

时间:2023-06-14 11:33:23 文/张东东 推荐信北考网www.beiweimall.com


  The classmates are kind and sincere, polite, to respect teachers, unite classmates, and the harmonious relationship between students; strong sense of discipline, disciplined, civilized, honest, have good sense of social responsibility and moral quality; to actively participate in the life of the party organization, the timely payment of dues, concerned about national affairs thought, progress requirements, conscientiously study and implement the party's policy of political theory; stand firm, firmly support the leadership of the party, and actively study Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought, Deng Xiaoping theory, the important thought of "Three Represents" and the "high note, governance

  On quality and level. Take an active part in social practice, engage in enthusiastic volunteer activities, take an active part in all kinds of public welfare activities, have strong sense of social responsibility and sense of justice, and show strong dedication and self sacrifice in various public activities. The student is mentally mature, healthy, and has a strong self psychological adjustment ability. Life, can actively integrate into the society, actively participate in various activities, simple life, not extravagant, willing to help people, very loving. Can actively participate in physical exercise, participate in all kinds of sports activities, and strengthen their physical quality. The students with good English proficiency, English literature and translation in English can freely read related fields; study hard, good grades, positive enterprising, not satisfied with the status quo, assiduously, active innovation, strive to learn professional knowledge, listen to the teacher carefully, and take the initiative to communicate with teachers to explore the problem, usually can actively listen to the academic report, many improve comprehensive scientific literacy. To be able to bear hardships and hard work, to think carefully, to be active in thinking, to be good at thinking, and to raise one's mind. The student has excellent academic achievements in the period of master's degree, further deepens the theoretical study of professional aspects, and has a more perfect knowledge structure and theoretical level. In the semester the students participated in part of the research project, with independent ability to analyze and solve problems, to put forward some effective measures on the process and key technology, the experimental phenomena and results related to the flexible use of the relevant theory, in-depth analysis, reflects the students with high professional level and scientific research ability. In the scientific research work, the students show strong scientific spirit and have more outstanding academic and academic qualities. In the practice of science, the ability and level of scientific research have been raised and raised. The students have strong enterprising spirit, and have strong demands for further study and improvement. In view of the comprehensive quality and ability of the student, I recommend this student highly. I hope this student will have the chance to further develop and improve and become a useful person in the country.





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