

时间:2023-06-10 11:32:58 文/莉落 委托书北考网www.beiweimall.com


  Development zone real estate management office:

  We hereby entrust...... to handle the registration formalities of the property ownership certificate and the agent for the collection of real estate certificate.

  The agency period is _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ day _____.

  Legal representative :(signature or seal)

  Date: _____________ day.

  Agent:... identity document no. : ______________.

  Contact number: ______________.

  Description: 1. The legal representative is the chief executive officer of enterprises, institutions, state organs and social organizations.

  2. The contents must be truthful, clear and invalid.

  3. This certificate is for real estate registration only.


  Client:...,...,... born years _____ _____ month, now lives: alarm, id card number: that...

  Agent:...,...,... born years _____ _____ month, now lives: alarm, id card number: that...

  The client and the trustee are the husband and wife, and hereby entrust the trustee to be my legal representative. I have the full authority to handle the following matters:

  A, authorized to deal with in:...,... (real estate authority card: no...., building area:... square meters, building structure, mix, design purpose: residential) house he weight lifting.

  1. To sign a brokerage contract, a loan contract, a mortgage contract and a mortgage registration in the mortgage of a financial institution with the above property;

  2, to the financial institutions and the relevant departments to receive he xiang of real estate authority card, and he cancelled an authority, signed cancellation of mortgage registration, go through the formalities for the borrowing of borrowing to sign, sign in the financial sector borrowing ious, get the financial sector borrow;

  3. Sell the above mentioned real estate, sign the sales contract, pay relevant taxes, adjust the records, correct the registration, and handle the transfer of real estate right;

  2. The client warrants that the materials and documents provided are true and valid, and if there is any false or other fraudulent conduct, the client is willing to bear all legal liabilities.

  3. Term of entrustment: from the date of the commission, to _______, _______, _______, _______.

  Four, the client during the period of entrust, delegate authority within the scope of all the relevant documents signed, I have to admit, resulting in the law the rights and obligations shall be borne by the clients to enjoy and.

  5. The trustee has the right of transfer.

  Client (signature) : ______________.

  _____ _____ _____ day _____.


  Party a (hereinafter referred to as the trustor) :... the legal representative: alarm id: alarm telephone number: alarm address: that

  Party b (hereinafter referred to as the trustee) :... the legal representative: alarm id: alarm contact phone: alarm address: that

  With the principle of fairness, equality and mutual benefit, both parties agree to entrust the sales of the property to:

  1. Commissioned sales of real estate.

  Party b authorizes to sell all the properties of party a's customers and has the right of first sale.

  Ii. Party a's obligations.

  Due to party a the customer property company, unity under the premise that the customer agrees to entrust party b sells, party a shall provide the customer property are true and correct, and shall enjoy the right of property legal fully dispose of.

  Iii. Party b's obligations.

  Party b shall first seek to provide the appropriate information of the real estate demand to be sold in accordance with party a's customers, and the service fee of 1% (after tax) shall be charged after success.

  4. Low price part agreement.

  If party a's customer agrees, it is below the market price of 40 -- 50% of the real estate, and party b guarantees to handle the sale of the property within 10 days without any charge.

  This authorization is declared, the sign face to face...... company directors as a legal representative of the legal representative authorization: the unit for the alarm company's legal agent, authorized agent in the name of the unit, and the representative for buying and selling real estate consultation, sign the contract with the client and handle everything to do with the matter. All ACTS of the agent represent the unit and have the same legal effect as the person's.

  We acknowledge all the actions and all the documents signed by the trustee in the above entrustment, and bear all the legal consequences arising therefrom.

  Term of entrustment: _

  The power of attorney must not be lent, transferred or bought or sold.

  Party a (seal) : party b (seal) :

  _____________ _____ _____ day _____ day _____ _____.


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