

时间:2023-06-19 11:56:56 文/阿林 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  to the referee from candidate's company:

  the master of business administration (mba) program in the economics & management school of xx university came into being in xxxx, which seeks excellent participants from diverse academic and professional backgrounds, and has been officially accredited by association of mbas since march, xxxx.

  our purpose is to cultivate professional managers with international economic visions and modern theory and technique of management. thus, applicants' personal qualities are as important as academic ability and working experience. this reference letter is an important component of our admission process.

  either chinese or english is acceptable when you fill in this reference letter.

  please fill in the form yourself and enclose this form with your name-card into an envelope, seal it and sign across the seal on the envelope flap. we are grateful for your assistance. you can attach additional sheets of paper if necessary. we appreciate your assistance in helping to eva luate the candidate and any information you provide will remain confidential.


  applicant's name


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