

  Authorized unit (seal) :

  Legal representative (or person in charge) (signature or seal) :


付款委托书英文 篇4

XXX limited:

  Please transfer the RMB XXX (capital) to (or import) XXX from the account of the money account I have opened in your company.

  Full name:

  Open door line:

  Account no. :

  Customer (or capital allocation) signature (seal) :

  XX XX XX day

付款委托书英文 篇5

__________ the units:

  In case of business need, we hereby authorize __________ as our legal authorized payee and authorize it to carry out the collection work on behalf of our company.

  All ACTS of the agent represent the company and have the same legal effect as the company's actions. The company shall bear all the legal consequences and legal liabilities of the agent's actions. Hereby entrust.

  Agent name: __________ the id card number: the... bank: __________ account: __________

  Client: __________

  Date: X, X, X

付款委托书英文 篇6

  ______company (entrustment unit) entrusts ______company (trustee) to collect _____ money. The entrustment is valid for the collection of the proceeds to the client's account. The relevant matters that occurred during the period are handled by the trustee.

  Client: ____________ unit name (official seal)

  ______________ ____________ ______

  Trustee: ____________ unit name (official seal)

  ______________ ____________ ______

付款委托书英文 篇7

  To Whom It Maybe Concerned,

  Hereby we, Shanghai Construction Group(SCG), would like to authorize Peking Company for General Contracting(PKG) to be our agency in Kurdistan Region to develop business. We will appreciate a lot if you could provide all the necessary support.

  Valid period from Sept.1, 20xx to Dec.31, 20xx.

  Best regards.

  Sincerely yours.

  Jiang Zhiquan


  Shanghai Construction Group

  Shanghai Construction GroupWebsite:.cn 1

付款委托书英文 篇8

  I, _____________________(Name), Passport/Identity Card _____________ , hereby authorised , holder of Passport/Identity Card number , to submit/collect my visa application on my behalf.

  ___________________ ____________

  Signature of Applicant Date

付款委托书英文 篇9

Cause: the...

  This accredit a power of attorney statement: __________ (hereinafter referred to as the company) to buy accessories for your company, signed the contract with __________ to __________ __________ the contract, the total contract price of the... yuan. Now my company commissioned __________ the id number for __________ and __________ we pay to your company (all) of the payment for goods under the contract for the... yuan. According to the contract, you have issued a valid invoice to our company for the contract.

  The relationship between our company and __________ is not related to XX.

  The client __________ will not recover the sum of the money from your company.

  Hereby entrust.

  (authorized person) client: __________ (authorized person

  Date: X, X, X, X, X, X, X


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